And Illinois fails to carry Mbakwe's jock strap.

If I wasn't watching the game, I'd think we're done by 20 in the first half by reading this thread.

I wish everyone would stop the god damned play by play bitching, and comment on the game that is really intense. This is gonna be a damned good game, enjoy it, and talk about the good stuff.

No foul on Coleman! Body and got hit in the face. Brutal. Honestly one of the worst no calls I can remember.

Getting hit in the face is no longer a foul

Chip might play out of control but he'd be a god send on this second unit.

One thing about Armelin, he always made something happen. Might not always be good.....
Could be 15 pts or 15 turnovers, but something would happen.

Wow. Listening to these announcers you'd think that guy hardly touched Coleman. He got hammered!

How the *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# is that not a foul on Coleman?

I wish everyone would stop the god damned play by play bitching, and comment on the game that is really intense. This is gonna be a damned good game, enjoy it, and talk about the good stuff.

Or we can do whatever we want. Chill

And once again, the ref with the worst position makes the call. So friggin' sick of that.

One thing about Armelin, he always made something happen. Might not always be good.....
Could be 15 pts or 15 turnovers, but something would happen.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I actually just burst out laughing reading that!! Well done!!

Phantom points, no foul...is Tim Donaghy reffing college now?

Coleman loves those fast break dunks. I do too.

This is what happens when you live by the 3.

Nice pass, nice cut. That's basketball.

surprise they did not call a foul on us for scoring. I guess tubby did not get the memo that Ill is supposed to win this game.

Mbakwe is carrying this team right now...I hope they gave him credit for that great rebound and save in the corner.

Trevor is playing out of his damn mind right now. I kinda thought he would play well with Illinois' lack of bigs but he's dominating.

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