Despite the big turnover in the end zone, we are in this game. I like our chances as long as our run game isn't predictable and our defense doesn't give up any more big plays. I like the fact that we are throwing more on 1st down. Very winnable game but don't get conservative on offense.

You must have never watched Barry sanders.

their touchdown run he was untouched without making a move

Barry sanders would break 5 tackles for a 4 yard gain
I agree.....except Barry Sanders would make unreal moves on 4 defenders and get a TD untouched

Here's an oldy but goody...

Hopefully Bukcy is watching this at halftime.

I agree.....except Barry Sanders would make unreal moves on 4 defenders and get a TD untouched
I don't see the Wisconsin backs making many moves.

Was that another targeting?

That was dumb. Why was CAB returning that kick? And why didn't he let it go out of the back of the end zone?

CAB does not do a very good job of protecting himself, and had no business fielding that kick off for a return

Let’s put our best WR who was hurt earlier in the game back to return kicks. Makes sense.

Fleck just told the ref "twice" they missed targeting.

Blake Cashman was kicked out of a game vs WI on a similar play.

Wow...can we just target guys now and get 2 freebies?

That’s targeting no matter what Dean and the refs say. He initiated contacted with his helmet.

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