You just know they won't score a TD here.

Was hoping WI wouldn't get the lead. Don't have a good feeling with them getting the lead. We'll see.

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Need to capitalize ! yeeeeeeeeeeessssssssss as i'm typing it! good mitch today guys! good mitch!

And if they had gotten theb1st down they may scored a TD. If. Is always an if.

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Exactly my point. The punt itself didn't change the momentum. The 80 yard drive by Wisconsin did.

That ol quick strike Minnesota offense

I remember when forward progress mattered...but not today. QB's can throw from their butts and stopped RBs can reach with the ball while laying prone on top of the 4 other guys after the whistle blew.

The fix in is.

Riding the emotional roller-coaster with Gopher FB. I'm glad I'm not hooked up to a blood-pressure cuff.

Can Claeys get the extension at halftime? Boys are ready to play.

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Been too long, but Welcome back Good Mitch.:drink:

Quick stop and give the D some time to rest with a long drive. Can't have them getting gassed.

Not sure if jay johnson heard me but i said go for the dagger.

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