that's an interesting guy to single out. haven't really noticed anything particularly bad and seen him have a pressure or two
1 tackle, 2 missed. How many times does he crash in and lose contain. He is not a starter on a good big ten team. He looses outside leverage consistently.

Wonder what our play calling would have looked like if we got the ball at our own 37 with 46 seconds left in the half and one time out. UCLA was a bad pass from turning that situation into a TD.

I will say, going back to brew, kill and with PJ
the W/W/W look has been an constant loser.
Something about that uni combo has always given us losses.

yeah yeah I know the game isn't over, but dammit it feels like a wasted trip to LA

d looks out of sync today. blitzing when soft at the back. pressing when rushing 4. have to sort themselves out
I think our O looks way more out of sync than D .., back to very predictable play calling. It was really interesting to watch the offenses in Illinois vs Purdue. But we are still in the game. If we can score 24 on USC, we shouldn’t get shut out by UCLA.

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