Imagine how quickly all the Fleck silliness loses the team during/after games like this, Illinois, Northwestern, etc.

A locker room lost.

But hey buck up and tear down the field at the end of the quarter, and hand the ball to the ref after every play, because…

This. The silly Row the Dick thing and creepy PJ and Heather Fleck thing has run its course.

I await the statement from the AD that PJ has his total support. Of course, someone will have to wake up the AD before he can issue the statement.

Knowing how PJ is, at least we'll see 2-3 runs before a punt to make the game go by faster

We're making Purdue look like their "basketball on grass" days are back.

Our "great young recruits* are undersized and not that fast. I am doubting Fleck's ability to recruit the speed needed at DB, WR, and QB.

Also, our DL sucks more d than Richard Simmons on coke.

11-27 is never going to be enough at this level. There has to be a competition of course if you are QB why would you come here. AK is awful.

I'm out. I'll have to catch the dramatic 4th-quarter comeback victory on replay.

NOBODY should let PJ get away with we are young we have injuries nonsense. He and his staff have been awful all year. Look at the bios of these guys on our staff nowhere near the quality or experience a B10 staff needs. The other staffs week in and week out are better; especially on special teams but also regularly on O and D.

media - “PJ, it seems you’ve been out coached and out recruited”
P.j. “We have people who just aren’t rowing the boat. If we rowed we would be winning”

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