Well at least it was exciting for a little while.. That's a positive I guess.

You're right, my bad. I've been watching the wrong Squirrel for the past 2 years. Facepalm.

He hasn't played very well this year for the most part (He was OK on the whole last year), but you don't judge present performance by past results. Try to remember that. That's called predetermined bias.

Who thinks we like 20 point losses? When you find them, fire them.

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I was so glad to see Elliott Eliason finally graduate. Now I have to watch Diedhiou, Konate, and Charles Buggs. These three guys are beyond horrible.

Diedhou and Konate can make Elliot look like Bill Walton.

His shot selection tonight isn't horrible. Wasn't in the last game either. He's 6 of 11 tonight while the team overall is shooting 36%. You do the math.

It's not so much his shot selection. It's his general offensive play. He kills any and all ball movement. He catches. Then jab steps, stares at his defender, jab steps again, stares at the mascot, then drives. By the time he makes his move the defense has fully recovered and he's gotten himself a fairly make-able one on one matchup and shot. Instead of a potential wide open look if he would just move the ball or drive as soon as he catches. The Gophers are a terrible passing team and Morris is a big reason why.

Very few of Leidner's struggles are due to him doing dumb things. There's a difference between having physical limitations and making stupid plays.

My point is that there are some who pretty much refuse to say Morris played well in a game just like with Leidner.

Morris was out best player on offense tonight and it wasn't even close.

Question, Does Pitino get even mildly upset with bad calls, bad plays etc. He seems intent on clapping and whistling, thought I'd turned into a European soccer match.

The Gophers are a terrible passing team and Morris is a big reason why.

He's part of the reason but he's not the only reason. Our point guard tonight had one assist. Mason has had a pretty mediocre year but he mostly gets a pass on this board.

He's part of the reason but he's not the only reason. Our point guard tonight had one assist. Mason has had a pretty mediocre year but he mostly gets a pass on this board.

Yeah. And Mason and Morris lead the team in quick, long, contested twos. Agree though Mason has been really underwhelming this year. I don't think he has stayed in front of a guard he's defending all year either.

King, Mason and Buggs 3 for 20 on FG tonight.

The concern for me is Mason. He looks to be pressing. Last year he let the game come to him. Too much talent to play this poorly last few games.

He's part of the reason but he's not the only reason. Our point guard tonight had one assist. Mason has had a pretty mediocre year but he mostly gets a pass on this board.

Agree and it would be nice if a guard other than Morris could actually hit a 3.

Question, Does Pitino get even mildly upset with bad calls, bad plays etc. He seems intent on clapping and whistling, thought I'd turned into a European soccer match.

Yes he gets upset

He's part of the reason but he's not the only reason. Our point guard tonight had one assist. Mason has had a pretty mediocre year but he mostly gets a pass on this board.

Mason works his ass off and doesn't have much to work with. One assist. Sure. Who the hell is going to put it in the hoop, after a Mason pass? Bakary? Gas?

Think about it.

Who thought some of these guys were division 1 players? Somebody has put together a really, really bad team. Hopefully some of the younger guys develop. In any case this whole mess is on the coach.

Gophers got blown out, then blew Ohio State out over the middle part of the game, then managed to get blown out again. I can't point to one thing this team does well. They are a terrible defensive team, a terrible shooting team, a terrible rebounding team, and have a shockingly low basketball IQ as a group.

Does anyone remember a Gopher team giving up more dunks than this one did tonight?

The biggest issue defensively to me is that everyone over 6'6 on this team either can't defend a chair, much less a basketball player or has zero idea what to do on the court. It doesn't help that this team gives away O boards like candy on Halloween.

Offensively, this team just doesn't shoot it well enough. It would certainly be nice to have a true low post threat, but I am not sure it would matter that much because their never would be any room for that guy because defenders don't have to worry about the 3. One thing that was very apparent early in the game was this team takes too many long 2's. Nobody is going to make those shots frequently enough to make them more efficient than just taking a 3.

The second half was so sad, my wife who does not watch sports at all summed it up. "The grey team passes it around so well, why doesn't your team do that more honey?" Its going to be a long year. i hope the reports of the saviors coming around the corner next year are right. sigh

Gophers got blown out, then blew Ohio State out over the middle part of the game, then managed to get blown out again. I can't point to one thing this team does well. They are a terrible defensive team, a terrible shooting team, a terrible rebounding team, and have a shockingly low basketball IQ as a group. Does anyone remember a Gopher team giving up more dunks than this one did tonight? The biggest issue defensively to me is that everyone over 6'6 on this team either can't defend a chair, much less a basketball player or has zero idea what to do on the court. It doesn't help that this team gives away O boards like candy on Halloween. Offensively, this team just doesn't shoot it well enough. It would certainly be nice to have a true low post threat, but I am not sure it would matter that much because their never would be any room for that guy because defenders don't have to worry about the 3. One thing that was very apparent early in the game was this team takes too many long 2's. Nobody is going to make those shots frequently enough to make them more efficient than just taking a 3.

Agreed. And the bad defense is the most troubling. We aren't quick enough to defend the perimeter or big enough to defend inside nor smart enough to make quick rotations. This team has no strength of defense what so ever.

not saying that this was a win for us, but certainly an opportunity to be competitive given how young OSU is as well, man I would just like us to compete. It seems like once they hit the hump of going down 10 they just let it happen.

Mason works his ass off and doesn't have much to work with. One assist. Sure. Who the hell is going to put it in the hoop, after a Mason pass? Bakary? Gas?

Think about it.

Morris had an assist to Gas tonight so it can be done.

Can Konate or diedhiou honestly catch a pass if they were all alone under the basket? If they did catch it with their stone hands would they be able to shoot it into the hoop? I'm not a basketball coach but I can tell you these guys will never develop no matter how much the staff works with them. I will put Charles Buggs into this group also. They have zero basketball IQ.

Gaston and Konate should transfer out. Konate has horrible hands and no court awareness. You can see both himself and Gaston " thinking " on the court. Both started basketball late. I've seen junior high school kids with better basic fundamentals. They both have size, but they don't know how to use it. Watch their positioning on the defensive boards. Most of the time they setup way to close to basket and can't see the ball coming off the rim. They seem like good kids and try hard, but the light just isn't on.

Gaston and Konate should transfer out. Konate has horrible hands and no court awareness. You can see both himself and Gaston " thinking " on the court. Both started basketball late. I've seen junior high school kids with better basic fundamentals. They both have size, but they don't know how to use it. Watch their positioning on the defensive boards. Most of the time they setup way to close to basket and can't see the ball coming off the rim. They seem like good kids and try hard, but the light just isn't on.

I'm sure they are great kids but they are division 3 basketball players. Pitino has swung and missed on these kids.

Gaston and Konate should transfer out. Konate has horrible hands and no court awareness. You can see both himself and Gaston " thinking " on the court. Both started basketball late. I've seen junior high school kids with better basic fundamentals. They both have size, but they don't know how to use it. Watch their positioning on the defensive boards. Most of the time they setup way to close to basket and can't see the ball coming off the rim. They seem like good kids and try hard, but the light just isn't on.

Completely agree with you. Both were the only bigs that he could get that late in the recruiting period. It was a gamble that turned out badly. It has to be tough on the coaching staff when your red shirts and reserves can beat the starters at practice.

Gaston and Konate should transfer out. Konate has horrible hands and no court awareness. You can see both himself and Gaston " thinking " on the court. Both started basketball late. I've seen junior high school kids with better basic fundamentals. They both have size, but they don't know how to use it. Watch their positioning on the defensive boards. Most of the time they setup way to close to basket and can't see the ball coming off the rim. They seem like good kids and try hard, but the light just isn't on.
Agreed I'm sure they're great kids but they just aren't close to D1 players right now and I have serious doubts if they ever will be. They both struggle to rebound, catch the ball, and really just get in the way on offense without producing anything. On defense they don't seem to have a very high basketball IQ, don't move real well, and can't defend alone in the post forcing somebody to come down and double team usually leading to a open 3 or dunk. This team looks much better when they go small so hopefully Murphy can stay out of foul trouble and we see more small ball the rest of the season.

No need to overanalyze as there was nothing surprising in this game. Lack of interior D and weak rebounding are not going to change this year.
Going to be lots of these the next 8 weeks. Young guys need to learn and improve; old guys need to compete as hard as they can.

Completely agree with you. Both were the only bigs that he could get that late in the recruiting period. It was a gamble that turned out badly. It has to be tough on the coaching staff when your red shirts and reserves can beat the starters at practice.
At the time I'm sure he was thinking he just needed some depth with big men to help last seasons veteran team try to make a tournament run and took some chances and they haven't gone real well. I'm sure looking back now and seeing how last year ended up he wouldn't have took those chances and would have held those scholarships for a plan A guy rather than the risky gamble type guys.

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