Gotta stay tight on Westerkamp. Did a great job in the 1st half. Darn.

Unless the golden, magical mystery line was way off, no way he got that first down.

Westerkamp and Woli are most certainly not the "same thing".

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Richardson was getting held so bad on that 3rd down. That happens SO often and never gets called!

Nothing there on the ground. Contain Westerkamp and we're golden.

So far Neb has converted on a 3rd down they were actually short on...and a 3rd down our DT was getting held. DANGIT! Let's go boys. You can overcome.

Nice tackle.

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Did I just see a block in the back during that TD? Now the refs decide to stop calling penalties.

Really poor recognition on that screen. Our DL usually does a better job than that -- especially Richardson.

And the tackling. OMG...both Neb TD's, our Db's have made such a poor effort to just push people out of bounds...

Saw that, felt the same. Like...whaaa?

In football related news,
Overall I'm pretty happy, I just hope we get out of the same ole, 'play not to lose' mentalilty.
Keep the iron hot and make a statement. Keep the offense balanced and on D, dont play 7 yards
off on a 4th and 2...

As I said, this team is ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED of winning big games. They just dont know what
to do with them.... and as predicted, they play not to lose by playing scared..
3rd and 5, they play 10 yards off the ball and literally give it to them. EVER. SINGLE. TIME.

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