Pitino is already back on the hot seat. And I am a big Pitino fan. The next two games just got a lot more important. Good teams, nay, average teams, don't get beat by 30.


Lose your login password. My lord what a terrible take.

Idk where i would put this, but how nice would it be to have a player like Duncan Robinson on our team. He has the prettiest shot in all of college basketball.

Sorry, but imo, Pitino was NOT on the hotseat, and it could be argued that he has exceeded expectations so far this season.

So who on earth before the season started can claim they thought the Gophers would win their ROAD game vs MSU this season????

I think this could be the BEST time of the year for everyone one of our players to have a bad game or close to it.

Hey, we won the 2nd half. Not a huge victory, but vs MSU, on the road, who knows?

Not to mention that we would have all dreamed of starting 3-2 in the BT a few weeks back. With 3 of them road games-we are still ahead of schedule. If we had to lose- taking a good beating might serve us well going forward- makes this team realize that they just can't show up and play street ball on offense and win.

Can we just not discuss the worst take in the history of Gopherhole any further.

It's been 20 years (27 if you ignore the vacated 1997 season) since we won 3 straight conference games on the road. It's really hard to do, so I'll give them a pass for a bad game. What they can't do moving forward is to let this snowball into a momentum killing losing streak.

Mason is key

We just didn't show up tonight. The real key is did they learn anything from this. Mason has to understand we win when we have great ball movement and he is making shots. Teams have been shutting him down. When that happens we lose. The recipe to shut him down was implemented the last 3 games. Can coach change something or can Mason do something different to react to the intense defense he is now seeing. Pitino will need to get that fixed before we play a winnable game against Penn State.

Mason needs to learn that he is a point guard first, not a scorer. I feel like he let the purdue game go to his head and now thinks he has ro be the main scorer. As for the rest of the team, Breslin is one of the hardest places to play, adding on the fact that they are very young. Im not worried at all about the team, we just need to get back to everyone doing their job.

Michigan States guards don't allow much dribble penetration in the lane. Lynch is put in a lot of situations to make plays at the basket. A lot of it comes from the gophers trying to fight over screens. It allows for easy lanes to the basket.

Too bad we're sloppy with our screens and many of them are lazy by the screen setter.

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Mason needs to learn that he is a point guard first, not a scorer. I feel like he let the purdue game go to his head and now thinks he has ro be the main scorer. As for the rest of the team, Breslin is one of the hardest places to play, adding on the fact that they are very young. Im not worried at all about the team, we just need to get back to everyone doing their job.

We 100% need Mason to score though. He's the best we have on the offensive side.

So did we get out coached again?

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1 game is not a trend. Let's see what happens on Saturday. If they come out flat - or look intimidated on the road (not as likely at Penn State as Mich State) - or just look like a really young team - then there might be something to be concerned about.

This is still a really young team, and young teams tend to be more up-and-down. consistency comes with experience. The freshmen and transfers have played 5 games in the B1G. I'm not going to hit the panic button yet. Then again, if they play 2 or 3 bad games in a row, then that's a horse of a different color.

Having said that - Mason is still the key to this team. He needs to be the leader on the floor. Can't expect him to drop 31 every game - but he is the one player on the floor who should be counted on to show some consistency. He needs to be the calming force when things aren't going well. The next couple of games will be a test for Mason to see if he is truly capable of being the leader this team needs.

1 game is not a trend. Let's see what happens on Saturday. If they come out flat - or look intimidated on the road (not as likely at Penn State as Mich State) - or just look like a really young team - then there might be something to be concerned about.

This is still a really young team, and young teams tend to be more up-and-down. consistency comes with experience. The freshmen and transfers have played 5 games in the B1G. I'm not going to hit the panic button yet. Then again, if they play 2 or 3 bad games in a row, then that's a horse of a different color.

Having said that - Mason is still the key to this team. He needs to be the leader on the floor. Can't expect him to drop 31 every game - but he is the one player on the floor who should be counted on to show some consistency. He needs to be the calming force when things aren't going well. The next couple of games will be a test for Mason to see if he is truly capable of being the leader this team needs.

This is probably the best post in this entire thread. 100% agree.

Another thing that i noticed is that the gophers only really run one set on offense. I think they need to do something to try and get Mason and Coffey some cleaner looks. To many times it is a player trying to create their own shot, which has lead to many wild shots from everyone.

People need to RELAX. Young team, playing scared in a hostile environment. Playing even more scared because Sparty handed us our only loss in the past 2 months.

Hopefully they wake up and make it an okay game.

This is what the Barn needs to be every B1G game. This team will learn from this. Just one game. It's also tough to play with a target on your back and a ranking, young guys reading too much about themselves and how good they are. Pitino will set them straight.

So did we get out coached again?

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I was at the game. It didn't look like MN came to play. Energy wise it just wasn't there in comparison to MSU. I will say that had we just shot the ball better... the defense was still there. There were so many missed contested lay-ups that we should have gotten. The final score was only a 18 point difference and a few of those layups go in and say 2 more 3pt shots and it is a real contest right to the end. I'm not entirely sure why people on this board are going negative after an off night for the whole team. Nobody had 10 points until Mason started to drain shots when MSU didn't care.

I think the team started to believe their own hype. If thats on the coaches than maybe we did get out coached. I think that our coaching staff will learn from this as well after all this was the first time they were ranked.

Edit: there really weren't that many people who were negative on this. just saw a couple.

Really? An overrated chant? lulz
the section I was sitting in (all MSU fans) started laughing at the students when that chant came up. I think many people realized this irony as well as realized that 24th isn't really very highly rated or worth that chant.

I was at the game. It didn't look like MN came to play. Energy wise it just wasn't there in comparison to MSU. I will say that had we just shot the ball better... the defense was still there. There were so many missed contested lay-ups that we should have gotten. The final score was only a 18 point difference and a few of those layups go in and say 2 more 3pt shots and it is a real contest right to the end. I'm not entirely sure why people on this board are going negative after an off night for the whole team. Nobody had 10 points until Mason started to drain shots when MSU didn't care.

I think the team started to believe their own hype. If thats on the coaches than maybe we did get out coached. I think that our coaching staff will learn from this as well after all this was the first time they were ranked.

Edit: there really weren't that many people who were negative on this. just saw a couple.

Watching the game I think this is accurate. And beyond the questionable reffing and our team's inability to hit a clutch shot in the first half, let's point out the other elephant in the room. Mich St had I believe the 3rd overall 2016 recruiting class with 4 top 50 guys. This is the same as the teams Calapari rolls out every year - it takes a while for them to congeal, but as soon as they do, these teams can start to explode, just like Bridges did in the first half last night. Dude's knocking down contested 23 footers... it's just hard to compete with that caliber of talent when they're having an on night. Hats off to MSU, on the next one.

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