Gophers incredibly slow, look like they are asleep. No drive or alertness on defense, no energy on offense - dull play-calling - and can't put any pressure on the MD QB. As some ask, is this a verdict on Fleck's recruitment on defense?

There's an entire thread devoted specifically to the game conversation. Is that thread not good enough for you?

Really worried about this defense (understatement). Such a lack of athleticism and agility at the Linebacker position. DL can’t seem to get off a block. Secondary taking poor angles in pursuit. Honestly cannot see us getting a win this season unless this changes somehow. Really hoping we can turn it around.

"What are you seeing right now from Tua's brother?"

No defenders near him.

Did anyone block anyone on that kickoff?

And it was a fumble forced by the ground.

wow. man I've watched just about every quarter of every game for the last few years but I might turn this one off.

again, silly to even play this stupid goofy season.

ground caused that we're getting it back

Holy shit! We were the favorite right?

Holy crap. Is this for real? What the heck is going on here?

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