Entire defensive coaching staff needs to go... this is the softest college defense I can ever remember watching.

We could have prime Ray Guy and Adam Vinateri as our specialists and still get wrecked by Maryland

Well whatever, fire them all.

I knew it was going to be stupid to waste everyone's eligibility on this goofy ass Covid season.

So how many possessions in a row without forcing a punt now?

Gotta figure something out to get through the season without looking this embarrassing. But imo the only must must win this season is the Scott Frosts game.

55 can stay on the sideline. Is there no one better? Gophers must need Oliver back.

Wow, what a great job of executing the vaunted funnel defense. Did Smith return as DC? I've seen flag football teams have better defense than our boyz are currently playing.

Minnesota is to 2020 as Northwestern was to 2019 :(

Maryland could score 80 tonight if they want to.

Trying to stay positive, this is extremely tough to watch though leaving me wondering about many things.

My brother who could care less about watching the game, invited me over to his outdoor fire pit tonight to hang out, listen to tunes and have some beverages. I told him, "No, I gotta watch it on TV, because we are gonna Kill the Terrapins". Needless to say, I'm about to fire up the car and head over there.

Evidently our 2017 class didn't have much for defense.

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