Unfortunately trying to take the air out of the ball with 11 minutes left Isn’t a good strategy.

Sanford and his need to change plays at last second does nothing but give the D an advantage. Starting to make me think he’s an over thinker- and pissing me off

In a dog fight with the probably the worst team in the Big 10. This isn't good.

Wow, Cole Field House is now a practice facility. Was a huge Terps basketball fan back in the Joe Smith days.

Tough to sack......most are very short dropbacks....still need to at least put out more push and contain

St Juste is not a freshman and he has missed a ton of tackles. Needs to step up and be a leader back there.

There definitely needs to be more emphasis on containment next weelk. A lot of opportunities to sack the QB and just missing. Most athletic QBs we'll face though (I hope) in Milton and Tua's brother.

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