I'm not sure if he does today. He looks a little slow in my opinion.

I think brooks would have slowed down to try and juke the defender out. Probably would have either been tackled or had a huge stiff arm at that point ha.

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I'm not sure if he does today. He looks a little slow in my opinion.

I wonder what game Beth is watching? She just announced Winfield missed the first time but came back to make the tackle. Replay clearly shows it was Travis who missed the first time.

Well this one ain't over yet...

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Buford not ready for the big time. That was awful defense.

Buford got turned around but nice throw by the freshman

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I wonder what game Beth is watching? She just announced Winfield missed the first time but came back to make the tackle. Replay clearly shows it was Travis who missed the first time.

I don't think she ever has a good grasp about what's on the field.

So, they scored a TD, but ate up some clock. Let's finish this thing!

Who is Buford II and why is he in the game?

Buford not ready for the big time. That was awful defense.

Why do people say things like this based on one play. He played real well last week, and has played well today. He got beat. That happens - in college, the NFL.

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Woulda been nice to beat PSU or Iowa so this win meant something

In hindsight the suspended players cost us that PSU game. Defense has been better since their return.

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Well this one ain't over yet...

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ESPN W probability down to 99.4% from 99.7%. But I don't think they're including the "Gopher" factor.... :p

Why do people say things like this based on one play. He played real well last week, and has played well today. He got beat. That happens - in college, the NFL.

Because the in game thread is stream of consciousness. It's not well thought out. It's not long considered. It's what folks think off of one play.

And now we have an example of why Connor doesn't run the option

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We just snapped the ball with 10 seconds left on the play clock. This doesn't seem to be just a Leidner thing.

Play not to lose...

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wow-- how can we we have such gutless play calling when you need to the ice the game

If Moore gets even an average block on that, it's a first down.

Coaches see Rhoda every day. If they don't trust him to pass here - I've seen nothing to doubt that decision.

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We're going turtle. Which, with a QB like Rhoda under center isn't the worst idea. Just escape.

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