It’s going to be a battle to score with second tier guys playing

I could call plays better than MN in my sleep. It’s like watching remedial football. Cross midfield, run it on 1st and 2nd down. With your 4th string back no less. After he just carried it 3 times in a row? 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Remember the ask Corso or whatever it was called on NCAA or Madden? That'd be better than the shit we see weekly

That's a bullshit call

Wally has as much right to the ball as the receiver

RUTM, RUTM, don't convert.

Lather, rinse, repeat.
I strenuously disagree with this approach on offense given what the RB situation looks like. The passing game looked better in the 2nd half against IOwa when they mixed in pass on early downs. Clearly we've seen what the running game is going to give you today. Nubin has a little juice, but he's not going to take over the game.

Ginna take a couple turnovers. This offense aint gonna put together drives.

Lackluster game. Kickoffs, punts…never a run back.

The play designs are so confusing. Double TE set and we play action open a free rusher. Lucky AK got it out quickly

I've been waiting for years for a team to actually snap it instead of trying to draw offsides at end of quarter

The gophers need 13 points to win this game and I have no idea if they can get there on offense.
I think our offense is actually playing above their average if you take out the turnovers. We can win this game.

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