This offense is so painful to watch. Please someone flip the "On" switch.

Spottin' em a couple points to make it fair.

Every ball has been catchable today. They’re college QBs. This level of inaccuracy is prevalent everywhere. There are a handful above that that have both arm strength and accuracy.
AK is on his own level of inaccuracy on easy throws

What have Simon and Harbaugh done wrong this game?
20.3 points per game even Sanford had 25.5 in 2021.

Sanford even had 27.3 ppg in the all big ten covid year.
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AK is on his own level of inaccuracy on easy throws
You watched last week And Iowa no? Kyle McCord for OSU has two first round wrs and an nfl te and still misses frequently. This is what college football is

What a joke this team, correction offense is so far!!

I'm late to the thread but Tyler shouldn't be allowed to touch the ball for the rest of the year.

GOLDEN Gophers come out in black uniforms again - PJ dictated to by uni makers or is he just stubborn? Yuck.
I'm pretty sure it's now a rule that the Gophers have to wear a black uniform to get in the Halloween spirit.

Crawford is only the 6th oldest player in college football?!?! Did I hear that right?

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