There's a difference between expecting a press and having a play called, or even reminding the team what that play is.
There is also a difference between "magical thinking" and having experience with how to handle a pressing defense.
We are all on this board expressing ourselves from our experiences and points of view, as well as our projections based those. The conflict in GH comes from each of us having differing experiences, expectations and methodologies.
When I say "why does it take a player-led meeting to get this team fired up" I mean it, because it shows that this team either is not being led by the coach or he is not connecting with the players. You can't lose a locker room if you never had its attention to start with.
The extenuating circumstances of NIL and the transfer portal are what Ben had to deal with. After four years, you would think he would be approaching it with trying to have more impact on retaining players rather than scrambling to fill roster holes.
This high roster churn and minimal returning players are costing Ben locker room cred and authority on the bench. Most teams have a standard set of plays that don't require calling a timeout. This is engraved over time and players can forget what this coach wants and go with what a coach at a previous college taught them. Was there time? No. Was there chaos among the Gopher players? Yes. The big question is Why?