catches everything last week. cant catch one in the hands this week...

Who's defensive line was that?

Defense looked good there. Glad to see that.

Run. Shannon. Brooks.

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Rodney Smith hurt. No good. Maybe we get to see JJ today...

Brian Smith should have caught the ball too

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True, but the pass was about 5 seconds too late. He stopped and was wide open long before Leidner threw the ball.

mitch can you please stop throwing at desmond king thanks we appreciate your cooperation in this matter

Just run SB23 for the love of God.

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This game has a 6-3 final score feel to it.

Jay Limegrover, and Leidner playing like trash, making bad bad decisions...

We need to start pounding the ball..

chat room is open for discussion. Keep in mind that posts made in the chat room do not count towards your gopherhole post numbers.

We may have the worst announcing crew since Dave Lee

3 words on O: Play Action Pass. Mitch struggles with straight drop backs. Why, I don't know?

Good stop by the Defense and a missed field goal. Let's go.

We havent had a D like this all season, don't squander it...

I have an idea.

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D is fired up. Time for the offense to move the ball to give those guys a rest

credit to sawvel and claeys the defense has definitely stepped things up in a very big way - too bad we dont have devers he would've had an impact in this kind of game

Dare I say, a first down coming?

credit to sawvel and claeys the defense has definitely stepped things up in a very big way - too bad we dont have devers he would've had an impact in this kind of game

Keep in mind the Iowa offensive line was god awful last week. So it could be who we're playing as well (or most likely some combination of both).

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