Well, that hasn't happened. I've said for some time, I don't care if they recruit prisoners with bags of cash, hookers and blow if it means winning a conference title or natty in my lifetime. This is big time, big money entertainment. I don't care about playing clean. I don't care about ethics. I don't care about GPA. Win. That's what matters. Win.
This guy gets it. Shove the sportsmanship award up their ass

Why? Contract?
Because the administration doesn't care about being competitive. They want no issues with the team and love all the feel good stories that PJ manufactures. Wins and losses are not a part of the equation.

No scandal, no worries for PJ

I'm out (mostly) for the season already. Similar to last year around this time. Trips south, hunting, BBQ, fall clean up, favored small college teams...many more enjoyable things to track than watching another shitty Gopher program get ass kicked the remainder of the year. Iowa is not good and the Gophers got run over by them. I'll check scores once in a while just to torture myself. There's a reason why this town is a Vikings town. At least the Purple can make a season interesting for a while before going wide left at the end.

Would Urban Meyer leave the NFL to come back to college level? LOL LMAO! Especially not with this NIL and transfer crapola. So, to replace PJ, who we gonna get?

It pains me to know that the coach and playing style I'd really enjoy is at rival Illinois. They will be the class of what used to be the BG10 West. Iowa sucks. Nebraska is mediocre. Wisconsin will barely make a bowl. Northwestern is terrible. Purdue is dogshit. The Gophers are in the bottom 3 of that group as slightly better than dogshit.

It pains me to know that the coach and playing style I'd really enjoy is at rival Illinois. They will be the class of what used to be the BG10 West. Iowa sucks. Nebraska is mediocre. Wisconsin will barely make a bowl. Northwestern is terrible. Purdue is dogshit. The Gophers are in the bottom 3 of that group as slightly better than dogshit.
Illinois is average, too.

He's safe this year. If he goes 4-8 and then misses a bowl again next year maybe he's in trouble. They aren't paying his buyout this year under any circumstances.
4-8? I see 2-10, but yeah he's safe...for now

It pains me to know that the coach and playing style I'd really enjoy is at rival Illinois. They will be the class of what used to be the BG10 West. Iowa sucks. Nebraska is mediocre. Wisconsin will barely make a bowl. Northwestern is terrible. Purdue is dogshit. The Gophers are in the bottom 3 of that group as slightly better than dogshit.
I'd love to have a proto typical douchebag who can catch rather than PJ's oily sloganeering.

We choked against Iowa and Wisconsin that year too, with a Rose Bowl appearance on the line.
I know but the geezo beezo apologists like to point out 2019 and the best W/L since Murray (against the dogshit West, which Peej still couldn't win) as justification for lifetime tenure for this guy. Fleck does some nice things with the team, sure. But none of them are on the football field.

I'd love to have a proto typical douchebag who can catch rather than PJ's oily sloganeering.

I care nothing about sloganeering and style. I care about substance and results. All those that supposedly hate PJ because of personality are weird.

I care nothing about sloganeering and style. I care about substance and results. All those that supposedly hate PJ because of personality are weird.
It isn't my bag but I was fine with it because at one time, it seemed like the players bought in and it worked. I don't hate PJ or anyone else. I hate his schtick and I hate his results.

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