Fleck's best is not even close. Look at what the new coach at Indiana is doing. I like Fleck but we are going no where in this new conference.

I tell someone to go for Johnson's knee. Enough of playing clean. I want to win. Period. That's all that matters.

Iowa just gonna keep it on the ground from here on out. Gophers haven't figured out how to defend against old school gap trap blocking and counter plays.

Adjustments are allowed to be made...the egg lay was unfortunately predictable..wash.. rinse...repeat

Wonder what good ole Peej will have to say after this one. Maybe it’ll be don’t worry, I’m gonna go out and hire a 400k OC with no experience and no past success and we’ll Row da boat!!! Lmfao. We are officially back to the Timmy Brewster days. Sad.

Fear not.

Statistically this season will be top 20 of the last 35. This proves we couldn’t be better under any other coach And PJ will defeat Iowa 6 years from now. So we’re fine. Perfectly ok.

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