I'm glad that was over his head, Bateman would have been smashed. Get morgan out of there. he's 3/10

Ibrahim showing some attitude followed by a quick turnover

His passes are all just behind or beyond his receivers (mostly behind) and when he throws to the RBs in the flat it takes SO LONG for the ball to get there that the defender is on him by the time it arrives.

Looks like nfl draft of a mn qb has struck again. Leidner is back

So is PJ going to leverage the threat of leaving for another program for a pay raise this off-season? If so, does MN bite?
Lol. No. He has built in raises. If that's not enough, don't let the door hit ya in the %^^ on the way out.

What happened to Morgan? He has been awful so far.

I'm feeling really bad for Bateman. This season probably isn't doing much for his draft stock.

What had this team done well so far? Absolutely nothing...anywhere on the field.

Apparently 61 for Iowa doesn't know what a hold is. "Mommy what did I do wrong? Boo Hoo...."

Tanner this year is a product of Sanford as his OC/QB coach. He needs to be canned after this game, it's a huge indictment on PJ for keeping this shit.

That interception is indicative of the difference between this year and the last. Last year, Morgan was throwing up passes like that and they were being caught... This year, they aren't.

Two stops by the defense.
So that's a good sign I think.


What happened to Morgan? He has been awful so far.

I'm feeling really bad for Bateman. This season probably isn't doing much for his draft stock.
Sanford...he needs to go and Simon takes over play calling like it should have been to start with.

Morgan has looked like a completely different player all year. So stiff and robotic. Last year he was so natural; much more loose and athletic.

Did he overdose on the PJ koolaid?

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