as good as tcu is it's only a matter of time...per espn

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Contain Boykin.

They saw something.. That tackle just fell away and used Thieren's momentum.

I bet we run for 2 yds, throw an incomplete pass, do something that doesn't work, then punt.

As much as people have hyped both our O & D lines, we sure seem to get dominated. Is it scheme or is TCU just better than us?

O-line a lot of scheme. I remember Grinnin' Glen turning nobody recruits into great O-linemen because he has a scheme to create holes, '
Limegrover doesn't do that. straight up blocking, win or lose, all day long.

Sorry I don't post daily. I live in New Orleans, have no inside connections the the program, and consider myself a fan. So I apologize. This is a forum for people to voice their opinions right? Get off your high horse man

Lots of those here. Forum police.

As much as people have hyped both our O & D lines, we sure seem to get dominated. Is it scheme or is TCU just better than us?

Oline has really been disappointing imo, but the defense is better than I expected so overall i like the direction of the program. That's coming from a guy that doesn't believe kill is seated to the right of the father;)

Am I the only one seeing a lot of "holding" of our pass rushers?

Poock has to get over or through that block...

It's not a chop block if he is down low like that... IMO, maybe I'm wrong.

Anyone want a good news? The new long snapper looks great!

Completely overmatched when we have the ball.

We need to stop using Williams like he is an every down back! He is situational only

He hit his chest before anything else on the "chop" block.

seriously tho, this not-having-the-chat-room is bothering me

Our D is gassed. This is going to get ugly if we can't move the ball.

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