why is d math dribbling, dribbling, dribblingdribbling, dribbling, dribbling,dribbling, dribbling, dribbling,dribbling, dribbling, dribblingdribbling, dribbling, dribbling,dribbling, dribbling, dribbling,dribbling, dribbling, dribblingdribbling, dribbling, dribbling,dribbling, dribbling, dribbling,???
a complete mystery

Yes, call our last timeout after the fact, so much from learning from your mistakes, its the same thing after same thing with this coach

I mentioned in a thread that I didn't understand that he plays and I was told that's why I'm hated. LOL, some of the fans here love mediocre crap and are insulted when you point it out.

ha got ya

Of course Hollins doesn't 'suck'. But no shade of Maroon glasses make him clutch.

Ugly game all around, but Morris needs to do something. Didn't make a thing and his terrible shot selections kill momentum

why is d math dribbling, dribbling, dribblingdribbling, dribbling, dribbling,dribbling, dribbling, dribbling,dribbling, dribbling, dribblingdribbling, dribbling, dribbling,dribbling, dribbling, dribbling,dribbling, dribbling, dribblingdribbling, dribbling, dribbling,dribbling, dribbling, dribbling,???

He was trying to find someone open who might be able to catch the ball and the only guy there was Mo.

I mentioned in a thread that I didn't understand that he plays and I was told that's why I'm hated. LOL, some of the fans here love mediocre crap and are insulted when you point it out.
No - its just that for years you time your asinine comments to coincide with when people have the least patience.

Great game on ESPN2 for those that want to watch quality college ball.

Ugly game all around, but Morris needs to do something. Didn't make a thing and his terrible shot selections kill momentum

No doubt about it. Probably the single biggest reason that we lost tonight. Your small forward has to give you some offense and he hurt us with his shot selection all night.

King finally refrains from the shot fake only to get blocked lol. These poor guys.. All the work they put into losing is hard to see. All those nice TOs they were forcing at the end.. But then they go make the same types of poor plays and decisions they just benefitted from. Swimmin' in a fish bowl

Just an ugly embarrassing performance from the Gophers tonight and looked like a completely different team than the one that beat Illinois Saturday. Really disappointed with the way Mo played was hoping we would see more of the style and toughness he showed Saturday but he was awful today and back to being soft. Mathieu needed to be one of our better players to be an NCAA tourney team this year and he has been one of our worst during B1G play. Mason and Morris both struggled with open looks and King needs to just shoot the ball when he is open instead of trying to put it in on the floor and make a play. Andre was about the only one who showed up tonight but even he had a crucial turnover in the final minute.

We are up by one and Morris misses a wide open 3 and so does Nate - then they get a layup --- game over Morris's worst game ever. Our offense can really be terrible!

How the hell did this year happen? It's nearly the same damn roster as last year. Were they the victims of a mediocre Space Jam heist? Is there a horde of tiny cartoon aliens playing NIT-quality basketball somewhere in space?

We are up by one and Morris misses a wide open 3 and so does Nate - then they get a layup --- game over Morris's worst game ever. Our offense can really be terrible!

Yes. Felt like the key sequence at the time, and it certainly was.

How the hell did this year happen? It's nearly the same damn roster as last year. Were they the victims of a mediocre Space Jam heist? Is there a horde of tiny cartoon aliens playing NIT-quality basketball somewhere in space?

I think that the loss of Austin Hollins was much bigger than we thought. He was a very good defender, a senior leader, not a bad shooter, who knew about shot selection and didn't turn the ball over much. That is about the opposite that we got in Morris. We can only hope that Morris really turns the corner over the summer and becomes the player that Hollins was.

1 rebound and 3 to's for king.....I am starting to look right about bugs starting

Sorry 2 to's by stats in the books

Elliot played well tonight. One bright spot.

Morris is no where near the player Austin was and Mathieu is no where near the Ayer he was last year. Two huge differences between this team and last season

Can't really get mad any longer as the season has been over for quite a while now. A few things that stuck out to me (watched most of the first half live and sped through some of the second half as I knew the result).

-There was a sequence in the second half where the Gophers had 4 straight possessions that included a wide open look from 3: Morris missed the first two, Andre Hollins made the third look, and Nate Mason missed the 4th look (after Buggs missed an open 12 footer) that resulted in a run out and layup for Penn State. Going 1-4 in that situation is unacceptable.

-Probably the most damaging sequence of the game came fairly late when Mo Walker got the ball in the post and tried a quick,sloppy hook over his left shoulder. Mo had a TANTRUM coming down the court (did he think he was fouled? did someone on the bench yell something at him?) and then he preceded to come out and get in a stance beyond the 3 point line when switching on to a PSU player (I think it was Newbill, not sure) who then proceeded to drive around Mo like he wasn't even there...Mo gives the weak reaching foul and PSU player gets the and 1 for a 3 point play.

-Andre Hollins continues to be a disaster down the stretch in close games. It's sad, but I'll remember Andre for what a great kid he seems to be...but also for his poor performances in crunch time. He simply can't jump in the air to pass at that point in the game and lose the ball. This turnover wasn't entirely Andre's fault though as Mo failed to execute his screen once if not twice on that play (tough to tell if he intentionally slipped the screen to dive to the basket the second time or if he just missed....again).

- Don't know what can be said about DeAndre Mathieu at this point. He was my favorite player on the team last year and displayed a toughness and edge that we haven't seen from a Gopher player in a long time.

- On the coaching side of things, I noticed that Carlos Morris is STILL closing out terribly on shooters and that Charles Buggs STILL gets lost on assignments (or "rules" for switching). We are deep in to the season now, the technical mistakes the guys are still making are concerning. Late in the game down 4-5 and needing a key basket...we went to a post up of Eliason. Elliott made a big hook shot there, so it worked, but that was a strange decision.

- Eliason provided a nice spark and I don't want to be hard on a kid who finally got some nice minutes. That said, I don't understand how he lost his ability to contest shots. Their were at least 3 instances fairly late in the second half where PSU drove right at Eliason and he would have blocked or at least altered all 3 of those shots in years past. This year it was like he wasn't even there.

This game surpasses Iowa as the worst game of the season for the Gophers. The effort was lacking, the execution was every bit as bad as Nebraska, and the opponent was worse. It would be nice if the Gophers had a few more young players, so we could at least look to some guys developing as a bright spot in an incredibly dark season.

- Eliason provided a nice spark and I don't want to be hard on a kid who finally got some nice minutes. That said, I don't understand how he lost his ability to contest shots. Their were at least 3 instances fairly late in the second half where PSU drove right at Eliason and he would have blocked or at least altered all 3 of those shots in years past. This year it was like he wasn't even there.

I've noticed that as well. Last year he was often overly aggressive and picked up a lot of fouls but also got a lot of blocks. This year he seems to be avoiding fouls like they were the plague but has become less of a defensive force in the process. I'm not sure why (coaching perhaps?), but he should have less concerns about fouling out given the minutes he plays.

- Eliason provided a nice spark and I don't want to be hard on a kid who finally got some nice minutes. That said, I don't understand how he lost his ability to contest shots. Their were at least 3 instances fairly late in the second half where PSU drove right at Eliason and he would have blocked or at least altered all 3 of those shots in years past. This year it was like he wasn't even there.

I noticed the same thing. No explanation for that whatsoever. That's always been one of EE's strong points.

Buggs is absolute feast or famine. He made some energy plays that helped us and as you mentioned, wandered on defense. In addition, in the first half he sprinted towards a loose ball he had ZERO chance of getting. He ended up overrunning the play by 20 feet, leaving the Gophers playing 4 on 5 giving PSU an easy bucket.

I said it earlier this year and I will say it again. Does Mo Walker play with grease on his hands. He cannot catch a ball to save his life. He is so overrated and anti clutch. When it matters most his hands turn into 2 cement blocks loaded with chicken grease. I can't watch him anymore. I've never been so frustrated watching a basketball player during a season than him. He is just not good. Catch the ****ing ball Mo!!!! Go up and slam it with authority. Such a wuss!

I said it earlier this year and I will say it again. Does Mo Walker play with grease on his hands. He cannot catch a ball to save his life. He is so overrated and anti clutch. When it matters most his hands turn into 2 cement blocks loaded with chicken grease. I can't watch him anymore. I've never been so frustrated watching a basketball player during a season than him. He is just not good. Catch the ****ing ball Mo!!!! Go up and slam it with authority. Such a wuss!

Then stop watching, and go join the Timberwolves Expert Club.

You have been nothing but a total a $$ hole in regards to our Gophers.

Ok Dr Don. Quit being such a homer. You're a season ticket holder and Kfan rube. These guys have been hard to watch. Don't sugar coat it. There's been nothing positive to cheer about for the most part. This is a team that was picked to finish in the upper half of the big ten. They have underachieved.

And you are an incessant pain. You add a lot of negativism with every post you make.

Grow up and either shut up or get on the floor and help the team.

Just keep pumping up your gophers Don. They're all great players who are just in a funk right now. If they can get a few more shots to fall they can turn this thing around. Pitino will guide them. Just keep cheering with your maroon and gold sweatshirt and pompon.

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