Ok, so now that we got our ground game going.... Mitch, you're up.


Smash mouth football, gotta love it. Josh Campion had a couple real nice blocks that drive.

Hard to see Middle Tennessee coming back after that drive. When a team can run it down your throats despite selling out to stop the run, there is no way you can even make the game competitive

Hard to see Middle Tennessee coming back after that drive. When a team can run it down your throats despite selling out to stop the run, there is no way you can even make the game competitive

If we're running like this NOW it's gonna get ugly in the 2nd Half...

Dear People Smarter Than Me,
Are they selling out on the run, 8-9 in the box?

Key so far is Mitch's 17 yard completion to Jones. Loosens up the whole defense for the Blue Raiders.

Corner is gonna jump one of those quick outs

Now that the game is back on BTN regular channel, I find BTN2Go's picture was actually better than my regular TV (non-HD)

Resigned to the fact that I have to spend the next 3+ hours listening to LaPantLoad - autta be a law....

If anyone's still looking for the game on Comcast in Mpls. it's on 405.

If anyone's still looking for the game on Comcast in Mpls. it's on 405.

In Michigan, that's a Hip Hop music channel. Not complaining. Thanks for putting me onto it.

If Campbell is aware of that next time, it's an easy pick for him.

PICK SIX BABY!!!!!! That kid sure can read some passes!

I think the defense will score 1 maybe 2 more

Nice pick by the umpire!! On field awareness counts!

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