Anyone else think that Cockran hit wasn't ejection worthy? That would seem awfully harsh for that hit. Roughing the passer I get.

Anyone else think that Cockran hit wasn't ejection worthy? That would seem awfully harsh for that hit. Roughing the passer I get.

agreed. thought that it was aggressive for a hit on a guy that isn't defenseless

Boticelli has been nothing short of a beast today.

How many times have the announcers mentioned that we lost our 3 D-linemen in the TCU game? Somebody's gotta correct them!

Gardner will turn it over before the end of the game.

morris was downright awful. might have been a much closer game with gardner

morris 7/19 49 yards fumble lost and pick 6

Imagine if the refs were actually non-partisan today. We'd have at least 2 more points....

Holding no call sucked!

Cockran's late hit was devastating to the game flow. Not only did it prevent a 4th-and-16, but injured Morris even further, so that Gardener virtually had to come in.

Gardener playing was the only shot Michigan had at winning the game. He's the type of QB the Gophers historically struggle with - one who can run (and throw as needed).

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And that is why Hoke should be fired... all us MN fans knew Gardner would be hard for us to stop.

Michigan fans are gonna forgive Gardner thinking this late surge means anything & will once again be calling for his head when he plays like trash next week...

Well, now. It is time for the offense to march, march, march.

Cockran's late hit was devastating to the game flow. Not only did it prevent a 4th-and-16, but injured Morris even further, so that Gardener virtually had to come in.

Gardener playing was the only shot Michigan had at winning the game. He's the type of QB the Gophers historically struggle with - one who can run (and throw as needed).

As I said. Michigan coaches didn't go for 2 with the momentum. Now do they kick on-sides? (they should).

Hang on...it's not over yet

again. stfu and let us enjoy this. when was the last time the gophers dominated anyone? we haven't even dominated non conference games, let alone dominate a helmet big 10 school in their stadium on national TV. Can''t wait for coach kill's dancing video

That seemed too easy. The D needs to keep their swagger. Cobb needs to ice this now.

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Don't go for two until you have to. Go for it there and its down 17.

What if Gardner had started at the half - they were down only 7-10 then. And what if he had started at the beginning, as many of us had expected? If we hang on and win, Hoke should be fired.

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