Wow WTF is this nonsense?

Leidner needs to get better with these sneaks, and the coaching staff needs to get their game mgmt skills up to par

We have the D team broadcasting the game so we will never see a good angle here. We will get screwed.

Sh!tcan the QB sneak near the goal line. When will they learn??

That was a TD, we just have AggieVision doing the game today.

I say go for the nuts once again

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I swear the coaches need to take a course on time management.

The Michigan clock management was embarrassing but this is inexcusable...Claeys come on man!

question: should a qb go as low as possible when needing only a yard on a sneak?

If we have a wideout like Still that has the size to run little fade routs like that over the next three years it opens up so much for this offense. I hope he keeps progressing like we've seen this year.

[quote name="RolGnav" post=1142592]I swear the coaches need to take a course on time management.[/QUOTE]<br />
<br />
How would you have done it differently? We only had 1 timeout left, not 2 like ESPN was showing.

Agree! They did what they could! ESPN was giving us bad info. I still think they should have had 10 seconds. No way a sneak takes 7 seconds. Refs are idiots.

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This ESPNnews broadcast is about as bad as I've seen. At least Aggievision was so bad there was a comedic element to it.

This ESPNnews broadcast is about as bad as I've seen. At least Aggievision was so bad there was a comedic element to it.

My friends and I used to watch bad movies and it was the worst when the movie wasn't quite bad enough to be funny instead it was just sad. That's what this broadcast is like.

This ESPNnews broadcast is about as bad as I've seen. At least Aggievision was so bad there was a comedic element to it.

Even on Brooks long TD run, we almost missed the beginning of the play. It was a pretty critical 3rd and short play. I believe Leidner scored on the sneak, but there wasn't a good camera angle. It appeared the guy who had the camera facing down the goalline on that play was sitting down and wasn't exactly down the line for some reason. It's like they have interns running the whole broadcast.

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