Our D will hang in there. Limegrover's play calling will kill us. Two third and shorts he's f$cked up so far.

What the honest *f word* was that call????

On a lighter note, in actually impressed with Brady Quinn, much better than LaPanta... far more educated on both teams.

So apparently our DB's are not good when you play a real team.

Oh. well I guess he did way before the ball got there.

As ugly as this has been. If we can please just score a TD somehow.

Or when you get no pressure on the QB at all.

We need to get some pressure, no question. It almost looks like we have a couple of our rushers spying vs. rushing but we got a stop so I'll take it.

Nice punt. Hope to see more of them from the Frogs.

Gotta get some sort of pass rush going

Prediction on Limegrovers first 3 plays out of the timeout:

Cobb Run up the middle for 2 yards
Mitch read option stuffed for nothing
And then a 4 yard out to Jones that is short of first down

If Murray wants to prove he's an NFL cornerback he certainly has a chance to show it today. They're going after him with their best WR.

Leidner is hanging in there, we need to give him more time and keep the D out of his kitchen. Not a QB around who can be super accurate when he's been harrassed.

It's not all on Leidner. Our O line is way slower than their D. Nothing can develop when we are reacting to the pressure.

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Leidner is hanging in there, we need to give him more time and keep the D out of his kitchen. Not a QB around who can be super accurate when he's been harrassed.

Our pass protection is struggling no doubt. I just don't see our offense sustaining long drives against this defense.

Anybody got a WORKING link? First Row & Vipbox's streams are messed up...

Leidner is hanging in there, we need to give him more time and keep the D out of his kitchen. Not a QB around who can be super accurate when he's been harrassed.

+1. He has not been able to step up and into many throws this far.

We've taken a punch. I agree that it hasn't been the best so far. But keep playing!

Our pass protection is struggling no doubt. I just don't see our offense sustaining long drives against this defense.

That's why you want to be able to connect on stuff down the field, which we haven't been able to do all year, and too infrequently for most of Kill's time here.

Wellllllllll this is about to get out of control.

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