Curry needs to start for this team. He was the best player on the court last night, really plays a relaxed brand of basketball which is awesome to see in a freshman. Lets the game come to him / makes the right play.

It appears Lynch is going to have an issue with foul trouble all year. He needs to develop some discipline on interior shots - he's hacking down on 6'5" D2 post players. All he had to do was stay straight up, unfortunately that doesn't appear to be in his repertoire and it's only going to get worse against better competition.

peaking at the box and I havent seen the game yet.

The 3 point struggles should surprise no one.
One of the reasons you go for more athletic guys then less one with more skill is Patino wants to overplay passing lanes and turn people over. Did we see that last night? I see only 5 steals. B ST did have 18 turnovers. Disappointed we couldn't dominate the boards, 46 to 43, and giving up 18 off rebounds. Sounds like Hurt might be an off the bench zone buster on this bad outside shooting team.

Went to the game tonight. My thoughts:

Curry looks awesome
Murphy looking to score more
Coffey fills the box score as expected, and almost had a dunk that would have ended up on Sportscenter
Created some nice traps on the press
McBrayer showed some scoring chops

Outside shooting was really bad
Slow start (somewhat to be expected, but remember this was a D2 team)
Springs still looks lost (I know, he joined the team late, but I still expected him to at least hit a couple outside shots)
McBrayer's outside shot still looks terrible
FT shooting was not very good (small sample size, but it has been a problem in the past and tonight indicated that has not changed)

Overall, my outlook for the season didn't change much. (Why would it based on an exhibition game against a D2 team?) We look improved, but improvement is expected when you go 8-23. Curious to hear the observations of others

Curry needs to start for this team. He was the best player on the court last night, really plays a relaxed brand of basketball which is awesome to see in a freshman. Lets the game come to him / makes the right play.

It appears Lynch is going to have an issue with foul trouble all year. He needs to develop some discipline on interior shots - he's hacking down on 6'5" D2 post players. All he had to do was stay straight up, unfortunately that doesn't appear to be in his repertoire and it's only going to get worse against better competition.

I'm not sure if it will really matter. He'll probably play a lot either way.

Curry needs to start for this team. He was the best player on the court last night, really plays a relaxed brand of basketball which is awesome to see in a freshman. Lets the game come to him / makes the right play.

It appears Lynch is going to have an issue with foul trouble all year. He needs to develop some discipline on interior shots - he's hacking down on 6'5" D2 post players. All he had to do was stay straight up, unfortunately that doesn't appear to be in his repertoire and it's only going to get worse against better competition.
Personally, I'm holding back on this kind of assessment. He had a lot riding on this debut, hasn't played in a long time and rehabing an injury. Waaaay too early to project the whole year.

A lot of the comments are off of the box score and stats. If you watched the game, this wasn't a game they took extremely seriously. They turned it up at the end of the first half that showed they were going to win comfortably. They were working on things they likely didn't have completely installed. Defensive effort was not at a high level the whole game. When we wanted to stop a guy handling the ball we did. They had a crafty big man like most d2 and low d1's have that scored on Lynch and Murphy from odd angles.

A lot of overreaction, like usual. This wasn't a game to gauge who should or shouldn't start nor was it one to convict the team to hell or raise them to sainthood. Was a game, one that our players did not play their hearts out for.

A lot of the comments are off of the box score and stats. If you watched the game, this wasn't a game they took extremely seriously. They turned it up at the end of the first half that showed they were going to win comfortably. They were working on things they likely didn't have completely installed. Defensive effort was not at a high level the whole game. When we wanted to stop a guy handling the ball we did. They had a crafty big man like most d2 and low d1's have that scored on Lynch and Murphy from odd angles.

A lot of overreaction, like usual. This wasn't a game to gauge who should or shouldn't start nor was it one to convict the team to hell or raise them to sainthood. Was a game, one that our players did not play their hearts out for.

I tend to agree with this, I would say ten minutes in we were down eight and we started to turn it on got the lead to nine by half and then wound up winning by 24. Played some interesting lineups at times, but overall I would say this team is going to have more depth and be able to do more things than last year's they will be much improved

A lot of the comments are off of the box score and stats. If you watched the game, this wasn't a game they took extremely seriously. They turned it up at the end of the first half that showed they were going to win comfortably. They were working on things they likely didn't have completely installed. Defensive effort was not at a high level the whole game. When we wanted to stop a guy handling the ball we did. They had a crafty big man like most d2 and low d1's have that scored on Lynch and Murphy from odd angles.

A lot of overreaction, like usual. This wasn't a game to gauge who should or shouldn't start nor was it one to convict the team to hell or raise them to sainthood. Was a game, one that our players did not play their hearts out for.

Pitino said this in his recent blog when talking about the DePaul scrimmage:

These scrimmages are always a decent indicator of where we are at and what we need to work on. Keep in mind, coaches often experiment and tinker with things differently than they would during a normal game. With that being said we took a lot of positives out of it.

Curry is a better and more effective player than Reggie Lynch and his skill set will more than make up for whatever Lynch's size would offer. That is my sober assessment, I don't think it's all that controversial. I would totally understand if Pitino continues to start Lynch as I agree they will both play significant minutes either way and it may not make a whole lot of difference (this is nothing against Lynch, I am very happy we have him as a Gopher). I'm just saying it's clear to me that Curry is the better player and I don't like the assumption that Lynch has entitlement to the starting spot. I think you reward the best players with starting positions. We shall see how it plays out.

A lot of good observations and insights on here. Thanks to all.

Overall, I can't say I was impressed by the Gophs, but I'm not depressed either. There were stretches when the dominated the way they should dominate against a D2 team, but there were holes and lapses in their game, too, particularly on defense.

- The free throws are a big bummer and hopefully not a harbinger.
- Lynch was so-so. I hope he's better at finishing than he was last night. His inability to defend the BSU center makes a person wonder about Big Ten centers.
- As for Curry, you can't complain about a double-double in his first action.
- You assume Dupree will shoot 3-pointers and free throws like he did later in the season last year, but yesterday it was the same ol' Pree from early last season.
- Hurt is a secret weapon and will make some big shots in his time here. They should find ways to get him open.
- When Bakary came in, he changed the game. Am I even writing this? Not sure whether that level of activity is sustainable or repeatable against better competition, but still...

Curry is a better and more effective player than Reggie Lynch and his skill set will more than make up for whatever Lynch's size would offer. That is my sober assessment, I don't think it's all that controversial. I would totally understand if Pitino continues to start Lynch as I agree they will both play significant minutes either way and it may not make a whole lot of difference (this is nothing against Lynch, I am very happy we have him as a Gopher). I'm just saying it's clear to me that Curry is the better player and I don't like the assumption that Lynch has entitlement to the starting spot. I think you reward the best players with starting positions. We shall see how it plays out.

Curry is a VERY impressive frosh. In the end you can bet Pitino will go with the best players in terms of time on the court. If Lynch starts early - that won't last if Curry consistently outplays him. Coaches do like to make these guys continue to grind to earn that starting position over an older more experienced player.

A lot of good observations and insights on here. Thanks to all.

Overall, I can't say I was impressed by the Gophs, but I'm not depressed either. There were stretches when the dominated the way they should dominate against a D2 team, but there were holes and lapses in their game, too, particularly on defense.

- The free throws are a big bummer and hopefully not a harbinger.
- Lynch was so-so. I hope he's better at finishing than he was last night. His inability to defend the BSU center makes a person wonder about Big Ten centers.
- As for Curry, you can't complain about a double-double in his first action.
- You assume Dupree will shoot 3-pointers and free throws like he did later in the season last year, but yesterday it was the same ol' Pree from early last season.
- Hurt is a secret weapon and will make some big shots in his time here. They should find ways to get him open.
- When Bakary came in, he changed the game. Am I even writing this? Not sure whether that level of activity is sustainable or repeatable against better competition, but still...

Hurt is a kid like Wisconsin, Indiana and Iowa always seems to have- a smart player that can hit the open shot. Great to see him hit those shots. We will need that aspect on a team with precious few pure shooters.

Personally, I'm holding back on this kind of assessment. He had a lot riding on this debut, hasn't played in a long time and rehabing an injury. Waaaay too early to project the whole year.

Restraint on the 'Hole. Nice Moonlight. Of all that I have seen in this thread, the only two assessments I would hesitate on are the rash judgment on Lynch playing in his first game in a year and a half and coming off two surgeries, and the quick judgment on Gilbert. Someone noted during the game that he was quicker than last year which would seem expected since he played injured much of last year. As for shooting beyond Mason, I think it the best hope we have is Gilbert and Hurt being able to consistently knock down the open three. Hurt doesn't look automatic by any means, but he was smooth in his delivery when he was open and appeared to have no hesitation when putting it up. I think Gilbert put up one ill advised three, made one and missed a couple of open ones.

I am pleased with Curry, but I am reserving the "can't miss" tag until he sees better competition. It is obvious he worked hard to get stronger over the summer. He was visibly bigger than he was in most of his high school pictures.

I think it speaks volumes that Konate played only three minutes behind a freshman and a transfer coming off multiple surgeries (who had horrible foul trouble). I hope he gets better, but lack of PT in an exhibition when the guy needs floor time does not bode well for him being a regular part of the rotation.

Overall, I didn't see anything that had me driving home really excited about having a much better season than last year, though. A few more made threes and more dominant rebounding would have tilted that needle for me.

Overall, I didn't see anything that had me driving home really excited about having a much better season than last year, though. A few more made threes and more dominant rebounding would have tilted that needle for me.

I'm right there with ya, H-Man.

Restraint on the 'Hole. Nice Moonlight. Of all that I have seen in this thread, the only two assessments I would hesitate on are the rash judgment on Lynch playing in his first game in a year and a half and coming off two surgeries, and the quick judgment on Gilbert. Someone noted during the game that he was quicker than last year which would seem expected since he played injured much of last year. As for shooting beyond Mason, I think it the best hope we have is Gilbert and Hurt being able to consistently knock down the open three. Hurt doesn't look automatic by any means, but he was smooth in his delivery when he was open and appeared to have no hesitation when putting it up. I think Gilbert put up one ill advised three, made one and missed a couple of open ones.

I am pleased with Curry, but I am reserving the "can't miss" tag until he sees better competition. It is obvious he worked hard to get stronger over the summer. He was visibly bigger than he was in most of his high school pictures.

I think it speaks volumes that Konate played only three minutes behind a freshman and a transfer coming off multiple surgeries (who had horrible foul trouble). I hope he gets better, but lack of PT in an exhibition when the guy needs floor time does not bode well for him being a regular part of the rotation.

Overall, I didn't see anything that had me driving home really excited about having a much better season than last year, though. A few more made threes and more dominant rebounding would have tilted that needle for me.

I'm with you on the shooting concerns, but I have no doubt we will be a much improved rebounding team. I mean, Curry is such a huge rebounding upgrade over King it's not even funny and we also add Lynch into the mix. Lynch isn't the best defensive rebounder, but he is a good offensive rebounder. Between Murph/Curry/Lynch we are going to get more 2nd chance opportunities. The you look on the wing and we add Coffey and Springs who both rebound their positions well. This will be the best rebounding team since Pitino has been here.

I think the overall impression I came away with last night is each successive class is better than the previous. The talent is really in the freshman and sophomore classes -- which definitely bodes well for the future, barring defections, etc.

Springs/Haugh < Mason/Konate/Gaston/Lynch < Murphy/McBrayer/Gilbert < Coffey/Curry/Hurt

I think the overall impression I came away with last night is each successive class is better than the previous. The talent is really in the freshman and sophomore classes -- which definitely bodes well for the future, barring defections, etc.

Springs/Haugh < Mason/Konate/Gaston/Lynch < Murphy/McBrayer/Gilbert < Coffey/Curry/Hurt

Bingo!! This so much this.

The only negative I saw last night is it felt like the offense was a lot of isolation resulting in one-on-one situations. I'm not sure we have guys that can consistently beat players off the dribble to create their own shot in the Big Ten. We have to have a fluid offense that rewards movement. But I love your post.

Then we can finally take him seriously ;)

If I was a little more savvy, I would figure out a way to post fireworks or something else to mark the occasion. No post has inspired me more on this site than Winasota's declaration that only a poster with 1000+ posts could be taken seriously. It has been a goal of mine ever since. I owe rupert a whiney response on the off-topic board, but that will need to wait until post number 1001. Post number 1000 cannot be remembered as divisive. It needs to be remembered as transformational.

If I was a little more savvy, I would figure out a way to post fireworks or something else to mark the occasion. No post has inspired me more on this site than Winasota's declaration that only a poster with 1000+ posts could be taken seriously. It has been a goal of mine ever since. I owe rupert a whiney response on the off-topic board, but that will need to wait until post number 1001. Post number 1000 cannot be remembered as divisive. It needs to be remembered as transformational.

I don't remember it quite that way, but yes I said something to that fact....

I think I was referencing the people that showed up post tubby hire and used that as a gauge...

One of my more douchy moments.

If I was a little more savvy, I would figure out a way to post fireworks or something else to mark the occasion. No post has inspired me more on this site than Winasota's declaration that only a poster with 1000+ posts could be taken seriously. It has been a goal of mine ever since. I owe rupert a whiney response on the off-topic board, but that will need to wait until post number 1001. Post number 1000 cannot be remembered as divisive. It needs to be remembered as transformational.

Ban this guy!!

Replay scheduled for Friday 10p on BTN...sorry if it's been mentioned
I set my dvr because I was hunting and it didn't record. It was football highlights. Did anyone's record?

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I set my dvr because I was hunting and it didn't record. It was football highlights. Did anyone's record?

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I kept an eye on it and the Gophers came on about 50-55 minutes late(around 10:50p). After an adjustment, I was able to record all of the game.

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