Official 2012 Gopher Spring Camp Thread: Updates, Analysis, Links, etc.

I have Gophers all access and it was working for me.

Solid work Bleed and everyone else. So much good info coming out this season. Hopefully we get a lot more coming through the pipes.

In his limited action, and from what I saw on TV, Q is ready to take the next step. The ball he's throwing this year looks light years ahead of where he was at the beginning of last year. I think he still needs to work on the decision-making aspect, but with work in the film room and with the playbook, I think he can be something pretty special this year. Can't wait.

KoolAid said:
Don't sleep on Max this year...
Why would Max even play this year if Gray is healthy? I hope you're not suggesting we go through the "Play Shortell" crap all over again this year. Not gonna happen!

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