Perhaps you should no longer trust your own
logic ... you are so willing to side with the outraged over something written in a self-proclaimed
gossip column and a blog written by a man who has publicly announced that he likes the work that he does
outside of the newspaper business becuase it
does not require him to be factual.
I don't have to provide proof. The accusers do. So frankly, all who are outraged (by something with no evidence over something sooo small) look like
You are mis-informed mainly because:
1.) You apparently don't realize how often Reusse has pointed to anonymous sources (on-air) saying things about the U that ended up being wrong. Keep in mind, according to Reusse, the NCAA should have given the U the death penalty by now and every Brewster recruit should have failed out of school. At what point does you brand of logic quit taking him seriously? He makes shit up. Then he talks about "sources" to sound credible. That's his MO.
2.) You seem to assume hacking an internet account is difficult and rare. It's not. It's very common. 5% of all passwords are "qwerty." If that doens't work "asdfgh" is a good bet. If I know you, odds are I can figure out your password in 60 seconds or less. Now consider that Brewster has GA's and staff that probably use his accounts and computers. His twitter account is more breachable than most. Which puts the liklihood at about 50/50 that someone would get into his account at some point.
And as for your brilliant idea of deploying Twitter to perform an investigation to figure out exactly who may have called Pat "fat"

.... are you f'n serious?
Now go change your password.