Norwood Teague and Tracy Claeys press conference notes regarding Kill's leave

People are attacking you two because you're a$$ h0les.

You are the only one attacking me for whatever reason, goofmeister. As long as it's leave of absence day maybe you should take one.

Now Highwayman posted a response in which I may have quoted the wrong drug my Uncle refuses to take, but he didn't resort to petty swearing so he's still OK in my book.

You really should seek professional help for your issues.

It sounds like Kill is checking into an inpatient program, probably at Mayo, but I get the feeling they didn't really want that information out there based on the way NT and Claeys handled the follow up questions after Claeys said a little too much.

Why don't you help us out then and tell us what is going on? What was that you said?

Oh yeah, here it is:

I know far more about the inner workings of the Minnesota football program than you can imagine

I'll be patiently awaiting your thorough answer.

Smart man. Coumadin is a blood thinner used to treat blood clots. It's never prescribed to lower blood pressure.

Dammit you beat me to it. I was going to post this exact same thing maybe add "to treat/prevent" to make it more accurate. I'll also add that Coumadin is actually... rat poison so your uncle is double smart so that would make Triple D???

All you people who "want to know the plan" need to chillax. Coach Kill's medical information is none of your business even if he is a B1G coach. There are laws about medical privacy for a reason and you all are way over stepping the boundaries. Have some RESPECT and allow Coach Kill to take some time to figure it out. If he wants to tell all of us his personal medical information that is HIS CHOICE to make, and if he doesn't want to tell us then that is also HIS CHOICE. I can respect that and so should all of you.

Dammit you beat me to it. I was going to post this exact same thing maybe add "to treat/prevent" to make it more accurate. I'll also add that Coumadin is actually... rat poison so your uncle is double smart so that would make Triple D???

All you people who "want to know the plan" need to chillax. Coach Kill's medical information is none of your business even if he is a B1G coach. There are laws about medical privacy for a reason and you all are way over stepping the boundaries. Have some RESPECT and allow Coach Kill to take some time to figure it out. If he wants to tell all of us his personal medical information that is HIS CHOICE to make, and if he doesn't want to tell us then that is also HIS CHOICE. I can respect that and so should all of you.

OK, I'll change it from high blood pressure to heart issues, does that make you happy? The point is he won't take the meds and the doctor keeps prescribing them thinking he is taking them, I'd say that makes my Uncle pretty dumb, and we have a great relationship so he wouldn't mind me saying so. Sounds like you don't know the full story just like none of us know the story with how Kill is managing his disease.

I'm not one of those who needs to "know the plan" and pry into his business, where did I ever say that?

It doesn't bother anyone that Claeys intimated during today's press conference that Kill has been here before and came back too soon presumably before the doctors had it figured out? That to me indicates Kill has not been doing all that the doctors want him too which leads us to where we are now. I don't necessarily blame Kill either, he's a damn hard worker with a high pressure job and extremely time consuming job, he's been neglecting himself for too long for the teams and us fans benefit. Time to step back and get it figured out.

That doesn't mean that there aren't valid questions to be asked here.

OK, I'll change it from high blood pressure to heart issues, does that make you happy? The point is he won't take the meds and the doctor keeps prescribing them thinking he is taking them, I'd say that makes my Uncle pretty dumb, and we have a great relationship so he wouldn't mind me saying so. Sounds like you don't know the full story just like none of us know the story with how Kill is managing his disease.

I'm not one of those who needs to "know the plan" and pry into his business, where did I ever say that?

It doesn't bother anyone that Claeys intimated during today's press conference that Kill has been here before and came back too soon presumably before the doctors had it figured out? That to me indicates Kill has not been doing all that the doctors want him too which leads us to where we are now. I don't necessarily blame Kill either, he's a damn hard worker with a high pressure job and extremely time consuming job, he's been neglecting himself for too long for the teams and us fans benefit. Time to step back and get it figured out.

That doesn't mean that there aren't valid questions to be asked here.

No this doesn't bother me. Have you always listened to every single thing your doctor has told you? Especially in sports people have always ignored doctors.... As a medical professional myself I would promote people listen to their doctors, but I do understand that ultimately it is the patients choice what to do because it is their body. Doctors are wrong all the time. Trust me, I fix their mistakes for a living.

Sorry Triple D if you thought I was signaling you out as a "want to know the plan" guy, I should have been more specific in my post that the first half was for you and the 2nd half was for all the "want to know the plan" guys and not targeted at you.

To Unregistered User:

Way to cherrypick and take stuff out of context to try and make some point.

I have no clue where Kill is going but based on what Claeys said during the conference it is a reasonable conclusion that he is checking in somewhere to get treatment (others like Gopher Lady for one have come to the same conclusion). If you watch the press conference it is pretty clear that Claeys said a little more than he wanted to in that regard and then had to back peddle to avoid some of the followup questions.

To Unregistered User:

Way to cherrypick and take stuff out of context to try and make some point.

I have no clue where Kill is going but based on what Claeys said during the conference it is a reasonable conclusion that he is checking in somewhere to get treatment (others like Gopher Lady for one have come to the same conclusion). If you watch the press conference it is pretty clear that Claeys said a little more than he wanted to in that regard and then had to back peddle to avoid some of the followup questions.

As far as what Claeys said, it may show that Kill had a pattern of not completely following everything the doctors laid out, which may or may not have triggered additional seizures. Only Coach Kill knows if he has been doing everything that he could be to follow the protocol, Claeys quotes make me personally doubt that.

We can try to read into this anyway we want, but I believe FMLA requires his job be available to him when he returns from medical leave, so if they said anything else, there would be major HR violations. I'm not saying that it won't, but consider all the factors when speculating.

You are the only one attacking me for whatever reason, goofmeister. As long as it's leave of absence day maybe you should take one.

Now Highwayman posted a response in which I may have quoted the wrong drug my Uncle refuses to take, but he didn't resort to petty swearing so he's still OK in my book.

You really should seek professional help for your issues.

Just how often to you recklessly spew wrong information? Perhaps you were lying to try to make a point? Your credibility is now gone.

Woah! This means the Strib got the facts wrong?!?! Amazing.

I shouldn't hand this to you on a platter since you're the one coming out and falsely accusing me of being wrong, but since you were unable to find the information yourself I'll be kind and help you believe the truth (me):

Here's another story from the Strib.. this time there's some accuracy with regard to Kill's history..

Why Kill now tells people he's had seizures only since 2005 and seems to try to play it into his battle with cancer I don't know.. but it may be simply that the truth is inconvenient so he lies.

This latest "stepping away" from head coaching duties (which in reality might not actually be what's happening) may be nothing more than a PR play by the U. Minnesota has and continues to peg themselves into a awful position. Objective minds can and have been able to see for more than 2 years how this thing is probably going to end...

I find it funny you bash the Strib for getting something wrong but then use them as your source to claim you are right. Two more stories that say Kill's first seizure was in 2000:

Maybe Kill is lying. Regardless, I'm sure you'll be a d*ck in your response because you've shown you're very good at that.

I find it funny you bash the Strib for getting something wrong but then use them as your source to claim you are right. Two more stories that say Kill's first seizure was in 2000:

Maybe Kill is lying. Regardless, I'm sure you'll be a d*ck in your response because you've shown you're very good at that.

Good grief. So you're not going to admit I'm correct? NY Times and Washington Post get information wrong as a part of their daily business. Very normal.

Understand that the media (and people in general) don't care much for facts and details. I wasn't bashing the Strib for getting something wrong - it's so normal for traditional media to hose up information that there's nothing special about them getting this item wrong in many of their stories.

I gave you a Star Tribune story because you gave me one from them. They are absolutely not my initial source for understanding how far back Kill's seizures go. That came from out of state and long before September 2011.

Sorry bud, but Kill has had seizures for more than 20 years. Did Kill tell the U that? Did the U do adequate due diligence? Don't know. What is certain, however, is that often what the U has said and what Kill has said is patently false.

That makes this all the more difficult to understand. But again, for me it breaks down to this: I think the stress of the job has taken its toll on Kill's health and now he's in a bad spot.. seizures beget seizures and the stress of football might now be second to the stress of just making it to and through games. Removing Kill is what's best for the man's health and that is paramount. In addition, it's what is best for the football program and the U in general... not to mention, I think it's inevitable.

That makes this all the more difficult to understand. But again, for me it breaks down to this: I think the stress of the job has taken its toll on Kill's health and now he's in a bad spot.. seizures beget seizures and the stress of football might now be second to the stress of just making it to and through games. Removing Kill is what's best for the man's health and that is paramount. In addition, it's what is best for the football program and the U in general... not to mention, I think it's inevitable.

You could give a crap about what is best for Kill or what is best for the University. With you it's all about being able to say, "I told you so. I'm the smartest guy in the room with all of the sources and legal and medical knowledge I've accumulated as a glorified jock-sniffer and blogger." I am sort of disappointed though that you didn't give some sort of percentage about the "inevitability" of your prediction since you've nailed it in the past so well.

Good grief. So you're not going to admit I'm correct? NY Times and Washington Post get information wrong as a part of their daily business. Very normal.

Understand that the media (and people in general) don't care much for facts and details. I wasn't bashing the Strib for getting something wrong - it's so normal for traditional media to hose up information that there's nothing special about them getting this item wrong in many of their stories.

I gave you a Star Tribune story because you gave me one from them. They are absolutely not my initial source for understanding how far back Kill's seizures go. That came from out of state and long before September 2011.

Sorry bud, but Kill has had seizures for more than 20 years. Did Kill tell the U that? Did the U do adequate due diligence? Don't know. What is certain, however, is that often what the U has said and what Kill has said is patently false.

That makes this all the more difficult to understand. But again, for me it breaks down to this: I think the stress of the job has taken its toll on Kill's health and now he's in a bad spot.. seizures beget seizures and the stress of football might now be second to the stress of just making it to and through games. Removing Kill is what's best for the man's health and that is paramount. In addition, it's what is best for the football program and the U in general... not to mention, I think it's inevitable.

You still have yet to provide any proof that Kill's seizures date back to 1992. You stated that "traditional media" gets it wrong all the time, and yet used "traditional media" as your source to back your claim.

...or are you saying that Kill's quote that his seizures began in 1992 is your source? Well, you've already stated many times that Kill is a liar, so this cannot be used as a source either.

When you claim that your sources are suspect, and then use those same sources as doesn't work that way. So where's your proof?

You still have yet to provide any proof that Kill's seizures date back to 1992. You stated that "traditional media" gets it wrong all the time, and yet used "traditional media" as your source to back your claim.

...or are you saying that Kill's quote that his seizures began in 1992 is your source? Well, you've already stated many times that Kill is a liar, so this cannot be used as a source either.

When you claim that your sources are suspect, and then use those same sources as doesn't work that way. So where's your proof?

I've never claimed traditional media is my source. I don't need to lay out every bit of evidence to a bunch of people being rude when I know the truth. (Sort of like when you didn't believe me re: Tubby's contract.)

I know that Kill's seizures date back more than 20 years and if you have a different belief you're simply wrong.

Once you accept the truth you'll simply deflect it as no big deal anyway.

You still have yet to provide any proof that Kill's seizures date back to 1992. You stated that "traditional media" gets it wrong all the time, and yet used "traditional media" as your source to back your claim.

...or are you saying that Kill's quote that his seizures began in 1992 is your source? Well, you've already stated many times that Kill is a liar, so this cannot be used as a source either.

When you claim that your sources are suspect, and then use those same sources as doesn't work that way. So where's your proof?

There are a lot of GH'ers that speak out of both sides of their mouths:

You still have yet to provide any proof that Kill's seizures date back to 1992. You stated that "traditional media" gets it wrong all the time, and yet used "traditional media" as your source to back your claim.

...or are you saying that Kill's quote that his seizures began in 1992 is your source? Well, you've already stated many times that Kill is a liar, so this cannot be used as a source either.

When you claim that your sources are suspect, and then use those same sources as doesn't work that way. So where's your proof?

I think it's time to quit.

I've never claimed traditional media is my source. I don't need to lay out every bit of evidence to a bunch of people being rude when I know the truth. (Sort of like when you didn't believe me re: Tubby's contract.)

I know that Kill's seizures date back more than 20 years and if you have a different belief you're simply wrong.

Once you accept the truth you'll simply deflect it as no big deal anyway.

In other words, we're all supposed to just take your word as Gospel truth. Because you say so. As you know, that's not going to happen. I don't even care whether it's the truth or not. I despise your arrogance that everyone is just supposed to take everything you say as infallible. Sort of like all of your takes on Trevor Mbakwe, right?

Just think of the months and months' worth (probably years) of your life that you've wasted on the fan board of a team of which you're not even a fan. What a meaningless existence.

Just how often to you recklessly spew wrong information? Perhaps you were lying to try to make a point? Your credibility is now gone.

I'm was the first one to post on here that Leidner was starting last Saturday before the news was even made public, go back and look at that thread and the time and then tell me I have no credibility.

Sorry for mistakenly associating my Uncles' prescription for Coumadin to his high blood pressure, it was actually for heart issues. Incidentally he does also have high blood pressure, lots of people with heart issues also have high blood pressure. Please PM me and I'll give you his phone number so you can ask him yourself if you'd like. Why on earth would I make that up?

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