Norwood Teague and Tracy Claeys press conference notes regarding Kill's leave


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
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They were talking fast, it's not verbatim, but this is what I got:

Norwood Teague:
• I wanted to update everyone, Jerry Kill is taking time to focus on his treatment and treat his epilepsy. He will remain close to the program, and will stay in close contact with Claeys.
• They want the health matter to remain private.
• It was Kill's decision. It's a good time for him to focus on it and look deeper into it as it's a bye week
• Jerry Kill put this team and staff together, and Claeys can step right in.
• This is private medical matter (when asked about the arrangements being made)
• This is not a black and white condition. Over a period of time, he's said, I need to look into this deeper.
• I am personally, extremely happy with the program under these guys. They are turning a major project around, and that takes time. Games are won during the week.
• We were talking and he was considering taking a leave, and decided today. IT was time to look deeper into it, there was no red flag out there.
• Jerry is one of the toughest and most relentless human beings I've ever been around. This is a good step for him personally.
• As it stands right now, we have all of our assistants on the road, except for the coordinators. These guys recruit in a different way, kids that will fit in here, I feel like it's going very well, kids are inspired by Jerry's story.
• I don't know. I'm telling you, the more I'm around Jerry and learn, it is not a static condition. I've gotten support from all around the country. He is going after this hard. It's a big time step in the right direction.
• The team loves Jerry, they are concerned with him, and want to play hard for him. It's a tricky deal that he's got to deal with.
• The way that I see it and read it with Jerry, we've had a lot of conversations, they are trying new things all the time, and trying to come up with the right formula. Nothing radicle. Just new approaches because it's a radical condition.
• It's an intense job, Jerry manages it pretty well. We all have stress that effects us. I don't mean to be vague and not answering questions, it's just a tricky condition.
• He wouldn't comment if he was staying her in MN.
• I don't want to put percentages on his return, he could be here for NU, or he could miss that. When he's got a staff that's been with him longer than any other school it makes a huge difference. They don't miss a beat, they're like a machine.
• I don't know what staying in contact means, he'll talk with Tracy on the phone. They are like a machine. Jerry doesn't email much, trust me, he's not as computer savvy as some people, I give him a hard time about that.
• I hope he doesn't try to coach from afar too much, I hope he stays focused on his condition.
• It's never been overwhelming, the only thing that has been is the attention it gets. As far as the program goes, it's not overwhelming. They are cohesive, and professionalism is an understatement. These guys are family, and it takes a lot of the stress away from something like this.

Tracy Claeys:
• I think all of us are very comfortable, we'll do this as a staff. We've talked to the players, and they're all comfortable.
• A little bit on the history, he says he's going to do this, feel better, and not go do this. It's a huge step for him and his family, rather than putting his health off until later on. He feels good about the decision. I know one of his concerns is he's had a lot of people write him, all the thoughts prayers, messages, all mean a lot to him. He doesn't have time to return all of them, but he appreciates all the support he's got.
• He would like his privacy as he deals with this
• He'll be missed the most because he is our biggest fan. If a kid makes a mistakes, he goes up to them and tells them it's ok and to move on. He'll miss the camaraderie.
• Not concerned it's going to effect the team, we're already out there so we're not losing ground. We've been open with the situation.
• We don't know how long it's going to take. The good thing is, he's going to leave it up to the doctor. He's tried this before and left early (treatment).
• He's at home, they're making the final arrangements.
• The team is concerned about him, but they have always known things 1st. They have been texting him. Players will always come 1st when it comes to Jerry Kill, between him and Rebecca they'll do a good job communicating with the players.
• For the 1st time in his career, he didn't make it to game day. I know he doesn't want that to happen.
• He's made this decision before, but as he's gotten better, he's put it off. He loves the state of MN. By him missing that game, he felt that it was time to look into this, as he plans to be here long term. We support him 100%, and we will represent him well as the kids will, and the staff.
• In the 19 years, Kill has never taken this time for himself. Trying to get him to go on vacation for 2 days is hard!
• Think they made a decision as a family.

I think that the longevity of how long we've been together, his comfort level as a staff and how long we've been together made him be able to make this decision.

The fact that they still think it's possible he coaches at Northwestern makes me think this won't be as long of an absence as I originally thought. Of course, they could just be saying that.

• He's at home, they're making the final arrangements.

In watching the live stream, I found this comment particularly interesting. Norwood said time and time again that he didn't want to release any medical information in regard to Kill's situation, but to me, this sounds like Coach and Rebecca are going to be heading somewhere else (possibly down to the Mayo or even somewhere out of state) in order to get another opinion on his epilepsy.

Hoping for the best for Coach Kill!

Anyone catch Claeys mistake in the press conference? It sounds like Kill is checking into an inpatient program, probably at Mayo, but I get the feeling they didn't really want that information out there based on the way NT and Claeys handled the follow up questions after Claeys said a little too much.

I have been on record as not being the biggest believer in Coach Kill getting it done here but I honestly hope he can get a handle on his epilepsy and it doesn't force him to retire from coaching because I know how important it is to him. I would assume he will be getting the best possible medical treatment out there from the Mayo clinic so if anyone can get this figured out from a medication standpoint you would think it would be them.

It would be nice to get some more honesty from them on what the plan is, I know it private medical stuff, but that comes with the territory of a HC in the B1G.

It would be nice to know why more wasn't done before, or to the extent it was, why it didn't work. There probably are no great answers, but this is sold as "we're taking care of it" while at the same time admitting , we really don't know how.

It would be nice to get some more honesty from them on what the plan is, I know it private medical stuff, but that comes with the territory of a HC in the B1G.

It would be nice to know why more wasn't done before, or to the extent it was, why it didn't work. There probably are no great answers, but this is sold as "we're taking care of it" while at the same time admitting , we really don't know how.


It would be nice to get some more honesty from them on what the plan is, I know it private medical stuff, but that comes with the territory of a HC in the B1G.

It would be nice to know why more wasn't done before, or to the extent it was, why it didn't work. There probably are no great answers, but this is sold as "we're taking care of it" while at the same time admitting , we really don't know how.

No, it's not part of the territory to divulge medical information so random people can play armchair doctor. Of course there are things they don't know, that's why you see the doctor to find these things out.

It would be nice to get some more honesty from them on what the plan is, I know it private medical stuff, but that comes with the territory of a HC in the B1G.

It would be nice to know why more wasn't done before, or to the extent it was, why it didn't work. There probably are no great answers, but this is sold as "we're taking care of it" while at the same time admitting , we really don't know how.

What it boils down to edma0012, you are snooping about something (Kill's health and plan) that is confidential andthat is none of your god damned business.

But it is good that you care enough to be snoopy, because I am sure that if you take a few sick days because of the flu, your boss probably wouldn't give a damn.

No, it's not part of the territory to divulge medical information so random people can play armchair doctor. Of course there are things they don't know, that's why you see the doctor to find these things out.

I fully agree. He deserves his privacy. We need to leave him and his family to deal with this in private as per their wishes. Let's not add to an already stressful situation for Coach Kill with constant barrages on GH about his health and his ability to carry out his coaching duties. This is wearing me down. We get it. Other coaches who took time off for even more serious non-visible health reasons were afforded courtesy and privacy.

No, it's not part of the territory to divulge medical information so random people can play armchair doctor. Of course there are things they don't know, that's why you see the doctor to find these things out.

Besides, we already have an armchair doctor. GopherWarrior will tell us everything we need to know...about everything.

Besides, we already have an armchair doctor. GopherWarrior will tell us everything we need to know...about everything.

I know I now live my life by the following: Free throws don't matter and everything should be based on a 2% chance of happening.;)

In watching the live stream, I found this comment particularly interesting. Norwood said time and time again that he didn't want to release any medical information in regard to Kill's situation, but to me, this sounds like Coach and Rebecca are going to be heading somewhere else (possibly down to the Mayo or even somewhere out of state) in order to get another opinion on his epilepsy.

Hoping for the best for Coach Kill!

They gave us every reason to believe that he was going to be going somewhere out of the city. Anyone know if Mayo is the best in the country for monitoring this? When I was in med sales, I did a preceptorship at UCLA...and am pretty sure they are well know for their epilepsy work, so could be going anywhere.

It would be nice to get some more honesty from them on what the plan is, I know it private medical stuff, but that comes with the territory of a HC in the B1G.

It would be nice to know why more wasn't done before, or to the extent it was, why it didn't work. There probably are no great answers, but this is sold as "we're taking care of it" while at the same time admitting , we really don't know how.

I echo what everyone else said - all we need to know is he's working on his health, he's taking time off, and the plan of action. Where is going and for what treatment isn't our business.

It would be nice to get some more honesty from them on what the plan is, I know it private medical stuff, but that comes with the territory of a HC in the B1G.

It would be nice to know why more wasn't done before, or to the extent it was, why it didn't work. There probably are no great answers, but this is sold as "we're taking care of it" while at the same time admitting , we really don't know how.

It's official. This is definitely a bit. For the last few weeks, I've been on the fence; is this just a bit or is there really someone like this out there. This clinches it.

I'm OK with Kill not wanting to talk about his health.

I just hope the masses don't keep claiming that he is an open book about his health. That's complete and utter nonsense.

Remember, we've seen this exact same line of discussion (including Kill's comments and an open ended leave) before. Kill, speaking defiantly, re-joined the team and said that the quotes attributed to him and the claims made by the U were false. Will this be more of the same?

Hope Kill can find some comfort away from the team for awhile longer. But, at the end of the day I think stress is something he needs to reduce. He's had seizures for 20+ years and has been seen by many different experts. You're not going to know if he's all of a sudden "better" in the next few weeks. I think Minnesota will just continue to roll the dice with the man's health.

I'm OK with Kill not wanting to talk about his health.

I just hope the masses don't keep claiming that he is an open book about his health. That's complete and utter nonsense.

Remember, we've seen this exact same line of discussion (including Kill's comments and an open ended leave) before. Kill, speaking defiantly, re-joined the team and said that the quotes attributed to him and the claims made by the U were false. Will this be more of the same?

Hope Kill can find some comfort away from the team for awhile longer. But, at the end of the day I think stress is something he needs to reduce. He's had seizures for 20+ years and has been seen by many different experts. You're not going to know if he's all of a sudden "better" in the next few weeks. I think Minnesota will just continue to roll the dice with the man's health.

1.You mean that Coaches lying is a surprise to you?

2. Or that people lying about their health is a surprise to you?

3. Or that Gopher Fans who want the team to succeed are happier thinking that Kill has been open about his illness?

4. Or that those same Gopher Fans will now be surprised by this information?

1. Shame on you.
2. This would only be a surprise if you've never been a kid, a parent, owned a business or worked somewhere with over let's say 4 total employees.
3. You gotta know this one.
4. Only the handful of people who are marking Jerry for Sainthood.

By the way, it's not the University that's "rolling the health" dice. It's Kill. If he wanted to negotiate a buy-out for health reasons do you think that those nefarious people at the U would stop him?

Unfortunately you're wrong in your accusation.

His first well-documented seizure was at Pittsburg State back in 1992. Maybe you're rollin with a different calendar than I use, but that's more than 20 years ago according to mine.

Unfortunately you're wrong in your accusation. His first well-documented seizure was at Pittsburg State back in 1992. Maybe you're rollin with a different calendar than I use, but that's more than 20 years ago according to mine.

The way you glory in all of this only confirms what a pathetic loser you are.

A couple of thoughts here:

Just because the doctors have been prescribing Kill medications doesn't mean he is taking them, I have an Uncle who has high blood pressure and has been prescribed Coumadin but throws the pills away because he doesn't like the side effects, he calls it rat poison. None of us know if Kill has been doing all he can to follow the regimen, seems like he has been pretty impatient too return in the past, this could be a possibility is all I'm saying but to be clear this is not an accusation.

I thought it was incredibly irresponsible for Claeys to suggest Kill may be back by the NW game, why provide a timeline when they are not sure how long this may take. It's been going on for a long time and now they are suggesting it may be solved within the next 10 days? Dumbfounding

Am I the only one who thinks its strange that Kill has still not been seen in public for over a week, he's not even well enough to attend today's major news conference about his own possibly life defining decision? That to me is concerning

I don't understand why so many people are attacking GW, him and I have been only a very few in minority to have questioned things lately and we were validated today. You need to stop hating on him just because you perceive that he is not a Gopher football fan and realize that a lot of his questions are valid and need to be asked, don't shoot the messenger. And for the record I've never met GW.

Come on, I said we should know the plan, not get releases for his medical records. They've been telling us the same thing for awhile, yet nothing's changed. Its not a freaking mystery that he's getting treatment for epilepsy (well at least we assume that is what is going on).
Its part of theme that its nobody's business, its not a big deal, let's ignore it. That's just not the way to handle this type of situation in a high profile job.
Own it. If the coach wants to act embarrassed by his condition, or be vague about it, people will continue to question.

He owes us nothing by way of details, but that doesn't mean he has to reveal nothing either. Tell people what he is doing or what doc's he's working with.
We all know what doctor did AD's ACL and where had the surgery, we know when Kobe Bryant goes to Germany for procedures, its just not that big a deal to say "I am going to be working with Dr. Who at ABC Medical Center, a respected specialist in epilepsy. Together, we're going to figure this out and get it under control".

How hard would that be?

Come on, I said we should know the plan, not get releases for his medical records. They've been telling us the same thing for awhile, yet nothing's changed. Its not a freaking mystery that he's getting treatment for epilepsy (well at least we assume that is what is going on).
Its part of theme that its nobody's business, its not a big deal, let's ignore it. That's just not the way to handle this type of situation in a high profile job.
Own it. If the coach wants to act embarrassed by his condition, or be vague about it, people will continue to question.

He owes us nothing by way of details, but that doesn't mean he has to reveal nothing either. Tell people what he is doing or what doc's he's working with.
We all know what doctor did AD's ACL and where had the surgery, we know when Kobe Bryant goes to Germany for procedures, its just not that big a deal to say "I am going to be working with Dr. Who at ABC Medical Center, a respected specialist in epilepsy. Together, we're going to figure this out and get it under control".

How hard would that be?

It would be a lot easier for you if you would not dwell on being snoopy.

Triple D - A lot of people aren't surprised, but why take the uninformed abuse...apparently it's easier to stick your head in the sand.

I hope nothing but the best for Kill. I think putting his health first is overdue.

A couple of thoughts here: Just because the doctors have been prescribing Kill medications doesn't mean he is taking them, I have an Uncle who has high blood pressure and has been prescribed Coumadin but throws the pills away because he doesn't like the side effects, he calls it rat poison. None of us know if Kill has been doing all he can to follow the regimen, seems like he has been pretty impatient too return in the past, this could be a possibility is all I'm saying but to be clear this is not an accusation. I thought it was incredibly irresponsible for Claeys to suggest Kill may be back by the NW game, why provide a timeline when they are not sure how long this may take. It's been going on for a long time and now they are suggesting it may be solved within the next 10 days? Dumbfounding Am I the only one who thinks its strange that Kill has still not been seen in public for over a week, he's not even well enough to attend today's major news conference about his own possibly life defining decision? That to me is concerning I don't understand why so many people are attacking GW, him and I have been only a very few in minority to have questioned things lately and we were validated today. You need to stop hating on him just because you perceive that he is not a Gopher football fan and realize that a lot of his questions are valid and need to be asked, don't shoot the messenger. And for the record I've never met GW.

People are attacking you two because you're a$$ h0les.

Got a link or quote to support your claim? I'll believe you then. This story says Kill's first seizure was in 2000 while at Emporia State.

Woah! This means the Strib got the facts wrong?!?! Amazing.

I shouldn't hand this to you on a platter since you're the one coming out and falsely accusing me of being wrong, but since you were unable to find the information yourself I'll be kind and help you believe the truth (me):

Here's another story from the Strib.. this time there's some accuracy with regard to Kill's history..

Star Tribune said:
Despite a medical condition that has sent him to the hospital six times in the past 12 seasons, Kill has a perfect attendance record at his team's games. He's cut himself during a seizure, broken ribs, lost 15 pounds in a week, and even put off cancer surgery -- but he's never failed to lead his players into competition.

Which is why Smith's news conference sounded a lot like those held by physicians who have treated Kill before.

"As you'd anticipate, Coach Kill's feeling is that he wants to get back on the field," said Smith, who expected the coach to be released from the hospital "sooner than later," though he remained hospitalized Monday night. "So we're going to make sure [his] medication levels are appropriate, that he's feeling well enough ... and to address those issues we can address now and not let this occur in the future."

That won't be easy; Kill has experienced seizures of varying severity since at least 1992, he has told reporters in the past, and has told friends that doctors believe scar tissue on the brain -- perhaps a residue of his football playing career as an aggressive 165-pound linebacker -- might be the root cause.

"I have scar tissue that's built up on my brain," he told Topeka Capital-Journal reporter Ken Corbitt after being hospitalized for three days at Emporia State in 2000. "They described it like electricity going off in the breaker box that's causing my breaker to pop. That causes seizures."

Why Kill now tells people he's had seizures only since 2005 and seems to try to play it into his battle with cancer I don't know.. but it may be simply that the truth is inconvenient so he lies.

This latest "stepping away" from head coaching duties (which in reality might not actually be what's happening) may be nothing more than a PR play by the U. Minnesota has and continues to peg themselves into a awful position. Objective minds can and have been able to see for more than 2 years how this thing is probably going to end...

I'm OK with Kill not wanting to talk about his health.

I just hope the masses don't keep claiming that he is an open book about his health. That's complete and utter nonsense.

Remember, we've seen this exact same line of discussion (including Kill's comments and an open ended leave) before. Kill, speaking defiantly, re-joined the team and said that the quotes attributed to him and the claims made by the U were false. Will this be more of the same?

Hope Kill can find some comfort away from the team for awhile longer. But, at the end of the day I think stress is something he needs to reduce. He's had seizures for 20+ years and has been seen by many different experts. You're not going to know if he's all of a sudden "better" in the next few weeks. I think Minnesota will just continue to roll the dice with the man's health.

Why are you obsessed with this? Why does it matter? Why do you keep making assumptions?

The only thing I can come up with is you're trying to make it even more controversial than it is.

Come on, I said we should know the plan, not get releases for his medical records. They've been telling us the same thing for awhile, yet nothing's changed. Its not a freaking mystery that he's getting treatment for epilepsy (well at least we assume that is what is going on).
Its part of theme that its nobody's business, its not a big deal, let's ignore it. That's just not the way to handle this type of situation in a high profile job.
Own it. If the coach wants to act embarrassed by his condition, or be vague about it, people will continue to question.

He owes us nothing by way of details, but that doesn't mean he has to reveal nothing either. Tell people what he is doing or what doc's he's working with.
We all know what doctor did AD's ACL and where had the surgery, we know when Kobe Bryant goes to Germany for procedures, its just not that big a deal to say "I am going to be working with Dr. Who at ABC Medical Center, a respected specialist in epilepsy. Together, we're going to figure this out and get it under control".

How hard would that be?

Serious question, why does this matter? What would it do?

I have an Uncle who has high blood pressure and has been prescribed Coumadin but throws the pills away because he doesn't like the side effects, he calls it rat poison.

Smart man. Coumadin is a blood thinner used to treat blood clots. It's never prescribed to lower blood pressure.

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