News on Shaka Smart

Guys, I'm not too concerned with our fan base saying stuff over on VRN. The leader is a fat man who wears horns who is literally pushing the scales at over 400 pounds. This is a guy who started out by being Capels student manager and has followed the Rams around ever since. I remember last year in Portland during the NCAA tourney Shaka told me regarding Pav (Yeah man hes creepy) when I asked him about him following him around. To be honest he may accept another job just to get away from the horned creeper!


Guys, I'm not too concerned with our fan base saying stuff over on VRN. The leader is a fat man who wears horns who is literally pushing the scales at over 400 pounds. This is a guy who started out by being Capels student manager and has followed the Rams around ever since. I remember last year in Portland during the NCAA tourney Shaka told me regarding Pav (Yeah man hes creepy) when I asked him about him following him around. To be honest he may accept another job just to get away from the horned creeper!

shots fired.

Guys, I'm not too concerned with our fan base saying stuff over on VRN. The leader is a fat man who wears horns who is literally pushing the scales at over 400 pounds. This is a guy who started out by being Capels student manager and has followed the Rams around ever since. I remember last year in Portland during the NCAA tourney Shaka told me regarding Pav (Yeah man hes creepy) when I asked him about him following him around. To be honest he may accept another job just to get away from the horned creeper!

This whole thread is getting creepy.

Can we ask the fat ram if he likes giant hot dogs?

Guys, I'm not too concerned with our fan base saying stuff over on VRN. The leader is a fat man who wears horns who is literally pushing the scales at over 400 pounds. This is a guy who started out by being Capels student manager and has followed the Rams around ever since. I remember last year in Portland during the NCAA tourney Shaka told me regarding Pav (Yeah man hes creepy) when I asked him about him following him around. To be honest he may accept another job just to get away from the horned creeper!

Why does the VCU board hate Teague?

Nobody over there is reading this board, yet they copy our posts within 5 minutes.

VCU has done this once or twice, they'd manage. Someone post a list of Billy Donavan's assistant coaches...
True but now they would have to do it without Teague and Ellis making the decisons.

Guys, I'm not too concerned with our fan base saying stuff over on VRN. The leader is a fat man who wears horns who is literally pushing the scales at over 400 pounds. This is a guy who started out by being Capels student manager and has followed the Rams around ever since. I remember last year in Portland during the NCAA tourney Shaka told me regarding Pav (Yeah man hes creepy) when I asked him about him following him around. To be honest he may accept another job just to get away from the horned creeper!

This just keeps getting better and better haha

Starting to get annoyed by richmondinsider. It's quite clear he's just trying to troll us.

Starting to get annoyed by richmondinsider. It's quite clear he's just trying to troll us.

Chill'll all be over in the next 24 to 48 hours. If Shaka is meant to be here, he'll be here...If not, we'll make do with Flip...not a bad fall back.

I would really like if the "Gopher Lady" aka Nadine would follow up with her source from yesterday and ask him WTF is going on???

I would really like if the "Gopher Lady" aka Nadine would follow up with her source from yesterday and ask him WTF is going on???

I was thinking the same thing. Where is she?

I don't understand the derision for RichmondInsider. If he's trolling, it's not necessarily game-changing. He hasn't said anything outlandish. Personally, I'm willing to give his reports some validity, even if, this being the internet, I'm still reserving complete judgment. And what's the point of being dismissive? Either he's right, or he's wrong, and if it's the latter (although it'd be hard to tell, given his lack of definitive statements), he'll get ripped, and justifiably so. Either way, he hasn't been acting like a jackass, he's just been putting out information. I like reading stuff like this.

I agree it hasn't been outlandish. I just got the vibe that it was a VCU fan putting us Gopher rubes on a little roller-coaster tease to get us riled up. Apparently it worked on me. :mad:

Why would he be a troll? He hasn't said anything bad to get our hopes down, nor anything good to get our hopes up. Chill... and keep refreshing.

VCU has restructured Shaka's deal every single year. Not one of the four years has he worked under the same terms.

At some point you are OK with leaving a place you love. Different opportunity, more money, etc... doing so by joining people you've worked well with for years makes it so much easier to do.

Why would he be a troll? He hasn't said anything bad to get our hopes down, nor anything good to get our hopes up. Chill... and keep refreshing.

If he had never posted we would be going off the SI tweet, which means we wouldn't have gotten our hopes up. So now when we ultimately don't get him people are going to be more upset/disappointed. So yes, he did get some people's hopes up.

If he had never posted we would be going off the SI tweet, which means we wouldn't have gotten our hopes up. So now when we ultimately don't get him people are going to be more upset/disappointed. So yes, he did get some people's hopes up.

Pretty much this. Let's be real, on this board there's a large chunk of optimists who believe - perhaps against history - that great things will happen to our program(s). A ray of light in a dark place is a powerful thing.

Where are our detectives on locating the private jet? We had some interesting info on the flight plans and sightings of the jet back during the FB coach search.

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