News on Shaka Smart



Excellent first post...thank you for visiting the future home of your former BB coach. When it is announced tomorrow we will change the name of this forum to something cute like Shaka's Army or Shaka Can or Shaka Smart Enough to Leave Piss Ant Virginia School for the know cute.

The PAV indeed; change of pace from hot dogs to popcorn!!

PAV, who is this Richmond Insider fellow?

Oh, yes, he has called me believing that my annual $250 "contribution" to buy $650 tickets could be parlayed into an NCAA bonus check for a new coach. In order to keep the process private, he would not divulge the name of the new coach, though. I am supposed to trust him with my tithe.

Holy Man, this thread is going to be like adoration - someone's going to have to stay up with it all night!

Has Pav made an appearance?! I thought he was as real as the mythical clitoris.

I've got a crisp $5 bill I'm willing to give for the new practice facility. I might be able to go $10 if I can make installments. Where are the rest of you big donors? I would like my own seat in the new barn and not behind some pillar.

I'd donate my Susan B Anthony's, but I assume they'll be worth something some day. Probably just a buck though...

I just have to be serious for a second here now, folks. This has been the most entertaining day on Gopherhole in a long time. This is like the AJ Barker thread times 1000.

I just have to be serious for a second here now, folks. This has been the most entertaining day on Gopherhole in a long time. This is like the AJ Barker thread times 1000.

No one has ever said GopherHolers do not have a sense of humor. This is more fun than watching reruns of Golden Girls.

And for the record my road dogs are practically begging for me to let them ride against GopherRam but the guy is a clown. he went from saying he'd be in a Vikings hat, to a Twins hat, to some random hot. I'll keep them chained up for the night.

I thought you were from a time and place where you let your fists do the talking? Not your 'road dogs' fists. You kind of have to go to Bogarts, order a $3 double, and listen to some of Victor's tunes. It actually sounds like a pretty good time. Just make sure you post about it.

Just look for the clean guy. He said he was taking a shower before he went up to Bogarts. A clean guy, wearing some sort of hat, enjoying a Tuesday night at Bogarts. I'm guessing there are not too many people fitting that bill. C'mon man, solidify this night in Gopherhole history. I'm putting it up there with The Loon's mental breakdown.

Ok well I am here, in a Twins hat- if you're confused it's blue an red and a "TC" interlocks. Black polo jacket. Half of my platoon has showed up (I'm an E5) they got wind of this since one of my specialists is my friend. They want to see it. I'll be here a few more hours. Bring the dogs if you want.

I am not posting new information. I'm posting responses to the "national" news. I could care less if I'm regarded as a troll or not. I'm here to put out information and it seems greatly appreciated by many.

It is

Gopherhole is much better when people aren't bickering back and forth about whether to keep or to fire a coach.

I don't believe a word richmondinsider says...i'm gonna bet this is all a game for that guy. The guys on the VCU board think it's the same dude that got the Virginia Tech board all riled up for their vacancy. Just stringing us along.... LINK

When this is over tomorrow when they announce that Shaka is a Gopher...can you please stay around and keep are so much better than Friend of Tubby, who we got with our last coaching hire.

Best thread ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

+ 201

I want to thank RI and GRF for awesome posts. I love VCU. I hope they prosper with or without Shaka.

No one has ever said GopherHolers do not have a sense of humor. This is more fun than watching reruns of Golden Girls.
If laughter truly is the best medicine,all of us may never have to see a doctor again ( No offense intended Dr. )

I have on this site for three years and never written anything but this is too funny. I am ready to wet my pants! I can't tell you what part of these threads are the best. The near fight by the VCU fans, the pictures of Shaka at the Vu, or Parski not trying to suck up to Tubby. I would agree...this is better than the Kill hire but just as hard to get work done.

My buddy at ESPN HQ said from his sources it is looking like tomorrow Shaka Smart will be our new coach. That's what he said was going through the grapevine. It all hinges on from what they are saying on upgrades to facilities.

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