News on Shaka Smart

10PM Update
The rumor I'm hearing is Norwood has been calling big money donors all day/night to work out a deal for an out of the world practice facility. Perhaps some people on Gopher Hole have been contacted?

Well, Norwood hasn't called me and I'm kind of a big deal, so I doubt any of this is true.

This poster is getting hysterical.
Keep it coming!

10PM Update

Shaka spent the day talking to both friends and family about what to do. I know for a fact Billy D has told him to go to UCLA. Many people are telling him to do what he thinks is best for his career. He really wants to take one of these jobs but Maya his wife is dead set on the city life in Richmond. She simply loves it.

Shaka's agent at one point thought a deal would get done today with VCU but it did NOT. Shaka is expected to visit with Norwood Teague tomorrow. I'm not sure where the meeting is whether Norwood is comming to Richmond or Shaka is going to MN.

People within VCU are starting to get very nervous as they expected this to be an easy process. The word is they thought they could get him quickly to agree to stay. They are having problems meeting many of his demands very few are about money. The thought is this is the last upgrade of a contract that is really possible for Smart at VCU. If he agrees to a deal here the thought is this is the BEST VCU can give him.

The rumor I'm hearing is Norwood has been calling big money donors all day/night to work out a deal for an out of the world practice facility. Perhaps some people on Gopher Hole have been contacted?

Good stuff. Do you plan on heading over to Bogarts or can I go to bed?

Actually, this could be a win-win with respect to coaching change AND practice facility if donor need to put their money where their mouth is on short notice!

Please tell me you don't actually believe that crap.

10PM Update

Shaka spent the day talking to both friends and family about what to do. I know for a fact Billy D has told him to go to UCLA. Many people are telling him to do what he thinks is best for his career. He really wants to take one of these jobs but Maya his wife is dead set on the city life in Richmond. She simply loves it.

Shaka's agent at one point thought a deal would get done today with VCU but it did NOT. Shaka is expected to visit with Norwood Teague tomorrow. I'm not sure where the meeting is whether Norwood is comming to Richmond or Shaka is going to MN.

People within VCU are starting to get very nervous as they expected this to be an easy process. The word is they thought they could get him quickly to agree to stay. They are having problems meeting many of his demands very few are about money. The thought is this is the last upgrade of a contract that is really possible for Smart at VCU. If he agrees to a deal here the thought is this is the BEST VCU can give him.

The rumor I'm hearing is Norwood has been calling big money donors all day/night to work out a deal for an out of the world practice facility. Perhaps some people on Gopher Hole have been contacted?

Almost word for word what AJs Mom's friend told me just a few minutes it possible that richmondinsider is AJ's Moms Friend? If they are the same...I really want to see pics of the fist fight.

Who cares about this coaching search. What are the Vegas odds for this fight?

10PM Update

The rumor I'm hearing is Norwood has been calling big money donors all day/night to work out a deal for an out of the world practice facility. Perhaps some people on Gopher Hole have been contacted?

Oh, yes, he has called me believing that my annual $250 "contribution" to buy $650 tickets could be parlayed into an NCAA bonus check for a new coach. In order to keep the process private, he would not divulge the name of the new coach, though. I am supposed to trust him with my tithe.

And for the record my road dogs are practically begging for me to let them ride against GopherRam but the guy is a clown. he went from saying he'd be in a Vikings hat, to a Twins hat, to some random hot. I'll keep them chained up for the night.

Only 40,000 views... come on.. get this puppy to 100,000!!!

I know for a fact that Andy Katz is on this post right now hitting refresh, refresh, refresh...

FWIW, there could be some validity to Richmondinsider's last paragraph. Lou Nanne was on with Barreiro today on KFAN and said he had been down at the U and heard them working the boosters via phone, he mentioned he was there when one agreed to pony up 300 Grand.

And for the record my road dogs are practically begging for me to let them ride against GopherRam but the guy is a clown. he went from saying he'd be in a Vikings hat, to a Twins hat, to some random hot. I'll keep them chained up for the night.

Yeah, but will the 400 pound stalker and wiener lover have a heart attack if Shaka picks Minnesota?


And for the record my road dogs are practically begging for me to let them ride against GopherRam but the guy is a clown. he went from saying he'd be in a Vikings hat, to a Twins hat, to some random hot. I'll keep them chained up for the night.

When this is over tomorrow when they announce that Shaka is a Gopher...can you please stay around and keep are so much better than Friend of Tubby, who we got with our last coaching hire.

Best thread ever!!!!!!!!!!!!

FWIW, there could be some validity to Richmondinsider's last paragraph. Lou Nanne was on with Barreiro today on KFAN and said he had been down at the U and heard them working the boosters via phone, he mentioned he was there when one agreed to pony up 300 Grand.

When is Sweet Lou going to open up the checkbook?

I've got a crisp $5 bill I'm willing to give for the new practice facility. I might be able to go $10 if I can make installments. Where are the rest of you big donors? I would like my own seat in the new barn and not behind some pillar.

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