You do realize you were obsessive with your retain Tubby rants and now you are obsessed with your hire Flip rants? Just sayin'. I'm not knocking your stances, just that you might think posting on Gopherhole numerous times on the subject somehow strengthens things to go down the way you want them to. I'm certainly not the brightest bulb in the attic, but I don't think it's going to make a difference on the hire. You are passionate and a Gopher fan through and through, no doubt about that.
No, LOL, just WAY too much time on my hands during the winter. I work 8 months of the year, and get my winters off.
Dude, if I actually thought that my posts had any affect on how things went down, I'd have posted ten times as many posts as I have.
And the difference between my defense of Tubby and my thinking Flip is the best option to replace him, is that I was defending Tubby more out of just feeling sorry for him and how many people were attacking him and doing everything they could to make him look as bad as they possibly could. I was just trying to bring balance to that conversation. Deep down I didn't really want Tubby to be our coach, I just didn't think we had a chance at getting Shaka, or any other high profile coach, and I did not realize how interested Flip was in the job. So I feared a Mason-Brewster situation, where we'd fire a guy who wasn't that great only to hire some loser.
But as soon as I started to get the feeling that we had a shot at getting Flip Saunders, and then when Tubby lost to Nebraska and then Purdue, I just totally gave up on him.
Oh, and what I said about posting ten times more, was only in reference to getting Flip hired, lol. If I honestly thought my posts had an affect on what ended up happening, I would NOT have posted as much as I did to defend Tubby.