New Q&A: New Gopher Joey King Discusses Transferring to the U, Pitino's Style of Play

I have known Joey King for several years and have watched him play and interviewed him many times over the past four years. I think that he is being treated a bit unfairly. Talking to him and people close to him, I think that there was some frustration on the Internet and Twitter about some inaccuracies in his possible transfer to Minnesota. I believe that he talked to me for his first interview because he knew that I would be fair.

I think that Creighton was appealing to him since he had familiarity with the program, having played against them twice and playing well against them as a freshman. I believe he felt that even sitting out a year, if he transferred there, would be a good move as he could work out with All-American Doug McDermott while redshirting.

I think that once a scholarship at Minnesota was available, that was where he was going to land. I wish Joey only the best of success and hope that other Gopher fans will do the same.

Chris Monter

All well and good, and everybody here surely hopes he does well too. But I think his interview answers, and even your explanation above, arguably call into question a key assumption most fans previously had been making, i.e. that the Gophers decided to accept King as a transfer on scholarship partly because he'd be immediately eligible (transferring in order to move closer to a sick relative). I think fans on this board feel that that assumption is less safe now. I for one was very enthusiastic about his transfer here but that enthusiasm will be dampened a lot if we are using a scholarship on a guy that ends up having to sit out the whole year. Perhaps we fans don't know the nuances of the applicable waiver process, but some of us apparently feel that his answers (and your questions which arguably opened the door) could undermine his waiver application.

My nephew knows Joey King well having played basketball against him and considers himself a good friend of his. He even had conversations with him after his release from Drake. I asked my nephew and sister-in-law what Joey King was like and they both have repeatedly said he is a really good kid. Knowing the character and integrity of my nephew, that is good enough for me. I found nothing wrong with what he said in the interview either. My nephew said before he announced he wasn't going to walk-on at Minnesota either and was hoping for an offer.

My nephew knows Joey King well having played basketball against him and considers himself a good friend of his. He even had conversations with him after his release from Drake. I asked my nephew and sister-in-law what Joey King was like and they both have repeatedly said he is a really good kid. Knowing the character and integrity of my nephew, that is good enough for me. I found nothing wrong with what he said in the interview either. My nephew said before he announced he wasn't going to walk-on at Minnesota either and was hoping for an offer.


All well and good, and everybody here surely hopes he does well too. But I think his interview answers, and even your explanation above, arguably call into question a key assumption most fans previously had been making, i.e. that the Gophers decided to accept King as a transfer on scholarship partly because he'd be immediately eligible (transferring in order to move closer to a sick relative). I think fans on this board feel that that assumption is less safe now. I for one was very enthusiastic about his transfer here but that enthusiasm will be dampened a lot if we are using a scholarship on a guy that ends up having to sit out the whole year. Perhaps we fans don't know the nuances of the applicable waiver process, but some of us apparently feel that his answers (and your questions which arguably opened the door) could undermine his waiver application.

Chris Monter was defending the kid because some people on here thought he was a jerk for saying he wouldn't walk on at Minnesota. It wasn't in reference to him being immediately eligible.

It seems like you have a problem with this kid "finessing" the rules a little bit to attempt to become immediately eligible. That's how it works in big time college sports. You can call it lying or whatever, but everyone does it. For instance, Kirkwood (football) was injured right before he would have played enough to where he couldn't be a medical redshirt. You can't get a medical redshirt unless you CAN'T play anymore for a season because of an injury, do you think Kirkwood would have taken another snap at the end of the year, even if he could have played? No. Why? He'd lose a year of eligibility. Do you really think Russell Wilson transferred to WI for a graduate program (or the first semester of a graduate program)? This happens every single year.
The kid didn't comment on it, he shouldn't comment on it. However, he also shouldn't be blamed in anyway for trying to play right away by stretching the rules. That's how the world works.

Here is the reality of the situation. When asking for his release, he would have had NO idea if Minnesota had a scholarship offer for him (if he did, that's a little thing called tampering on Pitino's part). Once he asked for his release it is completely and 100% realistic that his number 1 option was Minnesota so he could be close to sick family.

However, what happens if you get the release, can't wait to transfer to MN, and then Pitino tells you sorry, no scholarships. Well you can't walk on due to financial situations. Obviously you have to have a backup plan to get a scholarship, even if it isn't the most ideal situation with location. Especially when you do first get the release and all the rumors are of him only getting a walk on spot, you HAVE to have a back up plan. Always. It doesn't mean the ill family member is an illegitimate reason at all.

I compare this a lot to the Paul Carter situation. Carter didn't want to be at MN anymore, that is part of why he transfered with the other part being his younger sister having cancer. The difference with Carter was that Illinois has a few D1 schools. Minnesota has 1. Paul could have gotten a scholarship from a few schools in the Chicago area, his options 1, 2, 3 could have all been in Chicago/Illinois. In Minnesota, we only have one D1 University. So Joey's options 2, 3 or 4 couldn't also be in Minnesota.

Or to put it this way, if I need to make 50K to support my sick child with cancer who is in MN and so I quit my job in Iowa with the hope I can find a similar job in Minnesota. Well, what if I can't find a job at the one firm in my line of work in Minnesota? I wasn't allowed to look while I was still employed in Iowa. I'd have to have backup options outside of Minnesota. I can't just say, sorry son, looks like we are going to be broke. At least I am in Minnesota though!

Here is the reality of the situation. When asking for his release, he would have had NO idea if Minnesota had a scholarship offer for him (if he did, that's a little thing called tampering on Pitino's part). Once he asked for his release it is completely and 100% realistic that his number 1 option was Minnesota so he could be close to sick family.

However, what happens if you get the release, can't wait to transfer to MN, and then Pitino tells you sorry, no scholarships. Well you can't walk on due to financial situations. Obviously you have to have a backup plan to get a scholarship, even if it isn't the most ideal situation with location. Especially when you do first get the release and all the rumors are of him only getting a walk on spot, you HAVE to have a back up plan. Always. It doesn't mean the ill family member is an illegitimate reason at all.

I compare this a lot to the Paul Carter situation. Carter didn't want to be at MN anymore, that is part of why he transfered with the other part being his younger sister having cancer. The difference with Carter was that Illinois has a few D1 schools. Minnesota has 1. Paul could have gotten a scholarship from a few schools in the Chicago area, his options 1, 2, 3 could have all been in Chicago/Illinois. In Minnesota, we only have one D1 University. So Joey's options 2, 3 or 4 couldn't also be in Minnesota.

Or to put it this way, if I need to make 50K to support my sick child with cancer who is in MN and so I quit my job in Iowa with the hope I can find a similar job in Minnesota. Well, what if I can't find a job at the one firm in my line of work in Minnesota? I wasn't allowed to look while I was still employed in Iowa. I'd have to have backup options outside of Minnesota. I can't just say, sorry son, looks like we are going to be broke. At least I am in Minnesota though!

Regardless of if we had a scholarship or not, he should have said that he would have walked through fire to walk on at the U. In fact, he should have said that he would have killed his first born for the opportunity to wear Maroon and Gold and that he didn't care if his family couldn't afford the school, there is NO WAY, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, that he would have played for another University. Creighton gives him a full ride? Who cares. They aren't the U. He's a jerk if he doesn't say so. In fact, every kid who goes to play ball for a mid-major school is a jerk for taking the 50-100k in scholarship money and not walking on at the U.

Zero issues with anything King has said (or not said). Maybe he (a) was ready to leave Drake, (b) had family matters that made it so that he'd prefer to be close to home, (c) really loves the Gophers, and (d) some other stuff.

Things are rarely cut and dry, straightforward and obvious. If he doesn't want to go into detail about issues outside of the game of basketball then he shouldn't.

If he starts committing serious crimes, failing classes due to a lack of effort, etc... I might join in on some criticism. But for now, I'll be happy the kid has an opportunity to be where he wants to be and wish him luck.

...person answering a question with a truthful response.

Like non face-to-face sarcasm people can't get a feel for if a person is a jackass or straightforward guy from his typed remarks.

I think Joey was a good pick up and can't wait to see him on the court wearing maroon and gold.

Zero issues with anything King has said (or not said). Maybe he (a) was ready to leave Drake, (b) had family matters that made it so that he'd prefer to be close to home, (c) really loves the Gophers, and (d) some other stuff.

Things are rarely cut and dry, straightforward and obvious. If he doesn't want to go into detail about issues outside of the game of basketball then he shouldn't.

If he starts committing serious crimes, failing classes due to a lack of effort, etc... I might join in on some criticism. But for now, I'll be happy the kid has an opportunity to be where he wants to be and wish him luck.

But it is more entertaining for anonymous commentors to over analyze things in an effort to show how smart they are.

Amelia Q&A: I caught up with him to chat a little about his decision and how thing are going so far (questions in bold; his answers in regular type).

So how has it been playing under Richard Pitino so far? He’s a great coach. I’m really looking forward to the opportunity to play for him. He makes us work hard and the expectation is that we bring it every day and that’s the way I like to play basketball.

What about Minnesota were you most drawn to? Coming home was great for me and meeting a coach like coach Pitino, it just felt like a great opportunity for me to play here at Minnesota.

What was the biggest factor that went into you leaving Drake? It was really important for me to come home. That was most important for me.

Do you know yet whether you will be eligible to play next season? That is being worked on right now, it’s in progress. We’re seeking for the opportunity for me to play next year.

What sort of takeaways did you bring from your experience at Drake? What does it mean to have a season of collegiate ball already under your belt as you head into the Big Ten? There’s a lot of great competition in the Missouri Valley and when we stepped out for out of conference games, we played against some of the best. So it was a great opportunity. I appreciate everything Drake did for me and it’s just time to move on and begin my career here at Minnesota.

Do you think you learned more about yourself and what you need to work on last year? Absolutely. As you move up higher and higher in basketball, everything you do has to improve. I took steps with my strength and speed and I only look to keep improving in those areas along with all my skills in basketball.

Do you have any personal goals set for yourself in this first year with the Gophers? Right now, it’s just getting me on the floor, that’s what’s most important, we’ve got to take care of some business with that. Once that’s done with, we’ll begin to think about next season. Right now, it’s just getting better every day.

Did the ability to possibly step in and contribute immediately with the frontcourt as thin as it is factor into your decision? I can’t say it really went into my decision. I think where we are at right now, I think we have a great all-around team. Who we have really fits Pitino’s system and getting out on the court and practicing, we have a really good feeling about where we are and where we’re going to be.

What did Pitino say to you to sell you on Minnesota? What have you talked about? He told me about the way they play and what the expectation is – toughness and effort are two of the things that I strive to show most, so that’s a big factor. A style that you play and a style that you want to play is definitely very important when choosing a college.

Do you think you'll fit in with that style? Absolutely.

Did you grow up a Gophers fan, being from the state? Yep

So that’s got to be pretty neat for you and your family, to be a part of it now. Absolutely, my loved ones are really looking forward to it.

Are they going to a lot of games anyway? Some, but now that I’m coming, a lot more.

How are you getting along with the other players? Is everyone still getting to know each other? It’s excellent. We’ve got a few new players and everything is looking great, we’re like one big family.

Go Gophers!!

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