New Q&A: New Gopher Joey King Discusses Transferring to the U, Pitino's Style of Play

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Nov 3, 2008
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New Q&A: New Gopher Joey King Discusses Transferring to the U, Pitino's Style of Play

New Gopher Joey King Discusses Transferring to the U, Pitino's Style of Play and More
By Chris Monter

Joey King, a 6-foot-8 forward from Eastview (MN) High, recently transferred from Drake to Minnesota. King averaged 6.9 points and 2.9 rebounds per game for the Bulldogs, which was first in scoring and fourth in rebounding among freshman in the Missouri Valley Conference.

King averaged 23.9 points per game for the Lightning as a senior and led Eastview to the Class AAAA state tournament. He averaged a team-best 17.6 points per game and 15.2 points per game as a sophomore, leading Eastview to the state tournament. caught up with King in an exclusive interview to learn more about his decision to transfer to Minnesota.

Gopher Hole: What was the main reason that you decided that Minnesota was where you wanted to be?

Joey King: I was excited to come home to family and friends. I am just looking forward to the opportunity to play in the Big Ten.

Gopher Hole: You had some good games at Drake as a freshman and made the All-Missouri Valley Conference All-Freshman team, but other games you did not get as much playing time. Was that a little bit frustrating as I am sure you want to be on the court as much as you can?

Joey King: There are a lot of things to grow from for your freshman year. It happens. There were a lot of learning experience my freshman year and I think that it made me a lot smarter and a lot better player.

Gopher Hole: Coach Pitino wants to play a more up-tempo style, which should really fit what you like to do. How do you feel that you fit in that style of play?

Joey King: I really look forward to Coach Pitino’s coaching style. I think that we will really get out there and play and get after it, so it definitely fits my style. I like to run for being a big man and just really looking forward to it. It is going to be a great opportunity.

Gopher Hole: To be honest, the Gophers are a little bit thin in the frontcourt in terms of big guys. Is that something that you look at and think that if you do what you need to do in practice that there is a chance that you could get significant playing time this upcoming season?

Joey King: Yes. As long as I come, play my game and play hard, I am sure that there is an opportunity. If it arises, I am going to make the best of it and I guess we’ll just see what happens in the next couple of weeks.

Gopher Hole: What others schools were you looking at besides Minnesota after you decided to transfer from Drake?

Joey King: Creighton and St. Louis.

Gopher Hole: Had you even set up plans to visit those two schools?

Joey King: I had plans to visit both.

Gopher Hole: Was Minnesota always the school that you were hoping that you would end up at once you decided to leave Drake?

Joey King: No. It was really Creighton and Minnesota, basically.

Gopher Hole: Obviously, you knew Creighton since you were in the same league and you had one of your better games this season against them. Was that something that intrigue you about them plus they have been a very good team the past couple of years?

Joey King: Yes. They just have a very special program. Playing against them, knowing a couple of their players, it felt like it was a great spot. It would have been a great opportunity. It was a great opportunity to talk to them.

Gopher Hole: Besides Creighton and St. Louis, what other schools did you hear from?

Joey King: I really just kept it down because I was really interested in St. Louis, Creighton and Minnesota. I never really stretched beyond that.

Gopher Hole: When are you starting school at Minnesota?

Joey King: I am moving in Saturday.

Gopher Hole: Drake is a very good school and I know that you are a very good student. Have you considered what you are going to major in at Minnesota or will it stay the same as what you were doing at Drake?

Joey King: Yes, I have been studying Environmental Science and Policy and that is what I am looking to continue studying.

Gopher Hole: What do you need to do to be eligible right away at Minnesota. Are you going through the process of getting a waiver so you can play this year?

Joey King: I am not really going to talk about that right now.

Gopher Hole: Is your thought that you will be eligible this year or don’t you know yet?

Joey King: We are seeking to make me eligible.

Gopher Hole: What things are you really going to be working on to continue to improve yourself as a player and get ready for the Big Ten?

Joey King: Just work hard every day. I am really looking forward to practice. It is just a great opportunity to be around such a great staff. I am just going to try to get better in all aspects of my game and it is going to be a good opportunity.

Gopher Hole: What has been the reaction of your family and friends? I know that Drake is not super far away, but it is not that close either. Now, a lot of people who have followed you throughout your high school career will be able to see you a lot more easily. What has their reaction been?

Joey King: The people that I know are ecstatic. They were hoping that this opportunity would come once I got my release from Drake and they are really, really happy to see me come back to Minnesota.

Gopher Hole: Originally, there were some rumors that Minnesota was initially looking at you to be a walk-on. Was that really true or what was your thought about that?

Joey King: There was no chance of me walking on at Minnesota.

Gopher Hole: The feeling that I had and people close to you had was that you were going to get an opportunity somewhere to be a scholarship player, so it would tough to walk-on when you had other scholarship opportunities like Creighton and St. Louis, right?

Joey King: Correct.

Gopher Hole: Have they talked to you about playing in the Howard Pulley Pro-Am Summer League?

Joey King: I haven’t looked into that yet.

Hard to tell if this kid is just a bit uncomfortable with reporters, is really private or is kind of a prick. Time will tell. I don't know him personally and don't give credence to what is being said about him on the Drake board but his interview answers were a bit short.

I hope he is a good teammate, works and hard and plays hard.

Hard to tell if this kid is just a bit uncomfortable with reporters, is really private or is kind of a prick. Time will tell. I don't know him personally and don't give credence to what is being said about him on the Drake board but his interview answers were a bit short.

I hope he is a good teammate, works and hard and plays hard.

Or just quits giving interviews.

Hard to tell if this kid is just a bit uncomfortable with reporters, is really private or is kind of a prick. Time will tell. I don't know him personally and don't give credence to what is being said about him on the Drake board but his interview answers were a bit short.

I hope he is a good teammate, works and hard and plays hard.

Hard to tell if this kid is just a bit uncomfortable with reporters, is really private or is kind of a prick. Time will tell. I don't know him personally and don't give credence to what is being said about him on the Drake board but his interview answers were a bit short.

I hope he is a good teammate, works and hard and plays hard.

I don't know anything about the kid, but I thought it was a good interview until the end. Chris Monter had to ask the eligibility questions (that's his job), but Joey King HAD to give aloof responses. It's a weird process in that King essentially has to sort of "finesse" the process. In the legal profession, we like to say that we "finesse" some facts when we are lying. Joey King is going to call it a family issue or whatever for his reasons for coming home to be by his family (so that he doesn't have to sit out a year).

It's obvious that's not really the case. Why would a kid in Des Moines need to move Omaha (Creighton) to be closer to family? I don't care, this kind of finessing happens by every program in the country, but Joey King can't talk about it right now and risk blowing his chances of being eligible.

Gopher Hole: Originally, there were some rumors that Minnesota was initially looking at you to be a walk-on. Was that really true or what was your thought about that?

Joey King: There was no chance of me walking on at Minnesota.


Kind of comes off as a ___.

Gopher Hole: Originally, there were some rumors that Minnesota was initially looking at you to be a walk-on. Was that really true or what was your thought about that?

Joey King: There was no chance of me walking on at Minnesota.


Kind of comes off as a ___.

He's just being honest. His family could not afford for him to walk on, just the fact of the situation.

I don't get the sense he's a "prick" at all. Just keeps his answers short and to the point.

I thought that question was kind of inappropriate. I don't blame him for answering the way he did.

I don't know anything about the kid, but I thought it was a good interview until the end. Chris Monter had to ask the eligibility questions (that's his job), but Joey King HAD to give aloof responses. It's a weird process in that King essentially has to sort of "finesse" the process. In the legal profession, we like to say that we "finesse" some facts when we are lying. Joey King is going to call it a family issue or whatever for his reasons for coming home to be by his family (so that he doesn't have to sit out a year).

It's obvious that's not really the case. Why would a kid in Des Moines need to move Omaha (Creighton) to be closer to family? I don't care, this kind of finessing happens by every program in the country, but Joey King can't talk about it right now and risk blowing his chances of being eligible.

Totally agree. How do you get a waiver if Creighton and St Louis are equal opportunities to Minnesota. Shut up. No chance of walking on equals
the waiver is a sham. Stupid...stupid.

I thought that question was kind of inappropriate. I don't blame him for answering the way he did.

Reporters ask dumb questions all the time. Hopefully the U's PR people work with Joey on better answers to dumb questions and not coming off as aloof or as a pr_i_ck like he kind of did. This is the Big Ten and if you want to play here you have to be able to deal with the media.

Totally agree. How do you get a waiver if Creighton and St Louis are equal opportunities to Minnesota. Shut up. No chance of walking on equals
the waiver is a sham. Stupid...stupid.

I don't think it is a sham at all.

Here are the facts

-Joey is a D1 caliber player. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. He belongs in D1, should be playing D1, and has the best chance for a basketball career after college playing D1.

-Minnesota is the only D1 university "close to home"

-Joey absolutely wants to transfer closer to home in large part to be closer to ill family members.

-Joey's family cannot afford a walk on spot. He needed a scholarship.

So to sum it up, if your requirements are to play D1 basketball, close to home, and you need a scholarship a MN scholarship offer is the only thing that make sense and is what he accepted.

A MN walk-on spot doesn't make sense as it only satisfied 2 of the 3 priorities. Unfortunately, with the way the world works, money necessity is the most important priority. That would require him to consider a back up plan if only a walk on spot was offered. A scholarship at a school outside of MN.

I don't think it is a sham at all.

Here are the facts

-Joey is a D1 caliber player. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. He belongs in D1, should be playing D1, and has the best chance for a basketball career after college playing D1.

-Minnesota is the only D1 university "close to home"

-Joey absolutely wants to transfer closer to home in large part to be closer to ill family members.

-Joey's family cannot afford a walk on spot. He needed a scholarship.

So to sum it up, if your requirements are to play D1 basketball, close to home, and you need a scholarship a MN scholarship offer is the only thing that make sense and is what he accepted.

A MN walk-on spot doesn't make sense as it only satisfied 2 of the 3 priorities. Unfortunately, with the way the world works, money necessity is the most important priority. That would require him to consider a back up plan if only a walk on spot was offered. A scholarship at a school outside of MN.

There must be more to the story.

Creighton is 370 miles from Mpls. while Drake is only 246 miles away. You don't move farther away from your family to be 'closer to your family!' If you don't think you can get a scholarship at the U of M, you stay put. You don't move 124 miles further away.

No, he definitely came off very negative. That's not a stretch. Learn how to present yourself in the professional world. I know some of you would've replied "College bball is not professional, it's amateur", but the fact remains that he is legally an adult and has already entered the professional world of work and networking by this age. No need to worry, just work on it Joey.

No, he definitely came off very negative. That's not a stretch. Learn how to present yourself in the professional world. I know some of you would've replied "College bball is not professional, it's amateur", but the fact remains that he is legally an adult and has already entered the professional world of work and networking by this age. No need to worry, just work on it Joey.

Where did he say anything that come off bad?

How should he have answered the walk-on question?

He was asked if there was a chance if he would walk-on at the U and he said that there wasn't a chance and further explained because he had scholarship opportunities at other schools. How is that even remotely bad?

What do you think the answer would be if someone asked Nate Wolters why he didn't walk on to the U? Essentially it would be because he got a scholarship elsewhere. We ALL accept, every single year, when players who would be fantastic walk-ons here, accept scholarships to mid major schools and none of us think that is negative. How is it possibly negative for King to have said the exact thing we all accept every single year?

As far as the getting to play next year? Again, he can't answer that question. How should he have answered that question?

I don't think it is a sham at all.

Here are the facts

-Joey is a D1 caliber player. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. He belongs in D1, should be playing D1, and has the best chance for a basketball career after college playing D1.

-Minnesota is the only D1 university "close to home"

-Joey absolutely wants to transfer closer to home in large part to be closer to ill family members.

-Joey's family cannot afford a walk on spot. He needed a scholarship.

So to sum it up, if your requirements are to play D1 basketball, close to home, and you need a scholarship a MN scholarship offer is the only thing that make sense and is what he accepted.

A MN walk-on spot doesn't make sense as it only satisfied 2 of the 3 priorities. Unfortunately, with the way the world works, money necessity is the most important priority. That would require him to consider a back up plan if only a walk on spot was offered. A scholarship at a school outside of MN.

I'm not questioning that is a bonus for him, but he would not have been considering St. Louis or Creighton had it been a serious part of him transfering.

Where did he say anything that come off bad?

How should he have answered the walk-on question?

He was asked if there was a chance if he would walk-on at the U and he said that there wasn't a chance and further explained because he had scholarship opportunities at other schools. How is that even remotely bad?

What do you think the answer would be if someone asked Nate Wolters why he didn't walk on to the U? Essentially it would be because he got a scholarship elsewhere. We ALL accept, every single year, when players who would be fantastic walk-ons here, accept scholarships to mid major schools and none of us think that is negative. How is it possibly negative for King to have said the exact thing we all accept every single year?

As far as the getting to play next year? Again, he can't answer that question. How should he have answered that question?

Agreed. I think some people are a little too sensitive.

I have known Joey King for several years and have watched him play and interviewed him many times over the past four years. I think that he is being treated a bit unfairly. Talking to him and people close to him, I think that there was some frustration on the Internet and Twitter about some inaccuracies in his possible transfer to Minnesota. I believe that he talked to me for his first interview because he knew that I would be fair.

I think that Creighton was appealing to him since he had familiarity with the program, having played against them twice and playing well against them as a freshman. I believe he felt that even sitting out a year, if he transferred there, would be a good move as he could work out with All-American Doug McDermott while redshirting.

I think that once a scholarship at Minnesota was available, that was where he was going to land. I wish Joey only the best of success and hope that other Gopher fans will do the same.

Chris Monter

Man, tough crowd. He's not the most elaborate and insightful with his answers, but I'm not quite sure I see anything he said as him being a jerk or anything like that...

It seems like he wanted to be here and the family situations are a big part of that. The other schools probably were fall back options if it didn't work out. You can't blame him for having a plan B. I'm excited he's a Gopher. Hopefully this season, but regardless I think this system will be great for his skill set.

No, he definitely came off very negative. That's not a stretch. Learn how to present yourself in the professional world. I know some of you would've replied "College bball is not professional, it's amateur", but the fact remains that he is legally an adult and has already entered the professional world of work and networking by this age. No need to worry, just work on it Joey.

Speak for yourself, eh? You can't tell tone from reading an interview. Ease up.

Right. Give him some slack. He's only 19, but situational awareness (big picture) is something he'll have to build an appreciation for.

Gopher Hole: Originally, there were some rumors that Minnesota was initially looking at you to be a walk-on. Was that really true or what was your thought about that?

Joey King: There was no chance of me walking on at Minnesota.


Kind of comes off as a ___.

...person answering a question with a truthful response.


New Gopher Joey King Discusses Transferring to the U, Pitino's Style of Play and More
By Chris Monter

Joey King, a 6-foot-8 forward from Eastview (MN) High, recently transferred from Drake to Minnesota. King averaged 6.9 points and 2.9 rebounds per game for the Bulldogs, which was first in scoring and fourth in rebounding among freshman in the Missouri Valley Conference.

King averaged 23.9 points per game for the Lightning as a senior and led Eastview to the Class AAAA state tournament. He averaged a team-best 17.6 points per game and 15.2 points per game as a sophomore, leading Eastview to the state tournament. caught up with King in an exclusive interview to learn more about his decision to transfer to Minnesota.

Gopher Hole: What was the main reason that you decided that Minnesota was where you wanted to be?

Joey King: I was excited to come home to family and friends. I am just looking forward to the opportunity to play in the Big Ten.
(Nothing about needing to be near a sick family member?)

Gopher Hole: You had some good games at Drake as a freshman and made the All-Missouri Valley Conference All-Freshman team, but other games you did not get as much playing time. Was that a little bit frustrating as I am sure you want to be on the court as much as you can?

Joey King: There are a lot of things to grow from for your freshman year. It happens. There were a lot of learning experience my freshman year and I think that it made me a lot smarter and a lot better player.

Gopher Hole: Coach Pitino wants to play a more up-tempo style, which should really fit what you like to do. How do you feel that you fit in that style of play?

Joey King: I really look forward to Coach Pitino’s coaching style. I think that we will really get out there and play and get after it, so it definitely fits my style. I like to run for being a big man and just really looking forward to it. It is going to be a great opportunity.

Gopher Hole: To be honest, the Gophers are a little bit thin in the frontcourt in terms of big guys. Is that something that you look at and think that if you do what you need to do in practice that there is a chance that you could get significant playing time this upcoming season?

Joey King:Yes. As long as I come, play my game and play hard, I am sure that there is an opportunity. If it arises, I am going to make the best of it and I guess we’ll just see what happens in the next couple of weeks.

Gopher Hole: What others schools were you looking at besides Minnesota after you decided to transfer from Drake?

Joey King: Creighton and St. Louis.
(So, the waiver is not a factor at all...sick person)
Gopher Hole: Had you even set up plans to visit those two schools?

Joey King: I had plans to visit both.
(So, the waiver was not a factor at all...sick person)
Gopher Hole: Was Minnesota always the school that you were hoping that you would end up at once you decided to leave Drake?

Joey King: No. It was really Creighton and Minnesota, basically.
Shut the front door! you telling me that's not revealing to the waiver?
Gopher Hole: Obviously, you knew Creighton since you were in the same league and you had one of your better games this season against them. Was that something that intrigue you about them plus they have been a very good team the past couple of years?

Joey King: Yes. They just have a very special program. Playing against them, knowing a couple of their players, it felt like it was a great spot. It would have been a great opportunity. It was a great opportunity to talk to them.

Gopher Hole: Besides Creighton and St. Louis, what other schools did you hear from?

Joey King: I really just kept it down because I was really interested in St. Louis, Creighton and Minnesota. I never really stretched beyond that.
(Again and again)
Gopher Hole: When are you starting school at Minnesota?

Joey King: I am moving in Saturday.

Gopher Hole: Drake is a very good school and I know that you are a very good student. Have you considered what you are going to major in at Minnesota or will it stay the same as what you were doing at Drake?

Joey King: Yes, I have been studying Environmental Science and Policy and that is what I am looking to continue studying.

Gopher Hole: What do you need to do to be eligible right away at Minnesota. Are you going through the process of getting a waiver so you can play this year?

Joey King: I am not really going to talk about that right now.

Gopher Hole: Is your thought that you will be eligible this year or don’t you know yet?

Joey King: We are seeking to make me eligible.

Gopher Hole: What things are you really going to be working on to continue to improve yourself as a player and get ready for the Big Ten?

Joey King: Just work hard every day. I am really looking forward to practice. It is just a great opportunity to be around such a great staff. I am just going to try to get better in all aspects of my game and it is going to be a good opportunity.

Gopher Hole: What has been the reaction of your family and friends? I know that Drake is not super far away, but it is not that close either. Now, a lot of people who have followed you throughout your high school career will be able to see you a lot more easily. What has their reaction been?

Joey King: The people that I know are ecstatic. They were hoping that this opportunity would come once I got my release from Drake and they are really, really happy to see me come back to Minnesota.

Gopher Hole: Originally, there were some rumors that Minnesota was initially looking at you to be a walk-on. Was that really true or what was your thought about that?

Joey King: There was no chance of me walking on at Minnesota.
(Could all be true, but by saying it staying home to be with a family member was not any kind of factor....because he already said he'd be happy at Creighton.)
Gopher Hole: The feeling that I had and people close to you had was that you were going to get an opportunity somewhere to be a scholarship player, so it would tough to walk-on when you had other scholarship opportunities like Creighton and St. Louis, right?

Joey King: Correct.[/B] Needs a more expansive answer to get a waiver.

Gopher Hole: Have they talked to you about playing in the Howard Pulley Pro-Am Summer League?

Joey King: I haven’t looked into that yet.[/QUOTE]

(Nothing to do with all the above but why not, if you are a team guy and hungry?)

Okay, my whole slant is about being eligible to play next year. He has a scholarship to Minnesota now. This not an old interview. His answers indicate either he doesn't care if he plays next year or doesn't understand how the waiver he is hoping for works. That's where I'm coming from.

If I read this and am making a decision on a's crystal clear being close to a sick family member has no bearing on the decision at all. Why did you file the waiver?

Right. Give him some slack. He's only 19, but situational awareness (big picture) is something he'll have to build an appreciation for.

"What difference, at this point, does it make?"

None now. But it is the difference between being eligible to play this year and sitting out a red shirt season. Seems like a big deal to me.

Drake fan here. Yeah, pretty obvious by my screen name.

It will be interesting to see how JK does in the B1G. He is a pretty talented offensive player, and he's a better athlete than most give him credit for. He's a decent, but very streaky, 3-point shooter. He can use both hands near the basket. He'll be decent offensively because he can score inside and out. He doesn't like contact. His defense this year was virtually non-existent.

I had a chance to talk to him a few times, very briefly. Let's just say he's a different kind of cat. I don't think he's a bad guy, but very aloof. And, he was less than completely honest in his dealings with Drake's new coaching staff. Caught them completely off guard when he announced he was leaving, and did it so late in the school year that it was too late for them to replace him.

I see nothing offensive about the questions or the responses. Welcome to MN Joey, I look forward to watching you play this fall.

...person answering a question with a truthful response.


Yep, his response wasn't even brutally honest. It was really the only appropriate answer. Kids from MN go to mid-major programs all of the time. Isn't it only logical that a kid with offers to Creighton and St. Louis probably wouldn't walk on at the U? Guess what, if JP Macura never gets a Gopher offer (I'm not sure if he did or not), there is NO chance he walks on at the U.
Nate Wolters wasn't a jerk for taking a scholarship to SDSU over walking on at the U.

Because he had scholarship offers at Creighton and St. Louis, there is no chance he was walking on at the U. I can't even see how anyone could possibly spin it that he came off bad in that interview.

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