NDSU aside (because I understand the annoyance factor and feel for Gopher fans who work/live close to NDSU fans), I don't understand the obsession with how our conference is viewed on the national scene. I don't give a rat's butt cheek if we are ranked or not. Until we become a national contender, I don't care if the B1G is the strongest or the weakest of the P5 conferences.
I want to win the B1G and beat our rivals, which we can do without worrying about whether Wisconsin or Iowa is having a down or up year. I don't care if we are ranked, or how many votes we get each week, or if we are in the "playoff conversation." If we win the B1G and beat our rivals, everything else falls into place. I have to imagine that having our rivals go 0-4 (or 0-3 now) OOC is a better thing than having them go undefeated OOC (e.g. confidence and momentum) if that is our goal.
Is the St. Johns/ St. Thomas rivalry is any less satisfying to watch because those teams play in the MIAC? Why do we care if the B1G is strong or not? You might say recruiting? Isn't it all relative? Wouldn't a rising tide (a strong B1G) lift all boats and a lowering tide (weak B1G) lower all boats (e.g. recruiting, dollars)?
It just seems to me this is one of those "who has the biggest truck" type conversations. I really don't get it.
We have been conditioned by ESPN/FOX/etc to care about the playoff race above everything else (quality wins, votes, etc). I just don't get it. Again, if we beat our rivals, everything else falls into place. Quality wins might get you a better bowl, but again, if we run the table and beat our rivals (Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin), that's not going to matter to me.
I'll prepare for an onslaught of "accepting mediocrity" posts - which is not what I'm saying. Anyone else feel the same?