Nadine Babu STrib Blog: 10 Reasons Why Minnesota is Better Than Wisconsin

GopherHole Staff

GopherHole Admin
Staff member
Nov 3, 2008
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Not sure which one is our favorite, but I'm pretty sure we could all add a lot to this list...

Yes...I am from Wisconsin, and was smart enough to come to an amazing city and attend the University of Minnesota. While I am a Packers fan (for the 1000 of you on Twitter, that's why, because I'm not from MN) and I grew up a Badgers fan, the second I attended the U, I became a Gophers fan. I'm not going to lie, all those Rose Bowls would have been nice to attend, but I wouldn't give up being a Gopher fan for anything, and here are the top 10 reason why...

My favorites are 6 and 8. The skyline picture is fantastic, and the political correctness photo was an instant gem.

Awesome job! I'm linking this everywhere I know! .... which is 2 places.

This wouldn't work on my Strib blog, but thank you to my friend Abe (who is like AOEG45 or something on here, I can never remember) for posting this:

<div id="fb-root"></div>
<div class="fb-post" data-href="" data-width="466"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><a href="">Post</a> by <a href="">Goldy Gopher</a>.</div></div>

AuEGopher - Au being the chemical symbol for gold. :cool:

It's only Monday but my chili is getting hot!

My favorite is definitely #7. Those idiots at Wisconsin think that kickoff happens with 27 minutes on the clock!

Thanks, everyone. I appreciate all of your kind words!

AuEGopher - Au being the chemical symbol for gold. :cool:

Yes, I remember him telling me that, I almost failed chemistry so completely forgot, and will again!

My favorite is definitely #7. Those idiots at Wisconsin think that kickoff happens with 27 minutes on the clock!

I debated putting that in with our poor turnout of students, but we do have a lot more there at kick off than they do!

Good stuff Nadine!!! Very well done.

Go Gophers!!

Lady Gopher your list is perfect. You built it Brick by Brick.

Thank you for your good sense in coming to the U.

Someone just asked why I came here instead of Madison, which I did get into. I was just treated with such individual attention at the U, they were amazing. Oh...and contrary to popular belief, the tables have turned with admittance rates...
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Lady Gopher your list is perfect. You built it Brick by Brick.

AuEGopher - Au being the chemical symbol for gold. :cool:

Thank you. Nadine's greatest accomplishment in chemistry is creating the perfect jello shot combination.

Hey, guys, this thread is kind of rough on Wisconsin.

Wisconsin is such an awesome place--just ask all the native Sconnies who permanently moved away from Wisconsin. Wisconsin's official state hobby is moving away, then talking about how great Wisconsin is.

I always laugh at Badger/Packer fans who brag how many Badger/Packer fans live in the Twin Cities. Because you all had to move out of that stinkhole of a state,

Thank you. Nadine's greatest accomplishment in chemistry is creating the perfect jello shot combination.

You nailed it! That is the only chemistry I know!!!

Hey, guys, this thread is kind of rough on Wisconsin.

Wisconsin is such an awesome place--just ask all the native Sconnies who permanently moved away from Wisconsin. Wisconsin's official state hobby is moving away, then talking about how great Wisconsin is.

I always laugh at Badger/Packer fans who brag how many Badger/Packer fans live in the Twin Cities. Because you all had to move out of that stinkhole of a state,
Lol! This is true...I moved here because civilization is so wonderful. However, I do love me some beer and cheese.

Dug this little gem out, we made these t-shirts for the Barnyard, as a fundraiser. They U went NUTS (when we used their logo) we had no idea, we got them approved by marketing. But if this isn't a beautiful design, I don't know what is!

Better Dead Than Red Front.jpg

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