I love it when a self proclaimed genius and gopher football expert tries to make the claim that Minnesota high school football is not relevant when discussing gopher football.
Please show me once, one singular time, where I have declared myself a "genius" or "gopher football expert". One time. Thanks in advance!
Further, the Gophers have players from TX, FL, CA, IL, MO, KS, etc. Should I start a thread about how Dallas ISD considering cuts to athletic programs will affect Skyline HS? Think that makes a lot of sense on a Gopher football board? Yes, exactly.
Minnesota HS football is fair game on this board insofar as discussing Minnesota HS players who are being recruited by the University of Minnesota football team. Period. Do you think Jerry Kill gives a sh*t how many classes there are in Minnesota HS football? Does it change his life or his career one iota? Does it have anything at all to do with University of Minnesota Golden Gopher football? No, no, and hell no.
If you don't like the thread, try not clicking it. If you have no self control and have to click it, try not responding. If you have no self control and have to post, try making a post relevant to the thread topic. When you make an off topic post complaining how the thread is off topic....you kinda are doing in this thread the exact same thing you are complaining about on this board. But you already knew that.
I frankly can't believe these threads are left on the football board every time they're brought up on a monthly basis. If no one says anything, it's a tacit admission that OT posts are okay to clutter up the football board:
It makes total sense that this would get discussed here. Most of us live in Minnesota, or did. We're football fans. Many of us probably either played the game at the high school level - some beyond that, or have children or other relatives who do or did.
So what? Many of us are Twins fans. Should I start a thread on the football board talking about how the Twins won their home opener? Does that make sense?
Many of us are Vikings fans. Should I start a thread on the football board talking about the new stadium bill and its implications on our family finances?
Many of us live and own homes in Minnesota. Should I start a thread about how plunging real estate values have affected all of us?
Think any of those make any sense? Those types of threads, along with threads about MN HS football alignment bitching, are what the OT board was created for. This monthly MN HS football thread being here is even more ridiculous than most OT threads, because all it is is a soapbox for people to complain about their favorite MN HS and how it's getting screwed. It's even more political than Obama threads on the OT board, and I get sick of reading it every 4-6 weeks. I know I'm not alone, I'm just the only one saying anything about it. Try and tell me that I'm wrong.
See you in 4-6 weeks for the next MN HS football thread bitchfest!