Movies that hold up vs. those that don't

I got through Everything Everywhere All at Once in the theater, but barely. A couple of stretches, I could feel my eyelids getting rather heavy.
Had I seen it in the theater, I would have have had a better chance to accept it. At home, no way.

Had I seen it in the theater, I would have have had a better chance to accept it. At home, no way.
I've found on the occasional movie I am just not into, with the new comfy reclining chairs in modern theaters (and perhaps a brew) it can be a challenge to not doze off.

I've found on the occasional movie I am just not into, with the new comfy reclining chairs in modern theaters (and perhaps a brew) it can be a challenge to not doze off.
I have definitely done that a few times.

Same. And speaking of long running times, I wanted to watch Killers of the Flower Moon, but at 3.5 hours, it was never going to happen at home or I would have been distracted. A week ago I flew to LA and the flight was just over 3.5 hours, so I downloaded it and thought this was my chance. It was the perfect way to watch it. Turned it was a really good movie. I never would have watched it otherwise I'm sure.
I feel the same towards Killers of the Flower Moon, want to watch it, but is that really happening on my couch at the end of a long day?

The Irishman has been sitting in my Netflix queue since it's been released for similar reasons.

What's worked for me with some other movies is to approach it like a TV show-chunk it out over two or three nights. Not the way I like to watch movies, but so many movies aren't being watched otherwise.

I feel the same towards Killers of the Flower Moon, want to watch it, but is that really happening on my couch at the end of a long day?

The Irishman has been sitting in my Netflix queue since it's been released for similar reasons.

What's worked for me with some other movies is to approach it like a TV show-chunk it out over two or three nights. Not the way I like to watch movies, but so many movies aren't being watched otherwise.
Isbell nails it in Killers of the Flower Moon.

I feel the same towards Killers of the Flower Moon, want to watch it, but is that really happening on my couch at the end of a long day?

The Irishman has been sitting in my Netflix queue since it's been released for similar reasons.

What's worked for me with some other movies is to approach it like a TV show-chunk it out over two or three nights. Not the way I like to watch movies, but so many movies aren't being watched otherwise.
I tried to watch The Irishman at home when it came out. I was on my phone and disinterested the whole time. I never gave it a chance. But come on, make a movie that’s two hours or less FFS.

I've found on the occasional movie I am just not into, with the new comfy reclining chairs in modern theaters (and perhaps a brew) it can be a challenge to not doze off.

My only gripe on those seats is it's harder to eat my popcorn when I'm reclined back like that. I'm just a mess.

My only gripe on those seats is it's harder to eat my popcorn when I'm reclined back like that. I'm just a mess.
I usually wait until I am done with the popcorn until I kick back and recline. It's an art.

I usually wait until I am done with the popcorn until I kick back and recline. It's an art.
When eating popcorn becomes a challenge, you know you're on the declining side of life. 🙂

I'm a popcorn expert, an aficionado if you will. There are few on the planet who have explored as many options as I have when it comes to cooking popcorn on the stove at home when it comes to oil, kernels, even the damn salt.

I'm telling you, for the purposes of efficiently shoveling it into my mouth while viewing the big screen, those leather recliners just aren't effective at getting you into a good position for optimal consumption.

I'm a popcorn expert, an aficionado if you will. There are few on the planet who have explored as many options as I have when it comes to cooking popcorn on the stove at home when it comes to oil, kernels, even the damn salt.
Salt is a very key component, both in type & quantity.

OK, back to the topic at hand. I could watch this flick every week for the rest of my life and not get tired of it. It will hold up forever.


OK, back to the topic at hand. I could watch this flick every week for the rest of my life and not get tired of it. It will hold up forever.

I wish Hanks would direct a few more films.

I'm also in the group that have trouble committing three hours to a movie at home. Yet....I'll binge watch a few hours of a television show with absolutely no problem. Think it's just because I prefer television. Very few movies come out that I make an effort to see.

Will say.....that this past year after watching the show 'The Offer'.....a dramatization about the making of The Godfather.....I did finally watch all three of The Godfather movies. And they hold up. Even the third is a pretty good film.....if you black out everytime Sofia Coppola is on screen.

I'm also in the group that have trouble committing three hours to a movie at home. Yet....I'll binge watch a few hours of a television show with absolutely no problem. Think it's just because I prefer television. Very few movies come out that I make an effort to see.

Will say.....that this past year after watching the show 'The Offer'.....a dramatization about the making of The Godfather.....I did finally watch all three of The Godfather movies. And they hold up. Even the third is a pretty good film.....if you black out everytime Sofia Coppola is on screen.
That's a great point. I can watch 3-4 hours straight of a show no problem. 🤷‍♂️

I'm also in the group that have trouble committing three hours to a movie at home. Yet....I'll binge watch a few hours of a television show with absolutely no problem. Think it's just because I prefer television. Very few movies come out that I make an effort to see.

Will say.....that this past year after watching the show 'The Offer'.....a dramatization about the making of The Godfather.....I did finally watch all three of The Godfather movies. And they hold up. Even the third is a pretty good film.....if you black out everytime Sofia Coppola is on screen.

somewhere there is an alternate universe where Winona Ryder plays that role. If you don't know, Ryder was cast in the part and even showed up on set just before filming was supposed to start, but she got sick and was diagnosed with "nervous exhaustion." Coppola considered some other actresses for the part, but couldn't find anyone he liked, ran out of time and gave the part to his daughter.

somewhere there is an alternate universe where Winona Ryder plays that role. If you don't know, Ryder was cast in the part and even showed up on set just before filming was supposed to start, but she got sick and was diagnosed with "nervous exhaustion." Coppola considered some other actresses for the part, but couldn't find anyone he liked, ran out of time and gave the part to his daughter.
I didn't know that. I guess it helps a little with my distaste for it.

somewhere there is an alternate universe where Winona Ryder plays that role. If you don't know, Ryder was cast in the part and even showed up on set just before filming was supposed to start, but she got sick and was diagnosed with "nervous exhaustion." Coppola considered some other actresses for the part, but couldn't find anyone he liked, ran out of time and gave the part to his daughter.

I did know that. And it's not a good enough excuse. Sofia Coppola was laughably terrible.

Not sure if I've ever shared this here, but Backdraft is my all-time favorite movie. I watched it again over the weekend. (I've been watching The Bear, which made me want to watch Backdraft, both set in Chicago). It definitely holds up! The acting is a bit shaky at times, except Donald Sutherland & Robert De Niro nail their roles. Plus Jennifer Jason Leigh has a solid supporting role. Kurt Russell uses the same accent as in Miracle, which is kind of funny. The special effects hold up pretty well for over 30 years old. The original score is one of the best ever. The overall storyline is fantastic with layered subplots. Ron Howard is at his movie-making best.

On a recent trip to the West Coast for my in flight entertainment I chose to re-watch First Man, the Neil Armstrong biopic, starring Ryan Gosling. I enjoyed it previously on an IMAX screen, but I am a sucker for NASA space exploration movies. My favorite movie of all time continues to be The Right Stuff.

For this rewatch, viewing it on a plane may not have been the best decision due to the small screen but also the multiple flying near death escapes that Armstrong had as a test pilot, Gemini astronaut & while practicing with the Lunar Module on earth.

While the physical resemblance between Gosling and Armstrong is a stretch, I think he really does capture the character based on media dramatizations, interviews, books and documentaries I have seen on him. One cool cucumber.

I enjoyed it again. Claire Foy as his wife was also really good.

On another casting note, Patrick Fugit who is most well known for Almost Famous, has a solid supporting role as fellow Gemini astronaut Elliot See, and there is a strong physical resemblance. I have not see him in much since his career defining role, but what I have seen, I think he's pretty good. The ones have seen include We Bought a Zoo, Gone Girl and Babylon.

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