More From Myron Today .. Doesn't sound good


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Jan 2, 2009
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A few more nuggets from Myron today .. Regarding an interview on KFAN today. I guess it could explain a bit of what's going on this year regarding team chemistry.

Myron P. Medcalf: Lawrence is confident. That's probably an understatement. But he speaks his mind. That's what you have to admire about him. I listened to the KFAN interview ... And I think he's saying things that others won't say ... The chemistry and continuity of this team are affected by what appears to be a strained relationship between players and coaches. I'm not sure the staff and players are all on the same page. Just an observation. Lawrence sounded like a frustrated senior.

And also ..

Myron P. Medcalf: I don't know about the first part. But there are rumors out there that some players are thinking about transferring after this season. Like I said, I think there's a disconnect between coach/some players.

A few more nuggets from Myron today .. Regarding an interview on KFAN today. I guess it could explain a bit of what's going on this year regarding team chemistry.

Myron P. Medcalf: Lawrence is confident. That's probably an understatement. But he speaks his mind. That's what you have to admire about him. I listened to the KFAN interview ... And I think he's saying things that others won't say ... The chemistry and continuity of this team are affected by what appears to be a strained relationship between players and coaches. I'm not sure the staff and players are all on the same page. Just an observation. Lawrence sounded like a frustrated senior.

And also ..

Myron P. Medcalf: I don't know about the first part. But there are rumors out there that some players are thinking about transferring after this season. Like I said, I think there's a disconnect between coach/some players.

At least we know two of our best players (LW and DJ) will not be transferring. Anyone have a beat on what players could be unhappy? One of my biggest fears is that Rodney may not be happy with his sporadic playing time.

Didn't Myron say that players like Westbrook were going to transfer a few years ago, and that never materialized?

Now I have to say I don't really pay attention to sports media that much anymore, but is he more informed now than we he started?

Seems from what I see on this board that Myron often blogs and chats about "hearing" things he can't tell us about that never come to fruition.

Losing games will tend to make the coaches more irritable and demanding. These young guys have all been catered to and now they are getting their butts handed to them by Tubby. Nothing that a couple of good wins can't cure. His quick trigger to pull guys seems to be a hot point. He also yanks guys due to one mistake, often. If one of our key player decides to tranfer, on top of the past years items, the program would take a big hit. Let's pull of a win tomorrow and get one on the road at NW. Hopefully, that will get us on track for the very important home stand...

It would seem the only ones with any idea to transfer would be Joseph, Cobbs, or Williams. Colt is lucky to be playing at the D1 level, Ralph gets a lot of time, Trevor would have to sit another year, Dawson is a walk on redshirt, Hoffarber ( naw ), DJ, LW, DB, are seniors. Al is another one who would have to sit ( before his senior year? )

Who am I leaving out?

The only players I see that could be thinking about transferring are Cobbs and Iverson.

Joseph gets plenty of PT and has certainly improved. Cobbs could be miffed that Joseph is starting at PG with Nolen out. Not to mention if we manage to sign the other Joseph.

Iverson... Iverson's role is going to become smaller and smaller.

With the way minutes are handled and the type of season we've had, I wouldn't be surprised if there's some bitching and even offhand comments about going elsewhere. That's a long way from actually transferring. This seems more like a product of the new "journalism" where internet hits and getting on radio and TV are more important than solid reporting. Myron's biggest problem is that he doesn't have a Michael Russo following but that doesn't stop him from trying.

I know it's not nearly the same level of play, but my HS (Bertha-Hewitt) had a long-time semi-legendary coach. He drove everyone hard. By the end of the season half the non-seniors always swore they would never play for him again. (Transferring elsewhere wasn't really an option.) By the next October they were always chomping at the bit. Basektball's an awfully long season anyway, and when it doesn't go well, there's even more inclination to spout off a bit. It could happen of course, but I'd be more concerned if you still hear these rumors in April.

Colt is lucky to be playing at the D1 level

I believe he's a legit D1 player. Yes he is struggling and backing up an emerging RSIII. Other D1 schools could use him including two from his home state... The Jackrabbits and Coyotes would give him 25+ mins.

There are three for sure that are considering it, two very strongly and several others complaining. This isn't a big secret as alot of people have been talking about behind the scenes but since Myron opened the can of worms.

Regarding Westbrook, the only time that I know of that he was going to transfer was after his freshman season and his bags we're packed and he was already out of here until Tubby was hired and he came running back.

Losing often brings out frustration so some times you have to take it with a grain of salt when you hear about all these kids being unhappy and thinking of leaving and I'm sure that is some of whats going on with us but it's also obvious from many sources that there are problems and from what I've heard, very little of it has to do with playing time. Will winning and a Tournament run help things, I would hope so but we'll see I guess.

Somebody on this board threw out the names of Joseph and Sampson earlier this year. That would be devastating if those were the actual two strongly considering it.

"Very little of it has to do with playing time."

Thanks Johnny. Is there any way you can expound on this? I understand if you can't. Certainly if a guy who's getting a lot of PT (say Devoe for example) and clearly has a bright Gopher future ahead of him ends up transferring, that would be a troubling sign. If it's a Cobbs or Iverson, I would be less concerned.

These rumors kind of take me back to when Stanley Gaines transferred. No, I don't think Stanley had as bright of a future as Devoe, but when he transferred that's when I became 100% convinced the ship was sinking fast under Monson (no, I don't think the ship is sinking under Tubby). It's one thing if a reserve transfers, but it's completely another when a starter & a player the coach clearly likes (Monson liked Gaines, Tubby likes Devoe) decides to move on.

SS, the reasons given for some being unhappy usually didn't include playing time, there was homesick, didin't like getting yelled at so much in practice, frustrated with offense, weren't getting along with coaches,etc. I know Blake was pretty down for the first half of the season and was pretty frustrated but I think that has changed quite a bit since he became a starter and go to player so it is possible for that stuff to change and most young players away from home go through the homesick thing so just have to wait and see who follows through. We've all seen Tubby can be pretty hard on guys in practice and some kids just don't want that I guess.

Somebody on this board threw out the names of Joseph and Sampson earlier this year. That would be devastating if those were the actual two strongly considering it.

Yea devastating is one word that comes to mind, plus many worse words. I guess time will tell, but if it is devoe and/or cobbs, and if nolen does not return it will be really ugly. I back Tubby almost 100%, but what is going on over there??? I am worried to say the least.....

I think if we put a beating on Michigan (or at least just win), beat rival Wisconsin, and go on a little run it would help a lot. The excitement of winning and some positive media could be the cure to low morale and frustration. It's all in their hands, I'm hoping for the best.

SS, the reasons given for some being unhappy usually didn't include playing time, there was homesick, didin't like getting yelled at so much in practice, frustrated with offense, weren't getting along with coaches,etc. I know Blake was pretty down for the first half of the season and was pretty frustrated but I think that has changed quite a bit since he became a starter and go to player so it is possible for that stuff to change and most young players away from home go through the homesick thing so just have to wait and see who follows through. We've all seen Tubby can be pretty hard on guys in practice and some kids just don't want that I guess.

Bringing in Cory will help with Devoe's homesickness. How about Ralph Sampson II joining the coaching staff to teach the big men? :D

Problem solved.

Bringing in Cory will help with Devoe's homesickness. How about Ralph Sampson II joining the coaching staff to teach the big men? :D

Problem solved.

I like the way you think. If Devoe is feeling home sick, hopefully he is urging Cory to join the Gophers that much more.

I just hope temporary frustrations with how things are going and how the team has underachieve don't cause players to make some decisions they might end up regretting (transferring). That's not a light move to make.

SS, the reasons given for some being unhappy usually didn't include playing time, there was homesick, didin't like getting yelled at so much in practice, frustrated with offense, weren't getting along with coaches,etc. I know Blake was pretty down for the first half of the season and was pretty frustrated but I think that has changed quite a bit since he became a starter and go to player so it is possible for that stuff to change and most young players away from home go through the homesick thing so just have to wait and see who follows through. We've all seen Tubby can be pretty hard on guys in practice and some kids just don't want that I guess.

is the yelling from all the frustration this year?... or just tubby's style? i.e. do these guys see hope for less yelling next year?

Thanks for the info. Not what I wanted to hear but at least now I know there's some legitimacy to the statements. Hopefully it's just frustration and the players who are considering transferring come to realize that.

There are three for sure that are considering it, two very strongly and several others complaining. This isn't a big secret as alot of people have been talking about behind the scenes but since Myron opened the can of worms.

Regarding Westbrook, the only time that I know of that he was going to transfer was after his freshman season and his bags we're packed and he was already out of here until Tubby was hired and he came running back.

Losing often brings out frustration so some times you have to take it with a grain of salt when you hear about all these kids being unhappy and thinking of leaving and I'm sure that is some of whats going on with us but it's also obvious from many sources that there are problems and from what I've heard, very little of it has to do with playing time. Will winning and a Tournament run help things, I would hope so but we'll see I guess.

Boy oh boy. Things just keep getting better don't they?

SS, the reasons given for some being unhappy usually didn't include playing time, there was homesick, didin't like getting yelled at so much in practice, frustrated with offense, weren't getting along with coaches,etc. I know Blake was pretty down for the first half of the season and was pretty frustrated but I think that has changed quite a bit since he became a starter and go to player so it is possible for that stuff to change and most young players away from home go through the homesick thing so just have to wait and see who follows through. We've all seen Tubby can be pretty hard on guys in practice and some kids just don't want that I guess.

My problem is I rarely (and maybe I have never) hear Tubby build a player up. He is always pretty smug about them in some of the booster events. This has always bothered me.

I agree with the Kids can be Kids, but if you are going to tear them down, build them up too.

This isn't a big secret as alot of people have been talking about behind the scenes but since Myron opened the can of worms.

Someone else brought this up from the rivals board either late last week or from the weekend. I don't think Myron really opened the can of worms. He just confirmed a bit more.

I listened to Westbrook's interview as well. It just really sounds like it was a tough season for these guys. I liked that Allen asked Lawrence some fairly direct questions. Loved his comments and Mbakwe being the best rebounder he's ever seen and that he's seen a lot of good rebounders. Comments about Royce as well being so good. Losing Nolen was a killer for him on defense. He's got a lot of confidence but a great attitude about the coaches. I'm impressed with what I heard from him and now don't quite understand Myron's original comments.

Myron complains all the time that he has had to cover all these non-basketball issues this year then he starts up the rumor mill again by throwing out vague transfer comments. Weird.

Have to disagree with the timing of Myron's article tonight-

I listened to the KFAN interview as well. Westbrook is right on about his on the court attitude and not letting the coaches yelling affect them. That's the maturity I hope he's teaching to the younger players.

As far as Myron, his article seems to drive a wedge between Lawrence and Tubby. Maybe there is a bit of one that we don't know about. But, at this point in the season? With all of the other distractions they've had? He may feel he's just doing his job but I see this as harmful to a fragile team.


This is DI basketball. Coaches get after players. From what I've seen in the various teams I follow closely, Tubby is in the middle in being tough on players. The best coaches in men's & women's hoops don't coddle players (if they think Tubby is tough, try Tenn or UConn women's hoops!). I certainly am not a fan of the Bobby Knight school of coaching, but Tubby is far from that. He's also toward the "soft" side of the spectrum in terms of getting in a kid's face during a game, while TV cameras are there, making them feel embarassed. This seems to always be an issue anywhere where adversity appears. Even 1 loss & 1 less than spectacular win had John Wall whining about Coach Cal who is a "player's coach" overall. I trust that Tubby knows what he is doing & knows how to coach the team the right way. No coach is perfect & every team will have downturns- amazing how Ben Howland & Roy Williams are suddenly unable to motivate their players; I don't think their coaching skills changed. They are all good coaches & while there will be bad games/seasons, and unhappy players, there is a reason why they have been successful over many years. Just my two cents...

I could totally see Cobbs being stressed out and homesick. MN is a far cry from Cali and winter is a shock to the system for even us Midwesterners. plus, as our active players keep dwindling, the pressure mounts on the remaining ones...even the Freshmen who are still adjusting to college and NCAA bball. I hope he stays, I think he's got a good future here. perhaps he is also worried that Cory is coming and he will forever be a backup (?). don't know, just some thoughts...

oh, and I also think as the losses pile up and the season keeps dragging on, players can start feeling down and thinking about transferring might seem more appealing than actually going through with it.

This is DI basketball. Coaches get after players. From what I've seen in the various teams I follow closely, Tubby is in the middle in being tough on players. The best coaches in men's & women's hoops don't coddle players (if they think Tubby is tough, try Tenn or UConn women's hoops!). I certainly am not a fan of the Bobby Knight school of coaching, but Tubby is far from that. He's also toward the "soft" side of the spectrum in terms of getting in a kid's face during a game, while TV cameras are there, making them feel embarassed. This seems to always be an issue anywhere where adversity appears. Even 1 loss & 1 less than spectacular win had John Wall whining about Coach Cal who is a "player's coach" overall. I trust that Tubby knows what he is doing & knows how to coach the team the right way. No coach is perfect & every team will have downturns- amazing how Ben Howland & Roy Williams are suddenly unable to motivate their players; I don't think their coaching skills changed. They are all good coaches & while there will be bad games/seasons, and unhappy players, there is a reason why they have been successful over many years. Just my two cents...

Tubby may be media friendly, but he isn't exactly a nice guy. Just pay attention when he talks about players. He never builds them up.

Tubby may be media friendly, but he isn't exactly a nice guy. Just pay attention when he talks about players. He never builds them up.

This is, plain and simple, totally untrue. I've actually had the chance to meet Tubby on two separate occasions, and actually had dinner with him and his wife at one point, and he's an incredibly nice, humble, funny, and gracious man. And frankly, I like the way he talks about his players. He's honest without being vicious. What a ridiculous comment.

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