MN v MI Post Game Thread: Gophers Ball Out in 2nd Half

Proud of the fight of course, but man it’s hard not to look at what could have been.

Blocked punt
Jackson fumble
Missed field goal
Couple of third and longs we couldn’t get off the field and Michigan scored.

Certainly nice to see the contrast in second half effort from Iowa, but dug ourselves too much of a hole.

Yes, but in fairness the defense played about as well as we could expect going into the game. They held Michigan to 241 yards and I think two of their touchdowns were on short fields. They also got a turnover that led to our first touchdown. It was the offense that had too many poor possessions before they woke up.

PJ has been playing possession ball all season. It’s the same old, until today. This is the first time in years I have seen the offense run a no huddle offense.
Got it. You clearly have not been watching this year.

If we played the 1st half like we did the second half we win that game.

Which switched to a more up tempo offense, which prevented Michigan's defense from subbing out, which tipped the scales in favor of our OL, which improved the pass protection and allowed Brosmer to execute.

Good adjustment by the OC, but the OL still needs to clean it up. I still think Callahan should be fired. The OC should not have to make adjustments to compensate for the OL.
Speeding up the offense is not an adjustment, it is a strategy. When the defensive front is stronger than your people it is sometimes a way to neutralize them by speeding up and tiring them out, not allowing them to sub. That was good coaching.

Great effort by us that hopefully can carry over. But anything inside of 2 minutes should be reviewed because he was not offsides.
That being said, we were that close DESPITE digging ourselves into a big hole. I think we really found something with the rhythm the offense.
Was the onside kick offside the worst call of the day though? The first half Michigan interception where the defender's toe came down first inbounds and his heel either hit the line or was over it appeared to be an obvious incorrect call. Yet, they reviewed it and said it was correct. Interception.

Anybody see on replay that his entire foot was in bounds?

I get your point, but the run plays are still the same and those aren’t working. I do think he tried to play Tressel ball some in the first half today but yes it’s been loosened up all year. The bigger issue in the first half was the amount of horizontal plays we tried and this defense is just too fast.
First half horizontal passing game is a direct result of offensive line being pushed like little kids seven yards back and in Brosmer's face before he can look at the field.

Was the onside kick offside the worst call of the day though? The first half Michigan interception where the defender's toe came down first inbounds and his heel either hit the line or was over it appeared to be an obvious incorrect call. Yet, they reviewed it and said it was correct. Interception.

Anybody see on replay that his entire foot was in bounds?
It was definitely was the worst in the 2nd half. That one you're referring to in the first half was shit too. The announcers even said it doesn't matter if your toes land inbounds. If your heal is out of bounds, YOU'RE OUT of bounds. Should have been incomplete.

It was definitely was the worst in the 2nd half. That one you're referring to in the first half was shit too. The announcers even said it doesn't matter if your toes land inbounds. If your heal is out of bounds, YOU'RE OUT of bounds. Should have been incomplete.
Well, that bad call also led to a Michigan score.

Was the onside kick offside the worst call of the day though? The first half Michigan interception where the defender's toe came down first inbounds and his heel either hit the line or was over it appeared to be an obvious incorrect call. Yet, they reviewed it and said it was correct. Interception.

Anybody see on replay that his entire foot was in bounds?

Considering the timing of the offsides call.....I'd say yes. But that INT call was brutal as well. Even more so because it was reviewed.

The fumble and blocked punt really hurt. O-line needs to be better. Team really played hard especially in the second half. D played well. Hopefully Mav isn’t out for an extended period of time. Refs royally screwed us at the end didn’t give us a chance to tie or win.

This team is capable of winning some games. They just have to play a full game. This is a very undisciplined Fleck team. Too many mistakes, penalties, turnovers.

Certainly feel much better about the future than I did at halftime or even prior to the game. Happy the guys didn't quit.

I still do not understand the defense on that last long drive for Michigan that resulted in a FG. Made no sense.

I’m proud of the fight we showed.

I am discouraged by the lack of a run game. I think this offense could be really good if we had a line that could run block. Hopefully it improves but we are running out of time.

All in all it was a really lifeless 45 minutes in the stadium. The 4th quarter was a lot of fun though.

This team is capable of winning some games. They just have to play a full game. This is a very undisciplined Fleck team. Too many mistakes, penalties, turnovers.

Certainly feel much better about the future than I did at halftime or even prior to the game. Happy the guys didn't quit.

I still do not understand the defense on that last long drive for Michigan that resulted in a FG. Made no sense.
The only thing it could be is 2 went down with an injury and they were worried about our corners getting beat, but their quarterback wasn’t good enough for us to even worry about that. If it wasn’t that, I got nothing.

The only thing it could be is 2 went down with an injury and they were worried about our corners getting beat, but their quarterback wasn’t good enough for us to even worry about that. If it wasn’t that, I got nothing.
I'd rather take the chance of getting beat deep than letting them use up a lot of clock and get into field goal range. I'm not even saying go cover 0 but it was weird to see them with 2 safeties 10+ yards from the line of scrimmage most plays. Make them beat you with the passing game.

It was definitely was the worst in the 2nd half. That one you're referring to in the first half was shit too. The announcers even said it doesn't matter if your toes land inbounds. If your heal is out of bounds, YOU'RE OUT of bounds. Should have been incomplete.
Guessing the first half one was more a function of not having a definitive camera view to overturn the call on the field. The offsides call was terrible and never should have been made.

I'd rather take the chance of getting beat deep than letting them use up a lot of clock and get into field goal range. I'm not even saying go cover 0 but it was weird to see them with 2 safeties 10+ yards from the line of scrimmage most plays. Make them beat you with the passing game.
You 1000% play cover0 when the opposing teams qb is orji and especially when it’s wet. That said we missed some tackles in the hole on that drive that would’ve ended it prior so it should not have mattered. But yeah said it live it was beyond dumb playing 2 high in that scenario. He hits one and you tip your cap. But I’d take our dbs vs their mediocre WRs all day

Through 5 games it’s obvious that the offense is more consistent and comfortable playing at a faster pace.
I agree! Like many have said, it gives us the chance to wear out the opponent defense line and help our below average OL. It maximizes Brosmer's high QB IQ.

I was very disappointed our defense could not stiffen up in the red zone early in the game. The turnovers sucked, but holding Michigan to field goals there could have changed the game. A couple obvious mistakes on defense on that first long run and the short roll out pass play to the right later allowed big plays for touchdowns. It appeared our guys were trying to play fast and aggressive, but lost their discipline. I wonder if that is partly the result of the new defense we are playing this year?

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