Mark Coyle Press Conference Thread

Wow I like some of these questions. Nice to hear some of these. I will the answers were as good...

Did anyone else get an email at 7:01 telling them about a press conference at 6:45?

Can't make it up.

Guy seems like he is in over his head with this.

Also, this was a huge waste of time.

Probably because he was blasted with e-mails to dump Claeys. Gopher Hole was blasted as well to dump our coach. As we all know we have knee jerk Gopher Holers here. One day fire, another day keep. Goes back and forth depending upon the situation.
That Wisconsin 2nd half was an utter disgrace.

He just wanted to avoid potential litigation.

Coyle has been prepared for this press conference much better than anyone from this administration during this entire fiasco.

Yup. Maybe they have some small clue of what they're doing.

Probably because he was blasted with e-mails to dump Claeys. Gopher Hole was blasted as well to dump our coach. As we all know we have knee jerk Gopher Holers here. One day fire, another day keep. Goes back and forth depending upon the situation.
Just depends who is posting. I don't see a lot of people changing their minds.

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When asked if he beared any responsibility for the communication issues with the players he cited the privacy laws. Took no responsibility. He's a horrible leader.

My university:
Great audio preparation for the press conference. Let's keep the questions largely inaudible for the tv viewers. Check! Canned responses written and ready? Check! Okay, let's roll the presser! Roger that!

Having heard Coyle, I'm feeling somewhat better about things. Glad he's honoring the full contracts of the outgoing coaches. They'll all land on their feet. And I think we just may, as well.

Guardedly optimistic. A fresh start is not the worst thing in the world after the totality of the past season. We can aim higher. We must aim higher.

What a coward. I wish Doogie would have pressed more on the "who lied" question. Get him to either say Kaler lied in his letter to the donors, or weasel out an excuse. Don't have to be Nostradamus to guess which way he would have gone

I have no confidence in this clown picking the next coach.

This entire last few weeks have been difficult, and I've been frustrated with how the players have been portrayed - at least the five that were newly named. Yet, I do think Coyle did really well in this press conference, and I love his final comment where he said with conviction that this program can win at the highest level, and in the right way.

Now, it would be great if he gets out in front some more and sells the school and the program the way he did in this press conference, speaking to athletes being highest performing academically of all public universities, of conference and national championships, etc. He showed some passion. Hope we can see more of that.

I was impressed by Coyle having the Press Conference. Less impressed by how with nearly every question he didn't want to answer, he responded with "I can't answer that because of student privacy laws".

Hearing the questions, some could have been answered without those specifics.

They agreed to pay the coaches salaries because they had no choice. Easily won wrongful termination lawsuits tend to make folks agreeable that way.

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He kept selling our program as competing at the highest level, and that he would bring in a great football coach. Will be interesting to see who that is, and my hope is he wouldn't sell that so strongly if he wasn't confident about who he could get.

Having heard Coyle, I'm feeling somewhat better about things. Glad he's honoring the full contracts of the outgoing coaches. They'll all land on their feet. And I think we just may, as well.

Guardedly optimistic. A fresh start is not the worst thing in the world after the totality of the past season. We can aim higher. We must aim higher.

Isn't saying he would honor the contracts just the same as buying them out?

Main issues from the conference: 1) character/culture of honesty (would love to have more color on this?), 2) team under performing (e.g. Wisconsin and losing halftime leads in big games). #1 was a little bit of a surprise. #2 not much of a surprise.

He kept taking thinly veiled shots at Claeys and co for not "doing things the right way" and not "living in truth." Wonder where all that came from. As I've been saying, is this team not near the top of the nation in APR and graduation rate? How is that not "doing things the right way"? And again, with the exception of the horrible incident this Fall, how many other off-field issues have arisen? And it hasn't been for lack of people looking, that's for sure.

Part of me believes there must be a ton we don't know about how the staff has been operating. But part of me just thinks Coyle is throwing sh!t at the wall hoping it sticks and nobody presses him on it. Razzle dazzle 'em, as they say...then, shiny object will be here soon enough and all this will be behind us.

Main issues from the conference: 1) character/culture of honesty (would love to have more color on this?), 2) team under performing (e.g. Wisconsin and losing halftime leads in big games). #1 was a little bit of a surprise. #2 not much of a surprise.

Panthadad huh? Must be ***********'s father.

I thought Coyle was fine and answered questions well. Student Privacy laws are very real. My daughters professors can't tell us as parents anything about her performance, grades or anything. We should all be happy about privacy laws, you don't want student info flowing out to the public from the U.

Coyle has a vision for the Program. Like he said; take a deep breath. Change is hard.

The sun will come up tomorrow and we will have a new coach soon. I think Coyle is in the middle of a difficult overhaul of the Department that started with wrestling and he will lead the program to new heights. He wants a football coach with a higher ceiling than Claeys. It is his job to do this and not settle for 9-4 but to strive for a Big Ten Championship. We all want that.

Which coach is the minimum to appease you?

Someone with P5 experience of at least the level of coordinator. I don't trust Fleck- especially given his personal history- and I think his shtick will wear thin quickly. Calhoun may be one that I would lower the bar for although he hasn't recruited at this level for a while.

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It is pretty clear he doesn't have another coach hired yet. He may have had some conversations with some people, likely the guy out in Boise when he was in Idaho over the weekend. This all ties back to the 09/02/16 partying, and the stupid alleged assault activities of some small group of players.
It is pretty sad that some pretty dang good football coaches like Jeff Phelps, Jay Sawvel, Brian Anderson, and Mike Sherels, along with Tracy Claeys had to lose their jobs over the activities of some selfish young men. Even if it wasn't assault the behavior displayed wasn't up to the standards that a scholarship athlete should be held accountable too. At some point some of those guy's had to realize what they were involved in was going to reflect poorly on them as men.
Disappointed about losing a good staff that to me was full of good people, that actually cared about these players.

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