Maresh and ?


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Dec 17, 2009
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Saw what appeared to be Maresh and Royston get in an altercation w/the police last night across the street from the Library. Hope that it wasn't anything serious. Don't know any details on what they were stopped for or what happened after they were stopped.

Hope I don't read about this in the newspapers in a day :mad:

I checked the Hennepin County Jail website and they're not in jail and there weren't any charges. It could be that the website hasn't updated. Check again tomorrow. It would be too bad, that's for sure.

This would be strike two for Maresh? Don't recall people saying he was a hot head...


Also hope there will not be any more suspensions or further sanctions against the team.

Do these football players ever wonder how much their fans support them? Want them to succeed?


Saw what appeared to be Maresh and Royston get in an altercation w/the police last night across the street from the Library. Hope that it wasn't anything serious. Don't know any details on what they were stopped for or what happened after they were stopped.

Hope I don't read about this in the newspapers in a day :mad:

Stop reading into this stuff!! They were lookin for their lost library cards!!!!:cool02:

Stop reading into this stuff!! They were lookin for their lost library cards!!!!:cool02:

I don't think THAT library has cards, but if they do, please direct me


I think the above poster should have clarified which "library" he was talking about. The U of M Dinkytown library is kitty corner from The Library Bar & Restaurant.

Maybe they were at both places in one nite. HA.

Saw what appeared to be Maresh and Royston get in an altercation w/the police last night across the street from the Library. Hope that it wasn't anything serious. Don't know any details on what they were stopped for or what happened after they were stopped.

Hope I don't read about this in the newspapers in a day :mad:

What exactly did you see happen?

This is one on the things I don't like about the interweb. Too easy for someone to throw out uncorroborated reports about people that are not verified as true. I'm not saying Monaco isn't telling the truth as I have no reason to think that he isn't. I just don't like that someone can throw unverified reports around and toss someone's reputation into the mud.

I was surprised this morning when I saw that this hadn't already been posted. I saw Maresh up against the building across the street from the Library (Bar and Grill) and I'm fairly certain the other person who was involved in the altercation was Kim Royston. Don't know what they did or even if they got charged with anything (I want to stress that point). There was about 4 squad cars on the street when all this was going down. AGAIN maybe this was just a slap on the wrist and no charges were filed. Time will tell

Really glad you could share this with us. You're really a big help to the program.

One thing I want to point out that may be obvious to some, but not to others. Campuses tend to have a few groups of people that like to start crap with athletes whether it is due to jealousy of them, or just wanting to get attention. This happens regularly at bars. If this was the case here, the cops may have realized that and isolated the two football players to "protect" them from getting into a serious fight. In my days at school, I say this more than once. Athletes are targeted by some of the tools on campus who feel they are tougher. Just my thought on this situation. We shall see.

Better to break up a fight before things get out of hand. There are thugs who like to start fights with athletes. Reminds me of thugs near military bases who resent the "basers", because they think they are taking "their" women. Usually these thugs couldn't get a date anyway.

This would be strike two for Maresh? Don't recall people saying he was a hot head...

I believe you're mistaken and Maresh has no "strike one". He was seen watching a fight outside of a bar last year, not in a fight outside of a bar. I've seen this same thing posted here dozens of times now about Maresh and if ANYONE CAN CONFIRM he was involved in a fight last year outside a bar on campus PLEASE DO SO NOW, or else let's stop posting this misinformation over and over again.

I believe you're mistaken and Maresh has no "strike one". He was seen watching a fight outside of a bar last year, not in a fight outside of a bar. I've seen this same thing posted here dozens of times now about Maresh and if ANYONE CAN CONFIRM he was involved in a fight last year outside a bar on campus PLEASE DO SO NOW, or else let's stop posting this misinformation over and over again.

What CRG said.

Where were you that you were able to tell that it was Maresh up against the wall? Across the street? Walking by? Driving by? In Iowa making this sh-t up?

PantheraHawk is over on espn pumping this story. Could just be another sad Hawkeye fabrication.

I believe you're mistaken and Maresh has no "strike one". He was seen watching a fight outside of a bar last year, not in a fight outside of a bar. I've seen this same thing posted here dozens of times now about Maresh and if ANYONE CAN CONFIRM he was involved in a fight last year outside a bar on campus PLEASE DO SO NOW, or else let's stop posting this misinformation over and over again.

I somehow feel as though CRG and I have something to talk about.

I was outside the Library on the sidewalk area and both of them were across 13th Avenue. Guessing no charges were filed since we've yet to hear anything, which is just fine w/me I'd like to see Maresh out on the field this year :clap:

Really glad you could share this with us. You're really a big help to the program.

Umm, you should be saying that to the players involved if the allegation is proven true. We don't villify people for reporting what they see. Get a life.

If so many people here saw them, were they taken in the backs of the squads or not?

Does anyone know for sure it was Maresh and Royston? and magpie who else saw them all that's been written is that manaco saw em? Oh and CRG is correct Maresh has no strikes on him as he was watching(no in) a fight.

I was unaware that people who have watched a fight before are thugs.

I now officially declare the Maresh in a fight outside a bar last year story dead once and for all.

Saw what appeared to be Maresh and Royston get in an altercation w/the police last night across the street from the Library. Hope that it wasn't anything serious. Don't know any details on what they were stopped for or what happened after they were stopped.

Hope I don't read about this in the newspapers in a day :mad:

Really? You actually posted this sh_t on the internet? Really? Do you know what altercation actually mean? So you actually saw both of them get into a heated argument with the police? That's what you're claiming you saw?

And you're certain enough of this to post it on the internet? To throw someones good name out there? Now don't hide behind "appeared." Nobody is gonna remember that, all they will remember is what you claimed you saw.

My man, you are wrong for this. When you float stuff like this out there it has ramifications. I wasn't going to respond but lots of folks read this stuff and my phone has been ringing all afternoon.

Yes I know what happened, no I'm not going to tell, yes you got it wrong and no I'm not angry.

In the future if you must write or post something make sure you got it right first.:cool02:

I saw a black guy and a white guy arguing with each other or maybe not, it must have been Weber and Gray or not. Again it could have been nothing, I hope I'm wrong and don't read about it in the paper tomorrow. Based on this fallacy I think both of them are "thugs"


As it turns out I was watching a re run of Miami Vice and it was Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas, not Adam and MarQuies. But this still counts as "strike one" for both of them

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