Maresh and ?

I saw a black guy and a white guy arguing with each other or maybe not, it must have been Weber and Gray or not. Again it could have been nothing, I hope I'm wrong and don't read about it in the paper tomorrow. Based on this fallacy I think both of them are "thugs"
As it turns out I was watching a re run of Miami Vice and it was Don Johnson and Philip Michael Thomas, not Adam and MarQuies. But this still counts as "strike one" for both of them

This doesn't happen often. Actually it hasn't ever happened, but I agree with you, and it was pretty funny.

Really? You actually posted this sh_t on the internet? Really? Do you know what altercation actually mean? So you actually saw both of them get into a heated argument with the police? That's what you're claiming you saw?

And you're certain enough of this to post it on the internet? To throw someones good name out there? Now don't hide behind "appeared." Nobody is gonna remember that, all they will remember is what you claimed you saw.

My man, you are wrong for this. When you float stuff like this out there it has ramifications. I wasn't going to respond but lots of folks read this stuff and my phone has been ringing all afternoon.

Yes I know what happened, no I'm not going to tell, yes you got it wrong and no I'm not angry.

In the future if you must write or post something make sure you got it right first.:cool02:

Give the guy a break, he saw an event that was possibly a big deal involving two players very important to our program. Nobody should fault him for "spilling the beans" if it is true, it is the player's responsibility to stay clean. This is the point of a message board -- share banter, rumor and news.

Give the guy a break, he saw an event that was possibly a big deal involving two players very important to our program. Nobody should fault him for "spilling the beans" if it is true, it is the player's responsibility to stay clean. This is the point of a message board -- share banter, rumor and news.

Interesting. You want me to give the guy who posts incorrect information about student athletes on the web a break because you believe a board dedicated to Gopher sports should include rumors (incorrect or correct) about players? Tell me, how far are rumors allowed to go? Is any rumor off limit and who determines what that limit is?

You claim the board is suppose to be about rumors and banter yet you want me to "give the guy a break?" Oh I get it, you want to talk sh_t about folks but not be called on it. You want what your not willing to give the players; your behavior to not be commented on or challenged. My bad.:cool02:

Give the guy a break, he saw an event that was possibly a big deal involving two players very important to our program. Nobody should fault him for "spilling the beans" if it is true, it is the player's responsibility to stay clean. This is the point of a message board -- share banter, rumor and news.

He's not even sure what he saw. In that case he needs to STFU.

Interesting. You want me to give the guy who posts incorrect information about student athletes on the web a break because you believe a board dedicated to Gopher sports should include rumors (incorrect or correct) about players? Tell me, how far are rumors allowed to go? Is any rumor off limit and who determines what that limit is?

You claim the board is suppose to be about rumors and banter yet you want me to "give the guy a break?" Oh I get it, you want to talk sh_t about folks but not be called on it. You want what your not willing to give the players; your behavior to not be commented on or challenged. My bad.:cool02:

In today's edition of the Star Tribune, it was reported that Maresh was cited for what amounts to Minor in Possession. Guess the rumor had some validity to it if by altercation you meant being detained by police. There was no mention of Royston in the blurb.

Looks like we can now officially say that Maresh has Strike One.

In today's edition of the Star Tribune, it was reported that Maresh was cited for what amounts to Minor in Possession. Guess the rumor had some validity to it if by altercation you meant being detained by police. There was no mention of Royston in the blurb.

Looks like we can now officially say that Maresh has Strike One.

That's a tough break for him, I looked at his profile on and he turns 21 on the 26th of this month.

In today's edition of the Star Tribune, it was reported that Maresh was cited for what amounts to Minor in Possession. Guess the rumor had some validity to it if by altercation you meant being detained by police. There was no mention of Royston in the blurb.

Looks like we can now officially say that Maresh has Strike One.
It's buried in the Mbawke story if anyone wants to read it.

maresh a no show at Saturday scrimmage...

Monaco nice call. What do you say now, Costa Rican? Lets hear your defense, since you are so quick to defend him when there is any mention of Maresh and his horrible decision making.

In today's edition of the Star Tribune, it was reported that Maresh was cited for what amounts to Minor in Possession. Guess the rumor had some validity to it if by altercation you meant being detained by police. There was no mention of Royston in the blurb.

Looks like we can now officially say that Maresh has Strike One.

The Strib story says March 28??

• Gophers linebacker Sam Maresh was among several people cited for consumption of alcohol by a minor, a misdemeanor, after Minneapolis police broke up a party near the University of Minnesota early on March 28.

Is this a separate issue from what happened on Thursday night ie strike 3?

Monaco nice call. What do you say now, Costa Rican? Lets hear your defense, since you are so quick to defend him when there is any mention of Maresh and his horrible decision making.

Please explain how being cited for underaged drinking is the same as an "altercation with the police".

Really? You actually posted this sh_t on the internet? Really? Do you know what altercation actually mean? So you actually saw both of them get into a heated argument with the police? That's what you're claiming you saw?

And you're certain enough of this to post it on the internet? To throw someones good name out there? Now don't hide behind "appeared." Nobody is gonna remember that, all they will remember is what you claimed you saw.

My man, you are wrong for this. When you float stuff like this out there it has ramifications. I wasn't going to respond but lots of folks read this stuff and my phone has been ringing all afternoon.

Yes I know what happened, no I'm not going to tell, yes you got it wrong and no I'm not angry.

In the future if you must write or post something make sure you got it right first.:cool02:

Now this is intelligent--I know something you don't, but I'm not telling and my story is right and your's is "Altercation?" Do you prefer episode? It's all connotation. If Maresh was "against the wall" with "4 cop cars in the street" is was more than an episode. Thursday is a school night, right?? Spring training in session?? I for one am damn tired of these weekly run-ins with the police and then the apologists showing up to pooh-pooh it away...this isn't the damn SEC!

Please explain how being cited for underaged drinking is the same as an "altercation with the police".
The "altercation" was thursday, April 10. The underage drinking cite was March 28 and who knows what in between. Poor Sam, always in the wrong place at the wrong time.

What great men you all are, passing such certain judgement on college students without any knowledge of the situation. I am certain you are all without any fault based on your reaction to an underage drinking ticket.

I dont understand how roystons name is being thrown out there for what seemed like him probably just trying to get sam in less trouble than he was already in, this is just dumb to be talking about in the first place anyway. Royston is a good kid, dont throw that crap out here unless youre certain

Interesting. You want me to give the guy who posts incorrect information about student athletes on the web a break because you believe a board dedicated to Gopher sports should include rumors (incorrect or correct) about players? Tell me, how far are rumors allowed to go? Is any rumor off limit and who determines what that limit is?

He said he saw "what he believed to be" Maresh and possibly Royston get in an altercation with the police (which means a noisy argument). As it turns out, Maresh did indeed receive a minor consumption. Perhaps he incorrectly used the word "altercation," but perhaps Maresh was in a noisy argument with the cops as well.

I realize you have a vested interest in Kim and I agree that if he didn't positively identify Kim as another individual being cited, then he should not have made that conjecture.

You claim the board is suppose to be about rumors and banter yet you want me to "give the guy a break?" Oh I get it, you want to talk sh_t about folks but not be called on it. You want what your not willing to give the players; your behavior to not be commented on or challenged. My bad.:cool02:

I want you to give the guy a break because he posted a relevant piece of news he observed (although we agree the conjecture went over the line) and you absolutely lambast him for it. My wanting a message board to permit rumor and banter in no way is incongruent with my wanting a message board to be civil.

When Maresh walks down the street with a bottle of Jagermeister, he is openly inviting himself to be talked about. If I posted factually incorrect information on here, I would expect to be corrected for it as well. I realize you were/are angry but anger in itself is not an excuse for unleashing that anger upon others.

Do the apologists see a pattern with this guy yet?

Gophers football player Sam Maresh cited for alcohol consumption second time in two weeks. Can't be the brightest bulb on the tree. Sure you want to continue to back him on his B/S wrong place at the wrong time story about last year's fight?

Do the apologists see a pattern with this guy yet?

Gophers football player Sam Maresh cited for alcohol consumption second time in two weeks. Can't be the brightest bulb on the tree. Sure you want to continue to back him on his B/S wrong place at the wrong time story about last year's fight?

You are new so I'll give you a heads up. Sportsfan is a relation of Royston. His comments should be read in that context. As far as I can see Royston has been charged with nothing and is not in trouble. Yet his name got tossed out anyway. That's what SF was getting heated for...his comments were not meant to be a big defense of Maresh.

He said he saw "what he believed to be" Maresh and possibly Royston get in an altercation with the police (which means a noisy argument). As it turns out, Maresh did indeed receive a minor consumption. Perhaps he incorrectly used the word "altercation," but perhaps Maresh was in a noisy argument with the cops as well.

I realize you have a vested interest in Kim and I agree that if he didn't positively identify Kim as another individual being cited, then he should not have made that conjecture.

I want you to give the guy a break because he posted a relevant piece of news he observed (although we agree the conjecture went over the line) and you absolutely lambast him for it. My wanting a message board to permit rumor and banter in no way is incongruent with my wanting a message board to be civil.

When Maresh walks down the street with a bottle of Jagermeister, he is openly inviting himself to be talked about. If I posted factually incorrect information on here, I would expect to be corrected for it as well. I realize you were/are angry but anger in itself is not an excuse for unleashing that anger upon others.

See post above. Sportsfan was responding to Royston's name getting tossed out there (with no basis it would seem), not Maresh's.

I partied hard when I as in school, don't get me wrong. But if I was in Maresh's situation and I had the skill level to compete at a line backing position for a Big Ten team, especially with my background and what I could mean for Gopher football in the future, I would be handling myself in a completely different manner. The people that come on here and say college kids will be college kids and it's not a big deal. Give me a break.

The best of the best have their shi.t together, and you never see them in the news for good reason. They stay out of trouble and work their asses off. Someone needs to talk some sense into this kid because he clearly doesn't get it right now. End of rant.

I know many people who wrestled with him in HS. They have worked for me in summer jobs. Maresh is a hot head and a cocky dude, accoring to most of them. Take it for what it is worth... Also, my neighbor is a U of M cop and was involved all day friday talking to sergents regarding the incident on April 10th. He told me today that he would have been let go but he gave the cops a bad time and was therefore cited. Lots of cursing at the officers. I would not be suprised if he is suspended. My neighbor was annoyed with him and couldn't believe how bad his attitude was.

I know many people who wrestled with him in HS. They have worked for me in summer jobs. Maresh is a hot head and a cocky dude, accoring to most of them. Take it for what it is worth... Also, my neighbor is a U of M cop and was involved all day friday talking to sergents regarding the incident on April 10th. He told me today that he would have been let go but he gave the cops a bad time and was therefore cited. Lots of cursing at the officers. I would not be suprised if he is suspended. My neighbor was annoyed with him and couldn't believe how bad his attitude was.


I know many people who wrestled with him in HS. They have worked for me in summer jobs. Maresh is a hot head and a cocky dude, accoring to most of them. Take it for what it is worth... Also, my neighbor is a U of M cop and was involved all day friday talking to sergents regarding the incident on April 10th. He told me today that he would have been let go but he gave the cops a bad time and was therefore cited. Lots of cursing at the officers. I would not be suprised if he is suspended. My neighbor was annoyed with him and couldn't believe how bad his attitude was.

guess one here really cares except the usual crew of flaming gossip queens.

imo some cops need to be taken to task from time to time. i have met quite a few hot head, cocky cops who make it there business to be jerks for no reason other than they like to be jerks. who is to say that is not what happened with sam. just cause the guy is your neighbor doesn't mean i trust what he says. i am sure in every cops mind it is ALWAYS the person being cited and/or arrested who was "giving folks a hard time" and it is NEVER the other way around......especially when they write up their "report".

guess one here really cares except the usual crew of flaming gossip queens.

imo some cops need to be taken to task from time to time. i have met quite a few hot head, cocky cops who make it there business to be jerks for no reason other than they like to be jerks. who is to say that is not what happened with sam. just cause the guy is your neighbor doesn't mean i trust what he says. i am sure in every cops mind it is ALWAYS the person being cited and/or arrested who was "giving folks a hard time" and it is NEVER the other way around......especially when they write up their "report".

Dude he was walking down the street with a bottle of Jag in his hands. He had it coming.

guess one here really cares except the usual crew of flaming gossip queens.

imo some cops need to be taken to task from time to time. i have met quite a few hot head, cocky cops who make it there business to be jerks for no reason other than they like to be jerks. who is to say that is not what happened with sam. just cause the guy is your neighbor doesn't mean i trust what he says. i am sure in every cops mind it is ALWAYS the person being cited and/or arrested who was "giving folks a hard time" and it is NEVER the other way around......especially when they write up their "report".

I could care less if he get 50 minors. I could give a rats ass about Sam Maresh. I was just adding something to the thread. Take a pill and go to bed.

I know many people who wrestled with him in HS. They have worked for me in summer jobs. Maresh is a hot head and a cocky dude, accoring to most of them. Take it for what it is worth... Also, my neighbor is a U of M cop and was involved all day friday talking to sergents regarding the incident on April 10th. He told me today that he would have been let go but he gave the cops a bad time and was therefore cited. Lots of cursing at the officers. I would not be suprised if he is suspended. My neighbor was annoyed with him and couldn't believe how bad his attitude was.

Thanks. Obviously, this is your word we're going on, but based on your previous posts, I have no reason to doubt you. And when there is smoke... well, you know the rest. We're just seeing Sam's name pop up too much for this not to be taken seriously. Come on Sam, get it together and become a leader of this team.

Let me see?

Originally Posted by eker0016
He said he saw "what he believed to be" Maresh and possibly Royston get in an altercation with the police (which means a noisy argument). As it turns out, Maresh did indeed receive a minor consumption. Perhaps he incorrectly used the word "altercation," but perhaps Maresh was in a noisy argument with the cops as well. I realize you have a vested interest in Kim and I agree that if he didn't positively identify Kim as another individual being cited, then he should not have made that conjecture.

Perhaps he incorrectly used the word altercation? My man, he said Kim and Sam got into an altercation with the police. It did not happen, there is no perhaps. My relationship in no way clouds my judgment when it comes to folks by name erroneously posting in a public forum that someone got into an altercation with the police. Clear and simple, it was the wrong thing to do. And please allow me to add, I have also noticed that he has not rushed back here to correct his mistake nor have you commented on that. I guess when it comes to folks being responsible for their actions it only applies to football players.

I realize since you don't have a vested interest in the players you don't care what someone saids about them, even if it is untrue.;)

Originally Posted by eker0016
I want you to give the guy a break because he posted a relevant piece of news he observed (although we agree the conjecture went over the line) and you absolutely lambast him for it. My wanting a message board to permit rumor and banter in no way is incongruent with my wanting a message board to be civil.

When Maresh walks down the street with a bottle of Jagermeister, he is openly inviting himself to be talked about. If I posted factually incorrect information on here, I would expect to be corrected for it as well. I realize you were/are angry but anger in itself is not an excuse for unleashing that anger upon others.

I guess you will take your "relevant" news regardless of how much collateral damage comes with it. Why are you okay with incorrect rumors demeaning someones charactor but you take issue with someone knowledgeable of the situation making a comment? Am I to assume you believe my response was worst than the baseless and incorrect accusation? To steal and modify a quote from you, If someone posts on a message board that an upper classmen who was only checking on his teammates welfare; got into an altercation with the police "is openly inviting himself to be talked about".

"I realize you were/are angry but anger in itself is not an excuse for unleashing that anger upon others"

What? My man, I said I was not angry. Grasshopper, I guess you have been dying to use that dime store quote. Wow, I never realized the Royston men were so angry and into altercations with the police. Where is my NWA "straight out of Compton" album? I want to hear "fornicate the police!" :eek:

Oh and for the record, if the worst thing in life Sam does is get a ticket for having a beer as a minor 3 weeks from his 21 birthday and watch a fight, he should become a Saint. By comparison at the same age; I should be serving a life sentence in prison.:D

I know many people who wrestled with him in HS. They have worked for me in summer jobs. Maresh is a hot head and a cocky dude, accoring to most of them. Take it for what it is worth... Also, my neighbor is a U of M cop and was involved all day friday talking to sergents regarding the incident on April 10th. He told me today that he would have been let go but he gave the cops a bad time and was therefore cited. Lots of cursing at the officers. I would not be suprised if he is suspended. My neighbor was annoyed with him and couldn't believe how bad his attitude was.

Bingo. I went to HS with Maresh, same grade, if that kid was treated like every other kid in school no way he would be on the football team because of all the stuff he got away with, probably because his dad is one of the coaches. He got talent but the kid has some serious growing up issues. I am shocked he hasnt failed out of college yet.

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