Very fair points. I think if Claeys sits down with his players, and maybe he should, part of it should reaffirm confidence in our police force. Maybe
bring in some officers, of all ethnicity to talk one on one with the team and field questions and concerns. I think the most Claeys can do, like any parent, is to try to reiterate that all they can do is just be respectful, compliant and cooperative. Sometimes other things are just out of their hands, but just to be the good young men that they are.
My rant was just mostly that i'm just so sick and tired of the instant presumption of guilt on officers when they're involved in a shooting like this. I've never been a cop, I served in the army, but it's not the same thing and I dont know the world they live in, what they deal with day in and day out. Everyone i've talked to that are criticizing of things like this, never have been a cop either. In all honesty I would never want to be a cop, I dont know how I could live through a world of crime like they do then come home to a family and be a husband, wife or parent in a normal sense. To me cops are superhuman and people get so quick to judge and label them racist or murderers. In the case of Mr Castile, we have no idea what lead to officer pulling out his service weapon and shooting him. But as one person noted, cop incidents are up, but so is violence in general, and obvious that goes hand in hand.
Cause and effect, the more crime, murders and times cops are called to situations where criminals use weapons to kill others, that finger gets a little more tighter on that trigger. They have families too, cops get killed on duty too. What's the answer? It's all just so pitifully sad.