"Major" program to get hit with "major" accusations

While I agree that Wisconsin is not at the level nationally as Oaklahoma or Alabama, to not consider them a major program is a major reach. They have been a top 15-20 program the last 15 plus years.

I do think that about any school in one of the big six conferences plus Boise St, TCU, and maybe a handfull of others could be considered major schools. If it were South Carolina for example, I would consider them a major school...just my $.02.

Agree with bolded.

anybody can post anything they want on the internet

There are rumors (and that's all they are at this point, rumors) of a news story set to break soon about a major D-1 program that could result in them getting hit with some major sanctions.



First, I wonder if it's at all true. Second, I wonder who it could be? Speculation is around Penn State and Notre Dame, but who knows at this point.

How can anybody believe these blogs? They have all the credibility of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya being the second coming of Jeffersonian Democracy.

Winona Phantom we salute you!
Michigan – 0
Minnesota – 22
24 October 1953

Looks like that could be it.

Sort of anti-climatic, though. I'm not a lawyer or anything, but I'm having a hard time finding the basis for a lawsuit in there.

I don't know if I would consider TCU a major program, at least not yet.

I don't know if I would consider TCU a major program, at least not yet.

Their conference might not be, but they've be 100 times the program we've been the last 5 years...

Their conference might not be, but they've be 100 times the program we've been the last 5 years...

That's very true. My definition of a major school is one that can stay at the top with bad coaching changes. Can TCU survive if they lose Patterson and higher Brewster? I don't think so. Michigan was able to survive Rodriguez (although I think RickRod can still do well in a different conference and school). Can Minnesota even stay in the middle with a bad coach? Not now, but hopefully after coach Kill has worked his magic.

That's very true. My definition of a major school is one that can stay at the top with bad coaching changes. Can TCU survive if they lose Patterson and higher Brewster? I don't think so. Michigan was able to survive Rodriguez (although I think RickRod can still do well in a different conference and school). Can Minnesota even stay in the middle with a bad coach? Not now, but hopefully after coach Kill has worked his magic.

It's obvious you have never been hired before....

Major School= one that makes a lot of money and has TV exposure.

It's obvious you have never been hired before....

Major School= one that makes a lot of money and has TV exposure.

LOL. The only excuse I have for spelling phonetically is too much time texting and on message boards.

There's more than one way to define a major program. By your standard every Big 10 school is a major program, and compared to non-BCS conferences as a whole, they are. However, when comparing all BCS schools, there has to be more stringent criteria than "one that makes a lot of money and has TV exposure."

FWIW, I don't think the original accusations were referencing TCU ... said the story would be out in Spring or Summer.

That said, how about this little tidbit? http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2011/morning-jolt/03/01/cam-newton-tapes/index.html?eref=sihp

The host of a Huntsville, Ala., sports talk radio show says he has heard audio tapes, allegedly in the possession of former Mississippi State players John Bond and Bill Bell, that implicate Cam Newton in his father, Cecil's, pay-for-play scheme that was investigated by the NCAA. Scott Moore, an Alabama fan and a college football speaker, said Friday during a radio interview with WNSP in Mobile, Ala., that he heard tapes of Cecil Newton selling his son's services while Cam was in the room. He states Tennessee offered Cecil Newton $200,000 for Cam Newton to play in Knoxville, and that Mississippi State was getting a discounted rate.

This is "Major" BS...the NCAA would not leak anything like this and furthermore, they do not have the resources or stones to pull a 'Major' program down....it is bad for their business.

The only way college sports get cleaned up is with a congressional hearing (think MLB steroids), but that will not happen until the economy gets healthy again (and if Boise or Utah get screwed again in the BCS).

The only way this would happen sooner would be if someone comes clean (ala Clarett) with good dirt and a smoking gun (figurative-not literal like Maurice)

This is "Major" BS...the NCAA would not leak anything like this and furthermore, they do not have the resources or stones to pull a 'Major' program down....it is bad for their business.

The only way college sports get cleaned up is with a congressional hearing (think MLB steroids), but that will not happen until the economy gets healthy again (and if Boise or Utah get screwed again in the BCS).

The only way this would happen sooner would be if someone comes clean (ala Clarett) with good dirt and a smoking gun (figurative-not literal like Maurice)

Is USC not considered a Major program?

This is "Major" BS...the NCAA would not leak anything like this and furthermore, they do not have the resources or stones to pull a 'Major' program down....it is bad for their business.

The only way college sports get cleaned up is with a congressional hearing (think MLB steroids), but that will not happen until the economy gets healthy again (and if Boise or Utah get screwed again in the BCS).

The only way this would happen sooner would be if someone comes clean (ala Clarett) with good dirt and a smoking gun (figurative-not literal like Maurice)

Boise and Utah never got "screwed".

This is "Major" BS...the NCAA would not leak anything like this and furthermore, they do not have the resources or stones to pull a 'Major' program down....it is bad for their business.

Did you watch the 30 for 30 on SMU? They may not do something that extreme again, but it has been done.

Is USC not considered a Major program?

USC is a Major program, but they are not facing Major penalties. Despite having boosters PAY a player (IF you think Reggie was the only one) all they received was a bowl ban for a couple years and some schollys...and they are trying to appeal the actual number. During the appeal, they continue to stockpile blue chip talent.

USC is a Major program, but they are not facing Major penalties. Despite having boosters PAY a player (IF you think Reggie was the only one) all they received was a bowl ban for a couple years and some schollys...and they are trying to appeal the actual number. During the appeal, they continue to stockpile blue chip talent.

FWIW, I'm pretty sure that the guys paying Reggie weren't boosters. They were agent/sports marketing types. And in the current "post death penalty" environment those actually are pretty major penalties.

This is "Major" BS...the NCAA would not leak anything like this and furthermore, they do not have the resources or stones to pull a 'Major' program down....it is bad for their business.

The only way college sports get cleaned up is with a congressional hearing (think MLB steroids), but that will not happen until the economy gets healthy again (and if Boise or Utah get screwed again in the BCS).

The only way this would happen sooner would be if someone comes clean (ala Clarett) with good dirt and a smoking gun (figurative-not literal like Maurice)

From what I understand in reading is that it is not the NCAA that is doing this but a major news outlet. That is part of the reason a lot of people are leaning towards Notre Dame due to their proximity to Chicago (Chicago Tribune). Not exactly right next door but only about 100 miles away.

When they say top 10-12, do they mean a program ranked in the top 10-12? If so, that would rule out Notre Dame. According that link, sounds like Auburn and Oregon are not it, either.

I heard some guy at Wild Wings say he had just landed with some VIP lawyers and something about a duck. It was hard to hear his conversation as I was gnawing into some wings and slurping my beer a bit. But, I did hear him say the runway at Blaine was a bit icy. ...or maybe I was just dreaming.

Are we getting closer to spring ball?

Cowherd is venturing into Robespierre territory with his "I have a name but I am not going to say it yet" stuff.

This is from another board:

OT: Charles Robinson of Yahoo! Sports Says More to Come

Charles Robinson, one of the investigative reporters for Yahoo! Sports, was just interviewed on the Waddle and Silvie show on ESPN Radio 1000 in Chicago. He stated that there are two additional high-profile stories he is working on, on which will break within the next few weeks and another that looks like it will break in August. Mr. Robinson was prodded fairly hard by Tom Waddle, but would not divulge any individual or institutional names. He was asked to rate the Tressel story on a scale of 1-10 scale, and gave it an 8. Mr. Robinson rated the story to be broken this month as a 6-7, and gave the late-summer story a 10-rating, without hesitation.

This ends any speculation that this was the "big one," even though most of us thought that already. And the plot thickens.....

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