"Major" program to get hit with "major" accusations

Had my Eureka moment. It has to be IUPUI. The NCAA has always wanted to bring down the arrogant, condescending "palindrome" schools. Down with the Jaguars.

If unexpected, I would lean toward Penn State, especially if it is in the Big Ten. Nebraska has just been scrutinized un joining the BT in the first place and at this time OS is the only real major program (sorry Michigan, the last three years has cost you). Since ND is not BT, those two are the only ones left. Neither Iowa nor Wisconsin qualify and given all the problems Iowa has had the past couple of years, another scandal would not qualify as unexpected. Penn State and JoePa have a long history as a strong program. It may well be boosters working behind the scenes without JoePa's knowledge. In a sense, I hate the thought it might be them, if this is all true anyway, since I have long respected Penn State and Joe Pa.

It's going to be Princeton. Seven of their national titles will be rescinded on allegations of using professional ringers in the 1920s.

No it's gotta be UC Santa Cruz - we all know that if Banana Slugs are in hot water it would be devastating. :eek: Damn Banana Slugs!

Nope, it's San Diego State University. They have to be a major program because as we all know, scUM would never hire a coach from a lessor one!

Had my Eureka moment. It has to be IUPUI. The NCAA has always wanted to bring down the arrogant, condescending "palindrome" schools. Down with the Jaguars.

Funny! Utah State Is shaking in their boots!

Go Gophers!

Oregon? Penn St? Florida? Virginia Tech? Crown College?

Wow, I guess most gopher fans are still in the denial stage of grief. I guess Alabama and Oklahoma aren't major programs since they lost to non-AQ teams in BCS bowl games.

I'm hearing [insert from below] it is st johns.

I am surprised that you did not include the disclaimer: "...from someone close to the situation." That in and of itself makes things more accurate. Thanks for sharing your scoop.

It could be UCLA (University Closest to Lyndale Avenue!) Poor Dunwoody.
I think that's closest to Lyndale?

Wow, I guess most gopher fans are still in the denial stage of grief. I guess Alabama and Oklahoma aren't major programs since they lost to non-AQ teams in BCS bowl games.

Imagine that, another badger fan on g'hole assuming that comments from a few represents "most" of a fan base.

Wow, I guess most gopher fans are still in the denial stage of grief. I guess Alabama and Oklahoma aren't major programs since they lost to non-AQ teams in BCS bowl games.

Alabama and Oklahoma? National Championships and annually two of the best teams in the nation.

I wouldn't even consider comparing Wisconsin to either of those. If Wisconsin can maintain top-25 finishes the next few years, you could probably go about considering them a "major" program. One fantastic year (with a rose bowl loss) and a decent amount of good ones do not make a program "major".

Alabama and Oklahoma? National Championships and annually two of the best teams in the nation.

I wouldn't even consider comparing Wisconsin to either of those. If Wisconsin can maintain top-25 finishes the next few years, you could probably go about considering them a "major" program. One fantastic year (with a rose bowl loss) and a decent amount of good ones do not make a program "major".

While I agree that Wisconsin is not at the level nationally as Oaklahoma or Alabama, to not consider them a major program is a major reach. They have been a top 15-20 program the last 15 plus years.

I do think that about any school in one of the big six conferences plus Boise St, TCU, and maybe a handfull of others could be considered major schools. If it were South Carolina for example, I would consider them a major school...just my $.02.

if i had to guess, i'm going with cal tech basketball, how else do you explain their recent "Sucrets" in basketball?

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