Luckiest year ever for the state of wisconsin???

Luckiest year ever for the state of wisconsin???

Did it ever occur to anyone that the state of Wisconsin just might have some damned good teams?

Luckiest year ever for the state of wisconsin???

Did it ever occur to anyone that the state of Wisconsin just might have some damned good teams?
We're holding out hope for a regression to the mean.

Or some kind of infectious disease.

I took it as meaning the Wisconsin fans are lucky to have two football teams have such great seasons in the same year. Not necessarily that the two teams themselves were lucky. That's how I read it at least. And I agree.

They should appreciate it as going to the Rose Bowl and Super Bowl in the same year may never happen again. It's been forever since a Minnesota team has gone to either one, so it's just painful to see our rival state experience both in one year.

Yes this is what I meant by saying lucky. Like you lucky wisconsin fans that get to enjoy this for god knows how long.

Can you really make the case that there was a team better than the Packers this season? I'm all ears for that.

If they were so great, why did they lose 6 games? Why did they sneak into the playoffs?They played great for the past few weeks. They're Super Bowl champs and they earned it. Do you think the San Francisco Giants were the best team in baseball this year? I don't.

If they were so great, why did they lose 6 games? Why did they sneak into the playoffs?They played great for the past few weeks. They're Super Bowl champs and they earned it. Do you think the San Francisco Giants were the best team in baseball this year? I don't.
Doll, it's been one hour and you still haven't notified this poster of his/her missing space after a question mark. YOU CAN'T LEAVE NOW! ENGLISH NEEDS YOU!!!! :eek:

Doll, it's been one hour and you still haven't notified this poster of his/her missing space after a question mark. YOU CAN'T LEAVE NOW! ENGLISH NEEDS YOU!!!! :eek:

Tell me, how does my taint taste? I've always wanted to know firsthand, but unfortunately, I am not flexible enough.

Why do people continue to say 'missed extra points' when they were blocked? Huge difference. Missed extra point implies we had to rely on a kicker's ineptness to win, like the game against Cal Poly a few years ago. Blocked implies we made a couple of game changing plays.

As to MSU kicking UW's butt? It was a 3 point game with 90 sec left, when they scored the clinching TD. MSU was sky-high with their coach back in the press box for his first game after his heart attack, and played easily their best game on the day we played our worst.

I have a hard time seeing it as a butt kicking, but I guess it depends on what your agenda is.

The success of these teams should be instructive to teams in the Gophers position, especially what the Packers have done. First, you get a solid football guy who is not afraid to make some tough decisions at the top of the organization and then implement a solid plan. Ted Thompson hasn't been perfect by any stretch, but the guy is tough as nails, doesn't sit around and BS folks, and has an idea of what he wants to accomplish (with his actions being consistent with the overall idea).

Obviously, the pros are a lot different than college, but I believe there are similarities between the two levels of football that make this a valid comparison. I further think Kill is like Thompson in that he's a solid football guy with a well-defined vision of what he wants the Gophers to be.

If they were so great, why did they lose 6 games? Why did they sneak into the playoffs?They played great for the past few weeks. They're Super Bowl champs and they earned it. Do you think the San Francisco Giants were the best team in baseball this year? I don't.

If the NY Giants take care of business, green bush does NOT make the playoffs. green bush is one concussion away from being an average team.

MSU should have been in the Rose Bowl, not sconnie.

Typical Minnesota sports followers. Dismiss championship teams as "lucky." Chalk it all up to "luck" and HOPE to get lucky themselves some day. Meanwhile, other teams make shrewd decisions, use a little patience and don't gamble on short-term solutions. Their success is not lucky, but a well-calculated plan.

Fans unfairly dismissing the success of their rivals is hardly unique to Minnesota fans.

If the NY Giants take care of business, green bush does NOT make the playoffs. green bush is one concussion away from being an average team.

Point #1 is valid. But being 1 concussion from being average? How profound. So is almost every team, especially those with the top QB's (NE, Indy, etc.) To Pittsburgh's credit they could probably make the play-offs without Big Ben, but they wouldn't have been in the Super Bowl.

This thread is entertaining....only highlights how great it is to be a Wisconsin football fan and how much it sucks to be a Minnesota football fan. Living in Ohio, you sound like Cleveland Browns fans. Some of you are very gracious though. That is kind.

Except for the fact that nowhere on planet Earth is "Superbowl" used as an acceptable alternative for the NFL's championship game.

Do people use "Superbowl" to avoid the long arm of the No Fun League;);)

Nothing lucky about it. Badgers got a coach that gets good play out of the players, Gophers again set the program back with a sht hire. Packers draft and develop a great QB, the Vikings bring back a man who could never live up to the previous year.

There is luck involved along the way in little bits, but on the whole the teams to the east just had better managed clubs.

Some don't seem to understand that the point of this thread was, not that the packers were lucky, but that wisconsin fans should feel lucky. Two completely different things.

Some don't seem to understand that the point of this thread was, not that the packers were lucky, but that wisconsin fans should feel lucky. Two completely different things.
For many another year without a limb lost to diabetes. A minor miracle.

wisconsin is a sea of inbred , drunkeness. bunch of complete losers with nothing in thier lives besides, happy hour, friday fish fry and the fudge packers.

screw all of them!!

wisconsin is a sea of inbred , drunkeness. bunch of complete losers with nothing in thier lives besides, happy hour, friday fish fry and the fudge packers.

screw all of them!!

A person who understands who sconnies really are! Nothin worse than a sconnie fan living in MINNESOTA!

wisconsin is a sea of inbred , drunkeness. bunch of complete losers with nothing in thier lives besides, happy hour, friday fish fry and the fudge packers.

screw all of them!!

Take away the Friday fish fry and the Packers and you just described North Dakota.

2010-2011 highlights the pervasive painful condition that is being a Minnesota football fan. Packer/Badger success really has been salt in the wound while our teams flounder.

Face it, after years like this, all we really have to say to our neighbors to the east is...

See you next year...

Now hockey team, go put those filthy skunks in their place!

Go Gophers!

Typical Minnesota sports followers. Dismiss championship teams as "lucky." Chalk it all up to "luck" and HOPE to get lucky themselves some day. Meanwhile, other teams make shrewd decisions, use a little patience and don't gamble on short-term solutions. Their success is not lucky, but a well-calculated plan.

Eh? You mean the same crap talk that Packer fans were saying about the Vikings last season?

And like someone already said.. This was directed towards the fans, not the organizations.

And what's Minnesota?

A bunch of sober, miserable, passive aggresive, overly nerdly church going pussies who have no (decent) sports team to cheer for* and the worst weather of any US state. Your claim to fame is being the most Canadian of all states and having a bunch of guys like the main character from Fargo in your state. Let's face it, most of your top students would LOVE to go to Madison over Minneapolis, and most do. Your school will never be more than a huge commuter school with no pride from the students or alumni. Congrats.

* your best team is the Twins, and you're giddy with excitement when they get to the playoffs only to lose to the Yankees every year.

Ah man, you just made me cry. Now go drink a beer and hump another animal carcass.

What do you call a HOT chick in Wisconsin???.............. LOST.

And what's Minnesota?

A bunch of sober, miserable, passive aggresive, overly nerdly church going pussies who have no (decent) sports team to cheer for* and the worst weather of any US state. Your claim to fame is being the most Canadian of all states and having a bunch of guys like the main character from Fargo in your state. Let's face it, most of your top students would LOVE to go to Madison over Minneapolis, and most do. Your school will never be more than a huge commuter school with no pride from the students or alumni. Congrats.

* your best team is the Twins, and you're giddy with excitement when they get to the playoffs only to lose to the Yankees every year.

Being the 'most-Canadian' state is an insult, ay? Better Canadian-influenced then a contest to see what the most inebriated Germans could come up with, you hoser.

The thing that disgusts me is that when the Vikings have a great season and get the #2 seed, they were the only #2 seed in the past 4 years not to get the NFC championship game on home field. Do you think that the 2009 Vikings could not have pulverized the 2010 Bears into oblivion, even at Soldier Field? Do you really think that the 2010 Packers were any better than the 2009 Vikings? Or the 1998 Vikings? Or the 1975 Vikings (or even the 1987 Vikings)? But somehow, the Packers have a 10-6 season, just enough to squeak into the playoffs in an extremely weak NFC, and then ride that weakness to a Super Bowl victory on the backs of one extremely hot arm and a whole lot of lucky bounces (if Pittsburgh recovers the opening punt fumble, that game is totally different) and a slew of relatively weak opponents (the Eagles were their only tough playoff game, since New Orleans was apparently only a one-hit wonder for the Vikings' great team last year (akin to the 1998 Falcons).

Perhaps it wasn't really Packers' luck - they seemed to earn their victory - as much as it is the extremely bad luck of Minnesota home teams, that makes everyone else appear to be "lucky". Minnesota fans are bitter and have a damn straight right to be.

Until something besides the 1987 and 1991 Twins bounces Minnesota's way in sports, the bitterness should fully remain. Just one time, since then (or before then), amazingly bad things should not happen to Minnesota sports teams.

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