Long and Powerful CNN Profile on Coach Kill: Grit beyond the game

I loved this story. It gave a lot of insight to Coach Kill and what kind of man he is. The "freak" low blow struck a chord. Maybe the lowlife who sent it actually did Coach Kill a favor, as I think that had a big part in changing how he reacts to his affliction.
As a dad, I can empathize with the author. You really want your kids just to have a shot a normal life. Like any other illness, it's particularly cruel for the child, and also brutal for the parents. I'm glad he's an advocate for his kid.
GopherinPittsburgh gets my vote for Link of the Year!

Great article. And Soupcan got blasted in it too. Made my day.

Yeah, the shots at Soupcan are beautiful. It reminds me why I ignore all of Soupy's articles or opinions.

Freak. Unworthy coach. Someone who should be fired, as one local columnist wrote, because Golden Gopher fans don't pay money to be "rewarded with the sight of a middle-aged man writhing on the ground."

Last season, the ridicule didn't come from an anonymous emailer. It was splashed across the pages of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. Kill had suffered a seizure during the fourth game of the season. He was taken off the field and sent to a hospital. The seizure, wrote columnist Jim Souhan, made the football program and the university "the subject of pity and ridicule."
Never mind the Gophers won the game. Never mind the team was 4-0. Enough was enough, Souhan wrote.
Yet a strange thing happened. If Souhan hoped to see Kill go, the column had just the opposite effect.
Minnesotans rallied around the coach, saying he stood for tough Midwestern roots. Fans wore "Jerrysota" T-shirts to games. People in the epilepsy community across the nation flooded Souhan's inbox and pinged him on Twitter. (He apologized in a follow-up column). A hashtag was spawned: #RiseAboveSeizures

Agree with everyone. This article is fantastic!

Where is Souhan's public apology? It is long overdue.

Yes, a public apology in the form a full page newspaper ad is needed but that would only be a start IMO. Soupcan needs to make amends such as giving a substantial donation to the Epilepsy Foundation, numerous hours of volunteer work with people of who have epilepsy, etc. And then, and only then, will I start to think about stoping my boycott of the Strib.

I thought I wouldn't tear up reading it for the 2nd time...not the case. What a beautiful piece. I just can't stop thinking about Billy. I hope that he is able to manage his epilepsy like Jerry Kill has, and be the success he is too.

Is it getting dusty in here? My allergies must be acting up....yeah, that's it. Not just a great piece or writing...an eloquent, powerful and moving piece of literature that I hope gets every accolade it's due.

Saw this article on Twitter, and immediately dropped every thing to read it. What a great read. I am so proud to have Coach Kill representing my alma mater, while raising awareness for epilepsy. I have learned so much about epilepsy, and have a new understanding and sensitivity to how it can affect individuals and families. This is virtually all because of Coach Kill.

I'm also thrilled that the author made sure to point out Souhan's idiocy.

Saw this article on Twitter, and immediately dropped every thing to read it. What a great read. I am so proud to have Coach Kill representing my alma mater, while raising awareness for epilepsy. I have learned so much about epilepsy, and have a new understanding and sensitivity to how it can affect individuals and families. This is virtually all because of Coach Kill. I'm also thrilled that the author made sure to point out Souhan's idiocy.

+1. Agree with all of this GBG.

From Wayne Drash, the author:

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What an incredibly touching article. Long read that never felt long. Impossible as a parent to put that down for a second.

Extra bonus points for treating Souhan for what he is, a small-time local loudmouth. The exact opposite of the image far too many MSP sports journos attempt to craft, of offering the national intellectual perspective on things. Awesome.

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